Magneto-optics of quantum dots in the near field


Simserides C, Zora A, Triberis G. Magneto-optics of quantum dots in the near field. International Journal of Modern Physics B [Internet]. 2007;21:1649-1653.


We examine a quantum dot (QD) illuminated in the near field with subwavelength spatial resolution, while simultaneously it is subjected to a magnetic field of variable orientation and magnitude. The magnetic field orientation can conserve or destroy the zero-magnetic-field ("structural") symmetry. The asymmetry induced by the magnetic field -except for specific orientations along symmetry axes- can be uncovered in the near-field (NF) but not in the far-field (FF) spectra. We predict that NF magnetoabsorption experiments of realistic spatial resolution could reveal the QD symmetry. This exceptional symmetry-resolving power of the near-field optics, is lost in the far field.


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