Gracia J, Vlahakis N, Tsinganos K.
Jet simulations extending radially self-similar magnetohydrodynamics models. [Internet]. 2006;367:201 - 210.
WebsiteAbstractWe perform a numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) radially self-similar jets, whose prototype is the Blandford & Payne analytical example. The final steady state that is reached is valid close to the rotation axis and also at large distances above the disc where the classical analytical model fails to provide physically acceptable solutions. The outflow starts with a subslow magnetosonic speed, which subsequently crosses all relevant MHD critical points and corresponding magnetosonic separatrix surfaces. The characteristics are plotted together with the Mach cones and the superfast magnetosonic outflow satisfies MHD causality. The final solution remains close enough to the analytical one, which is thus shown to be topologically stable and robust for various boundary conditions.
Sauty C, Meliani Z, Trussoni E, Tsinganos K, Vlahakis N.
Relativistic Jet Modeling: Application to AGN. In: Vol. 861. AIP; 2006. pp. 736 - 742.
WebsiteAbstractAGN are associated with relativistic winds and jets. We discuss the application of meridionally self-similar models to winds and jets from hot relativistic coronae, in particular in the central region of accretion disks. We try to understand the respective role of the disk and the central super massive black hole in the source of the jet as well as the classification of those jets. If the orientation of the jet respectively to the observer is one of the key to understand the standard classification, another parameter is the energy distribution of the magnetic rotator which efficiency should increase between jets from Seyferts and jets from Fanaroff Riley (FR) objects. Moreover the thermal confinement in FRI jets may turn out to be more important than in the magnetically confined FRII jets whose environment is clearly poorer. This scenario deduced from analytical modeling needs further investigation trough numerical simulations.
Tsinganos K, Meliani Z, Sauty C, Vlahakis N, Trussoni E.
A GRMHD model for cosmical jets. In: Vol. 848. AIP; 2006. pp. 560 - 569.
WebsiteAbstractWe present self-similar semi-analytical solutions obtained in the framework of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) which describe steady and axisymmetric outflows from the system of a hot coronal magnetosphere of a Schwarzschild black hole and its surrounding accretion disk. The model allows to extend previous non relativistic MHD studies for coronal winds from young stars to spine jets from Active Galactic Nuclei surrounded by disk-driven outflows, The collimation depends critically on an energetic integral measuring the efficiency of the magnetic rotator, similarly to the non relativistic case. The outflows are thermally driven and magnetically (thermally) collimated if the magnetic rotator is efficient (inefficient). It is also shown that relativistic effects affect quantitatively the depth of the gravitational well and the coronal temperature distribution in the launching region of the outflow. Similarly to previous analytical and numerical studies, relativistic effects tend to increase the efficiency of the thermal driving but reduce the effect of magnetic self-collimation.
Vlahakis N.
Magnetic Driving of AGN Jets. In: Vol. 848. AIP; 2006. pp. 540 - 549.
WebsiteAbstractJets in active galactic nuclei are collimated, relativistic flows that emanate from accretion disks around supermassive black holes. Electromagnetic stresses are the most plausible candidate for extracting energy at the source and converting it into outflow kinetic energy. Questions that need to be answered in order for these processes to be well understood are: Can we explain parsec-scale accelerations that the observations infer? How the conditions near the disk are related to the terminal Lorentz factor of the jet and what is the asymptotic value of the Poynting-to-matter energy flux ratio? Can we model the apparent kinematics of the observed jet components? I present solutions of the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations that help to shed light on these questions.
Vlahakis N.
Jet Driving in GRB Sources. In: ; 2006. pp. 6".
Website Gracia J, Vlahakis N, Tsinganos K.
Jet simulations extending radially self-similar magnetohydrodynamics models. [Internet]. 2006;367:201 - 210.
WebsiteAbstractWe perform a numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) radially self-similar jets, whose prototype is the Blandford & Payne analytical example. The final steady state that is reached is valid close to the rotation axis and also at large distances above the disc where the classical analytical model fails to provide physically acceptable solutions. The outflow starts with a subslow magnetosonic speed, which subsequently crosses all relevant MHD critical points and corresponding magnetosonic separatrix surfaces. The characteristics are plotted together with the Mach cones and the superfast magnetosonic outflow satisfies MHD causality. The final solution remains close enough to the analytical one, which is thus shown to be topologically stable and robust for various boundary conditions.
Meliani Z, Sauty C, Vlahakis N, Tsinganos K, Trussoni E.
Nonradial and nonpolytropic astrophysical outflows. VIII. A GRMHD generalization for relativistic jets. [Internet]. 2006;447:797 - 812.
