- (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, C. Masouros, Ch. Tsotouras. Mathematics I, 1st edition (2024)
- Gupta, R., Bartolucci, F., Katsikis, V. N., & Patnaik, S. (2023). Recent Advancements in Computational Finance and Business Analytics (1st ed., pp. 300). Springer Cham. Publisher's Version
- (Special Issue) Modelling, Control, and Information Processing Technology in Gyroscopes (2021).
- (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, S. Kotsios, General Mathematics for Business and Economics Volume II, 3rd Ed. (2021).
- (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, S. Kotsios, General Mathematics for Business and Economics Volume II, 2nd Ed. (2020).
- (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, S. Kotsios, General Mathematics for Business and Economics Volume II 1st Ed.(2019).
- (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, Linear Algebra with Applications in MATLAB (2021).
- (In Greek) V.N. Katsikis, Linear Algebra for Business and Economics with Applications in MATLAB (2019).
- Applied Linear Algebra in Action (2016).
- MATLAB: A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications, Volume 1 (2012).
- MATLAB: A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications, Volume 2 (2012)
- MATLAB: A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications, Volume 3 (2012).