A theory-based educational intervention to pediatricians in order to improve identification and referral of maternal depression: a quasi-experimental study


Agapidaki E, Souliotis K, Christogiorgos S, lannis Zervas, Leonardou A, Kolaitis G, Giannakopoulos G, Dimitrakaki C, Tountas Y. A theory-based educational intervention to pediatricians in order to improve identification and referral of maternal depression: a quasi-experimental study. Ann Gen Psychiatry [Internet]. 2013;12(1):37.


Maternal depression has a negative impact on both the mother and child's physical and mental health, as well as impairs parenting skills and pediatric health care utilization. The pediatricians' role in identification and management of maternal depression is well established. Although it can be successfully and easily treated, maternal depression remains under-recognized and under-treated. Despite the heightened emphasis, there is lack of interventions to pediatricians in order to improve detection and management of maternal depression.

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