The Density of States and the Pertinent Electronic Properties of the Quasi 2DEG in Simple and DMS Structures Subjected to an In-Plane Magnetic Field


Simserides C. The Density of States and the Pertinent Electronic Properties of the Quasi 2DEG in Simple and DMS Structures Subjected to an In-Plane Magnetic Field. Journal of Computational Electronics [Internet]. 2003;2:459-463.


We analyze the important changes induced to the density of states (DOS) of a quasi two-dimensional-electron-gas (2DEG), when it is subjected to an in-plane magnetic field, B. The DOS diverges significantly from the famous step-like form and this introduces changes to the pertinent electronic properties. In order to calculate the DOS it is indispensable to use a self-consistent approach. The eigenvalue problem has to be solved for each subband index i and in-plane wavevector, k x, when the quasi 2DEG is parallel to the xy-plane and B is applied along the y-axis. Although the modification of the DOS is usually ignored, we show here that not only the general shape of the DOS varies, but this effect is also quantitative.


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