
  1. (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, C. Masouros, Ch. Tsotouras. Mathematics I, 1st edition (2024)
  2. Gupta, R., Bartolucci, F., Katsikis, V. N., & Patnaik, S. (2023). Recent Advancements in Computational Finance and Business Analytics (1st ed., pp. 300). Springer Cham. Publisher's Version
  3. (Special Issue) Modelling, Control, and Information Processing Technology in Gyroscopes (2021).
  4. (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, S. Kotsios, General Mathematics for Business and Economics Volume II, 3rd Ed. (2021).
  5. (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, S. Kotsios, General Mathematics for Business and Economics Volume II, 2nd Ed. (2020).
  6. (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, S. Kotsios, General Mathematics for Business and Economics Volume II 1st Ed.(2019).
  7. (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, Linear Algebra with Applications in MATLAB (2021).
  8. (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, Linear Algebra for Business and Economics with Applications in MATLAB (2019).
  9. Applied Linear Algebra in Action (2016).
  10. MATLAB: A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications, Volume 1 (2012).
  11. MATLAB: A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications, Volume 2 (2012)
  12. MATLAB: A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications, Volume 3 (2012).