Nikoletta Zoupanou

Master degree in Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry - University of Ioannina
October 2018 (in progress)
Bachelor degree in Physics, Department of Physics- University of Ioannina
September 2013 - July 2018
Degree Grade: 6,01/10
«Temperature effect to keratin of normal samples of nails using Raman Spectroscopy», collaboration with department of Medical Physics- University of Ioannina
Supervisor Prof.: N. Kourkomelis
September 2017 – June2018
Degree Grade: 10/10
Master Thesis
«Structural identification of metal compounds using NMR Spectroscopy», Department of Chemistry- University of Athens
Supervisor Prof.: Thomas Mavromoustakos
February 2019(in progress)
Computer Qualifications
Windows Software: MicrosoftOffice Packages, Windows Hardware, Linux, DOS- UNIX
Programming Language : C, C++ , Python
Chemistry Programs: ChemDraw, GaussView, Chimera, MestReNova, Spectra Gryph - Spectroscopy
Native Greek
English:ECPE Certificate of Proficiency in English - University of Michigan
German: Level B1-Zentrale MittelstufenPrufung - Goethe Institute