Publications by Year: 2018

Tsiboukli, A., Efstratoglou, A., Gavalakis, N., Gounda, N., Filinis, K., Diakoumakou, A., Kaltsa, K., et al. (2018). European Skills Index:Εκτιμήσεις για την Ελλάδα-Προσέγγιση Ερμηνευτικών Παραγόντων και Προτάσεις (pp. 1-19). presented at the 2018, Athens: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Publisher's Version
Tsiboukli, A. (2018). Transformative Learning and Group Psychodynamics in Organisation Settings. 3rd Biennial Conference: Contemporary Dilemmas and Learning for Transformation. Milan,Italy: ESREA. Publisher's Version
Armaos, R., & Tsiboukli, A. (2018). Adult Education and Change in Organisations. 3rd Biennial Conference: Contemporary Dilemmas and Learning for Transformation.
Tsiboukli, A., Kedraka, K., & Phillips, N. (2018). Learning Experiences of Postgraduate Students completing a course at the Hellenic Open University. International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences, 5(1), 63-69. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The present study focuses on adult trainees’ reflection upon their personal course of action and development on completing the five-year long post graduate program: “Adult Education” at the Hellenic Open University. Reflecting back, students where asked to evaluate their experience. It seems that learning within the research context is positively experienced. The positive aspects are relevant to how participants in this study managed to communicate with others when they were asked to express their own assumptions and reflect feelings and thoughts in a context of critical thinking and open dialogue.
Τσιμπουκλή, Άννα. (2018). Jack Mezirow και Roger Gould: Η σχέση και οι διακριτές διαδρομές. In Διεύρυνοντας τη θεωρία Μετασχηματισμού. Αθήνα: ΕΕΕΕ.