Sofia Kiriakidi

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My name is Sofia Kiriakidi and I am a PhD student in Theoretical/Computational Chemistry, in Prof. Thomas Mavromoustakos´ Lab, Department of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. My research is mainly focused on Computational Drug Design and Modeling of Organic Reaction Mechanisms with DFT theory.
I am using SciNote electronic lab notebook ( in order to organise my daily lab routine.
I think it´s very important to keep my in silico experiments organized and tracked, exactly as every regular lab experiment, and I found Sci Note as the most efficient, paperless solution.
June 2016 Phd Student at Department of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Research Area: Computational Drug Design
- DFT quantum simulations on organic cyclization reactions of pharmaceutical building blocks catalyzed by Au
- Molecular Modeling and Simulations on A1T Receptor
Advisor: Prof. Thomas Mavromoustakos, Department of Chemistry
2012-2014 Master of Science in Theoretical Chemistry [120 ECTS-EQF level 7 ] Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Thesis: Quantum Computational study of the hydrogen generating mechanism of the transition metal catalyst Co[(py)(bpy)Cl2]
Supervisor: Assoc.Prof. Marcus Lundberg
2006-2012 Chemistry Degree [240 ECTS-EQF level 6]
National Capodistrian University of Athens
Thesis: “Statistical Thermodynamics study of local density heterogeneity of dilute oxygen solutions in supercritical water, with the use of Molecular Dynamics”
Supervisor: Prof. Ioannis Samios
Degree Grade: 7
Professional Experience
5/16-9/17 Regulatory Affairs Officer at Pharmassist (Contract Research Organisation)
Dossier Preparation, registration in EU region, scientific advice, legal and strategy consulting concerning authorization grant and maintenance of pharmaceutical products, compliance with Greek and EU legislation
9/16-12/16 Contracted to Pharmathen SA through Pharmassist as Regulatory Affairs Consultant
Duties similar to the above, extended to further regions (EU, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, Australia)
5/15-4/16 Medical Representative and Pharmaceutical Sales at MaBiCo for Mylan
Detailing and pharmaceutical sales, medical representation for proton pump inhibitors at Gastrologists
7/14-12/14 Researcher at Department of Pharmacy, University of Athens
Computational Drug Design
Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Antonios Kolocouris
11/14 Guest Researcher at University of Vigo (Spain)
DFT quantum simulations on organic cyclization reactions of pharmaceutical building blocks catalyzed by Au
Supervisor: Prof. Carlos Silva Lopez
2013 Reasearch Training in Theoretical Chemistry
Quantum Computational study of the hydrogen generating mechanism of the transition metal catalyst Co[(py)(bpy)Cl2]
Supervisor: Dr Marcus Lundberg
Computer Qualifications
-excellent command of computational programmes (Gaussian, Desmond, Gold, Gromacs)
-excellent command of chemistry visualization programmes (Molden,ChemDraw,VMD, GaussView, Chimera)
Windows/Linux Environment
- excellent Office command (word processor, spread sheet, presentation software)
- very good command of graphical design suites (Photoshop, InDesign)
- excellent command of Latex
- currently studying of basic programming (C, Python)
Native Greek
English: Excellent Working Proficiency
Cambridge Proficiency in English (CPE), Michingan Proficiency in English (ECPE) (C2 level)
French: Limited Proficiency , DELF (B2 level)
Swedish: Limited Proficiency, Swedex B2 (B2 level)
Spanish: learning
1. Governing effects in the mechanism of the gold-catalyzed cycloisomerization of allenic hydroxylamine derivatives, Sofia Kiriakidi,aOlalla Nieto Faza,b Antonios Kolocouris*a and Carlos Silva López*cOrg. Biomol. Chem., 2017,15, 5920-5926, doi: 10.1039/C7OB01275F
2.Quantum Computational study of the hydrogen generating mechanism of the transition metal catalyst Co[(py)(bpy)Cl2] , Liqin Xue, Sofia Kiriakidi, Anders Thapper, Sascha Ott and Marcus Lundberg [under preparation]
1. 5th International Bau Drug DesignCongress, 19-21 October 2017, Instabul, Turkey
Poster & Talk:«Interactions and Biological Evaluation of the complexed Candesartan and its prodrug Candesartan Cilexitine in Cyclodextrin with lipid bilayers
2. ΙΧth Joint Meeting In Medicinal Chemistry, 7-10 June 2015, Athens, Greece
Poster: «A DFT study of gold-catalyzed cycloisomerization of functionalized allenes»
1st ELIDEK State Scholarships, 2017