
Hatzimoysis A. Valent Representation: Problems and Prospects. Journal of Philosophy of Emotion. 2024;5(2). ax_2024a_valent_representation.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Anguish and Anxiety. In: Sartre and Analytic Philosophy. Routledge; 2024. Anguish_and_Anxiety.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Sartre. In: The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion. London: Routledge; 2020. pp. 72-90. ax_2020a_rhpe.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. In Search for the Rationality of Moods. In: The Value of Emotions for Knowledge. London: Palgrave MacMillan; 2019. pp. 281-296. ax_2019a_in_search_for_the_rationality_of_moods.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Sartre. In: The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenological Psychopathology. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2018. pp. 72-90. ax_2019b_sartre_oxford_handbook_of_phenomenological_psychopathology.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Representationalism and the Intentionality of Moods. Philosophia . 2018;45(4):1515-1526. Representationalism and the intentionality of moods.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Sartre on Affectivity. In: Thinking about the Emotions. Oxford University Press; 2017. pp. 272-290. ax_2018a_sartre_on_affectivity.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Consistency in the Sartrean Analysis of Emotion. Analysis. 2014;74:81-83. Consistency in the Sartrean analysis of emotion.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Passive Fear. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. 2014;13(4):613-623. Passive Fear.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Knowledge. In: Sartre: Key Concepts. London: Routledge; 2013. pp. 143-151. ax_2013b_knowledge_sartre_key_concepts.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Introduction to Self-Knowledge. In: Self-Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2011. pp. 1-11. ax_2011a_self-knoweldge.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Self-Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2011. Publisher's Version
Hatzimoysis A. The Philosophy of Sartre. London: Routledge; 2010. Publisher's Version
Hatzimoysis A. A Sartrean Critique of Introspection. In: Reading Sartre on Phenomenology and Existentialism . London: Routledge; 2010. pp. 90-99. ax_2010c_sartrean_critique_of_introspection.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Philosophy and the Emotions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2003. Publisher's Version ax_2003a_philosophy_and_the_emotions.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Sentimental Value. Philosophical Quarterly. 2003;53:373-379. ax_2003b_sentimental_value.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Idealism and the Explanatory Turn. Bradely Studies. 2000;6:193-200. ax_2000b_idealism_and_the_explanatory_turn.pdf
Hatzimoysis A. Ontology and Axiology. Philosophy. 1997;72:293-296. ax_2007_ontology_and_axiology.pdf