WebsiteAbstractSteady axisymmetric outflows originating at the hot coronal magnetosphere of a Schwarzschild black hole and surrounding accretion disk are studied in the framework of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD). The assumption of meridional self-similarity is adopted for the construction of semi-analytical solutions of the GRMHD equations describing outflows close to the polar axis. In addition, it is assumed that relativistic effects related to the rotation of the black hole and the plasma are negligible compared to the gravitational and other energetic terms. The constructed model allows us to extend previous MHD studies for coronal winds from young stars to spine jets from Active Galactic Nuclei surrounded by disk-driven outflows. The outflows are thermally driven and magnetically or thermally collimated. The collimation depends critically on an energetic integral measuring the efficiency of the magnetic rotator, similarly to the non relativistic case. It is also shown that relativistic effects quantitatively affect the depth of the gravitational well and the coronal temperature distribution in the launching region of the outflow. Similarly to previous analytical and numerical studies, relativistic effects tend to increase the efficiency of the thermal driving but reduce the effect of magnetic self-collimation.
Vlahakis N.
Relativistic AGN Jets. [Internet]. 2006;2:26 - 29.
WebsiteAbstractJets in active galactic nuclei are collimated, relativistic flows that emanate from accretion disks around supermassive black holes. Electromagnetic stress- es are the most plausible candidate for extracting energy from the source and converting it into outflow kinetic energy. Questions that need to be answered in order for these processes to be well understood are: Can we explain parsec-scale accelerations that the observations infer? How the conditions near the disk are related to the terminal Lorentz factor of the jet and what is the asymptotic value of the Poynting-to-matter energy flux ratio? Can we model the apparent kinematics of the observed jet components? I present solutions of the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations that help to shed light on these questions.
Magkanari M, Sapountzis K, Mastichiadis A, Vlahakis N.
Radiation from internal shocks in magnetized supercritical flows. [Internet]. 2006;121:1507 - 1508.
Website Sauty C, Meliani Z, Trussoni E, Tsinganos K, Vlahakis N.
Relativistic Jet Modeling: Application to AGN. In: Vol. 861. ; 2006. pp. 736 - 742.
WebsiteAbstractAGN are associated with relativistic winds and jets. We discuss the application of meridionally self-similar models to winds and jets from hot relativistic coronae, in particular in the central region of accretion disks. We try to understand the respective role of the disk and the central super massive black hole in the source of the jet as well as the classification of those jets. If the orientation of the jet respectively to the observer is one of the key to understand the standard classification, another parameter is the energy distribution of the magnetic rotator which efficiency should increase between jets from Seyferts and jets from Fanaroff Riley (FR) objects. Moreover the thermal confinement in FRI jets may turn out to be more important than in the magnetically confined FRII jets whose environment is clearly poorer. This scenario deduced from analytical modeling needs further investigation trough numerical simulations.
Vlahakis N.
Magnetized outflows. [Internet]. 2006;121:1145 - 1155.
Website Tsinganos K, Meliani Z, Sauty C, Vlahakis N, Trussoni E.
A GRMHD model for cosmical jets. In: Vol. 848. ; 2006. pp. 560 - 569.
WebsiteAbstractWe present self-similar semi-analytical solutions obtained in the framework of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) which describe steady and axisymmetric outflows from the system of a hot coronal magnetosphere of a Schwarzschild black hole and its surrounding accretion disk. The model allows to extend previous non relativistic MHD studies for coronal winds from young stars to spine jets from Active Galactic Nuclei surrounded by disk-driven outflows, The collimation depends critically on an energetic integral measuring the efficiency of the magnetic rotator, similarly to the non relativistic case. The outflows are thermally driven and magnetically (thermally) collimated if the magnetic rotator is efficient (inefficient). It is also shown that relativistic effects affect quantitatively the depth of the gravitational well and the coronal temperature distribution in the launching region of the outflow. Similarly to previous analytical and numerical studies, relativistic effects tend to increase the efficiency of the thermal driving but reduce the effect of magnetic self-collimation.
Vlahakis N.
Magnetic Driving of AGN Jets. In: Vol. 848. ; 2006. pp. 540 - 549.
WebsiteAbstractJets in active galactic nuclei are collimated, relativistic flows that emanate from accretion disks around supermassive black holes. Electromagnetic stresses are the most plausible candidate for extracting energy at the source and converting it into outflow kinetic energy. Questions that need to be answered in order for these processes to be well understood are: Can we explain parsec-scale accelerations that the observations infer? How the conditions near the disk are related to the terminal Lorentz factor of the jet and what is the asymptotic value of the Poynting-to-matter energy flux ratio? Can we model the apparent kinematics of the observed jet components? I present solutions of the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations that help to shed light on these questions.
Vlahakis N.
Disk-Jet Connection. In: Vol. 350. ; 2006. pp. 169.
WebsiteAbstractAGN jets are collimated, relativistic flows that emanate from accretion disks around supermassive black holes. Electromagnetic stresses are the most plausible candidate for extracting energy at the source and converting it into outflow kinetic energy. Among the questions that need to be answered in order for these processes to be well understood are: How the conditions near the disk are related to the terminal Lorentz factor of the jet? What is the asymptotic value of the Poynting-to-matter energy flux ratio? Can we explain the apparent kinematics of the observed jet components? I present exact solutions as well as a general analysis of the ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations that help to shed light on these questions.