Electronic structure and carrier transfer in B-DNA monomer polymers and dimer polymers: Stationary and time-dependent aspects of a wire model versus an extended ladder model


Lambropoulos K, Chatzieleftheriou M, Morphis A, Kaklamanis K, Lopp R, Theodorakou M, Tassi M, Simserides C. Electronic structure and carrier transfer in B-DNA monomer polymers and dimer polymers: Stationary and time-dependent aspects of a wire model versus an extended ladder model. Physical Review E [Internet]. 2016;94:062403.


We employ two tight-binding (TB) approaches to systematically study the electronic structure and hole or electron transfer in B-DNA monomer polymers and dimer polymers made up of N monomers (base pairs): (I) at the base-pair level, using the onsite energies of base pairs and the hopping integrals between successive base pairs, i.e., a wire model and (II) at the single-base level, using the onsite energies of the bases and the hopping integrals between neighboring bases, i.e., an extended ladder model since we also include diagonal hoppings. We solve a system of M (matrix dimension) coupled equations [(I) M=N, (II) M=2N] for the time-independent problem, and a system of M coupled first order differential equations for the time-dependent problem. We perform a comparative study of stationary and time-dependent aspects of the two TB variants, using realistic sets of parameters. The studied properties include HOMO and LUMO eigenspectra, occupation probabilities, density of states and HOMO-LUMO gaps as well as mean over time probabilities to find the carrier at each site [(I) base pair or (II) base], Fourier spectra, which reflect the frequency content of charge transfer, and pure mean transfer rates from a certain site to another. The two TB approaches give coherent, complementary aspects of electronic properties and charge transfer in B-DNA monomer polymers and dimer polymers.


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