Publications by Year: 2015

Franck J, Avramidis K, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Jin J, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. A generic mode selection strategy for high-order mode gyrotrons operating at multiple frequencies. Nuclear Fusion [Internet]. 2015;55. Website
Avramidis KA, Ioannidis ZC, Kern S, Samartsev A, Pagonakis IG, Tigelis IG, Jelonnek J. A comparative study on the modeling of dynamic after-cavity interaction in gyrotrons. Physics of Plasmas [Internet]. 2015;22. Website
Schlaich A, Chuanren W, Pagonakis I, Avramidis KA, Illy S, Gantenbein G, Jelonnek J, Thumm M. Separation of thermal expansion and beam charge neutralization effects in high power 140 GHz CW gyrotrons. In: ICOPS/BEAMS 2014 - 41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams. ; 2015. Website
Avramidis KA, Tran T-M, Brunner S, Wu C, Alberti S, Jelonnek J. Studies on boundary conditions for gyrotron interaction modeling. In: ICOPS/BEAMS 2014 - 41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams. ; 2015. Website
Kalaria PC, Avramidis KA, Franck J, Illy S, Pagonakis IG, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Multi-frequency operation of DEMO gyrotron with realistic electron beam parameters. In: Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2015. ; 2015. Website
Avramidis KA, Samartsev A, Gantenbein G. Optimization of the resonator of a MW-class frequency step-tunable gyrotron. In: Proceedings of 2015 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2015. ; 2015. Website
Wu C, Avramidis KA, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. An Improved Broadband Boundary Condition for the RF Field in Gyrotron Interaction Modeling. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques [Internet]. 2015;63:2459-2467. Website
Samartsev A, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Dammertz G, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Efficient frequency step-tunable megawatt-class D-band gyrotron. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices [Internet]. 2015;62:2327-2332. Website
Chelis IG, Avramidis KA, Vomvoridis JL. Resonant modes of disk-loaded cylindrical structures with open boundaries. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques [Internet]. 2015;63:1781-1790. Website
Kalaria P, Avramidis KA, Franck J, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Pagonakis IG, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Interaction circuit design and RF behavior of a 236 GHz gyrotron for DEMO. In: 2015 German Microwave Conference, GeMiC 2015. ; 2015. pp. 264-267. Website
Franck J, Pagonakis IG, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Magnetron injection gun for a 238 GHz 2 MW coaxial-cavity gyrotron. In: 2015 German Microwave Conference, GeMiC 2015. ; 2015. pp. 260-263. Website
Zhang J, Illy S, Gr Pagonakis I, Avramidis KA, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Influence of emitter surface roughness on high power fusion gyrotron operation. Nuclear Fusion [Internet]. 2015;56. Website
Avramidis KA. Investigations and advanced concepts on gyrotron interaction modeling and simulations. Physics of Plasmas [Internet]. 2015;22. Website
Rzesnicki T, Pagonakis IG, Samartsev A, Avramidis K, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Jelonnek J, Jin J, Lechte C, Losert M, et al. Recent experimental results of the European 1 MW, 170 GHz short-pulse gyrotron prototype for ITER. In: IRMMW-THz 2015 - 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. ; 2015. Website
Gantenbein G, Samartsev A, Avramidis KA, Dammertz G, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Efficient frequency step-tunable megawatt-class D-band gyrotron. In: IRMMW-THz 2015 - 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. ; 2015. Website
Franck J, Avramidis KA, Pagonakis IG, Illy S, Gantenbein G, Thumm M, Jelonnek J. Multi-frequency design of a 2 MW coaxial-cavity gyrotron for DEMO. In: IRMMW-THz 2015 - 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. ; 2015. Website
Alberti S, Braunmueller F, Genoud J, Hogge J-P, Tran TM, Tran MQ, Avramidis K, Pagonakis IG, Jin J, Illy S, et al. Dual-frequency, 126/84 GHz, 1 MW gyrotron for the upgrade of the TCV EC-system. In: IRMMW-THz 2015 - 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves. ; 2015. Website
Schmid M, Franck J, Kalaria P, Avramidis KA, Gantenbein G, Illy S, Jelonnek J, Pagonakis IG, Rzesnicki T, Thumm M. Gyrotron development at KIT: FULGOR test facility and gyrotron concepts for DEMO. Fusion Engineering and Design [Internet]. 2015;96-97:589-592. Website
Pagonakis IG, Albajar F, Alberti S, Avramidis K, Bonicelli T, Braunmueller F, Bruschi A, Chelis I, Cismondi F, Gantenbein G, et al. Status of the development of the EU 170 GHz/1 MW/CW gyrotron. Fusion Engineering and Design [Internet]. 2015;96-97:149-154. Website
Schlaich A, Wu C, Pagonakis I, Avramidis K, Illy S, Gantenbein G, Jelonnek J, Thumm M. Frequency-Based Investigation of Charge Neutralization Processes and Thermal Cavity Expansion in Gyrotrons. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves [Internet]. 2015;36:797-818. Website