Publications by Year: 2016

Lambropoulos K, Chatzieleftheriou M, Morphis A, Kaklamanis K, Lopp R, Theodorakou M, Tassi M, Simserides C. Electronic structure and carrier transfer in B-DNA monomer polymers and dimer polymers: Stationary and time-dependent aspects of a wire model versus an extended ladder model. Physical Review E. 2016;94(6):062403.
Lambropoulos K, Chatzieleftheriou M, Morphis A, Kaklamanis K, Theodorakou M, Simserides C. Publisher's Note: Unbiased charge oscillations in B-DNA: Monomer polymers and dimer polymers [Phys. Rev. E 92, 032725 (2015)]. Phys. Rev. E [Internet]. 2016;93:069902. Website
Lambropoulos K, Chatzieleftheriou M, Morphis A, Kaklamanis K, Lopp R, Theodorakou M, Tassi M, Simserides C. Electronic structure and carrier transfer in B-DNA monomer polymers and dimer polymers: Stationary and time-dependent aspects of a wire model versus an extended ladder model. Physical Review E [Internet]. 2016;94:062403. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We employ two tight-binding (TB) approaches to systematically study the electronic structure and hole or electron transfer in B-DNA monomer polymers and dimer polymers made up of N monomers (base pairs): (I) at the base-pair level, using the onsite energies of base pairs and the hopping integrals between successive base pairs, i.e., a wire model and (II) at the single-base level, using the onsite energies of the bases and the hopping integrals between neighboring bases, i.e., an extended ladder model since we also include diagonal hoppings. We solve a system of M (matrix dimension) coupled equations [(I) M=N, (II) M=2N] for the time-independent problem, and a system of M coupled first order differential equations for the time-dependent problem. We perform a comparative study of stationary and time-dependent aspects of the two TB variants, using realistic sets of parameters. The studied properties include HOMO and LUMO eigenspectra, occupation probabilities, density of states and HOMO-LUMO gaps as well as mean over time probabilities to find the carrier at each site [(I) base pair or (II) base], Fourier spectra, which reflect the frequency content of charge transfer, and pure mean transfer rates from a certain site to another. The two TB approaches give coherent, complementary aspects of electronic properties and charge transfer in B-DNA monomer polymers and dimer polymers.
Lambropoulos K, Kaklamanis K, Morphis A, Tassi M, Lopp R, Georgiadis G, Theodorakou M, Chatzieleftheriou M, Simserides C. Wire and extended ladder model predict THz oscillations in DNA monomers, dimers and trimers. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter [Internet]. 2016;28:495101. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We call monomer a B-DNA base pair and study, analytically and numerically, electron or hole oscillations in monomers, dimers and trimers. We employ two tight binding (TB) approaches: (I) at the base-pair level, using the on-site energies of the base pairs and the hopping parameters between successive base pairs i.e. a wire model, and (II) at the single-base level, using the on-site energies of the bases and the hopping parameters between neighbouring bases, specifically between (a) two successive bases in the same strand, (b) complementary bases that define a base pair, and (c) diagonally located bases of successive base pairs, i.e. an extended ladder model since it also includes the diagonal hoppings (c). For monomers, with TB II, we predict periodic carrier oscillations with frequency –550 THz. For dimers, with TB I, we predict periodic carrier oscillations with –100 THz. For trimers made of identical monomers, with TB I, we predict periodic carrier oscillations with –33 THz. In other cases, either with TB I or TB II, the oscillations may be not strictly periodic, but Fourier analysis shows similar frequency content. For dimers and trimers, TB I and TB II are successfully compared giving complementary aspects of the oscillations.
Mantela M, Morphis A, Tassi M, Simserides C. Lowest ionisation and excitation energies of biologically important heterocyclic planar molecules. Molecular Physics [Internet]. 2016;114:709-718. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We calculate the lowest ionisation and excitation energies in a variety of biologically important molecules, i.e. π-conjugated systems like DNA and RNA bases and isomers plus related heterocyclic molecules. For approximately half of these molecules, there are no experimental and theoretical/numerical data in the literature, as far as we know. These electronic transitions are mainly but not exclusively of π and π–π* character, respectively. We perform symmetry-constrained density functional theory (DFT) geometry optimisation at the B3LYP/6-311++G** level of theory. At the DFT-obtained ground-state geometries, we calculate vertical ionisation energies with ionisation potential coupled cluster with singles and doubles (IP-EOMCCSD) and vertical excitation energies with the completely renormalised equation of motion coupled cluster with singles, doubles, and non-iterative triples (CR-EOMCCSD(T)) method. We also investigate whether a simple semi-empirical Hückel-type model approach with novel parametrisation could provide reasonable estimates of the lowest π ionisation and π–π* excitation energies. Our coupled cluster (CC) results are in very good agreement with experimental data, while the Hückel-type model predictions generally follow the trends with some deviation. Finally, we investigate the effect of basis set in IP-EOMCCSD energies and we compare our CR-EOMCCSD(T) results with time-dependent DFT (TDDFT) ones.