Α. International Conferences
- 6/4/2017. Κ. Kopanias, P. Barlagianni, "Ritualizing funerary practices in Mesopotamia: the case of the “Royal Cemetery” of Ur." Paper presented in the Workshop "Ritualizing Funerary Practices in the Prehistoric Aegean. Acts of Transforming and Viewing the Human Body", in Thessaloniki, organized by the University of Thessaloniki.
- 19/1/2017. K. Kopanias, "Hiyawa, Αχαιοί, Υπαχαιοί: Μία περίπτωση Εθνογένεσης στην Κιλικία κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού και την Πρώιμη Εποχή του Σιδήρου; [Hiyawa, Achaeans, Hypachaeans: A Case of Ethnogenesis in Cilicia During the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age?]" Paper presented in the International Conference "Έλλην, Ρωμηός, Γραικός. Collective Identifications and Identities", in Athens, organized by the University of Athens.
- 14/10/2016. E. Mantzourani, K. Kopanias, Ι. Voskos, "A Great King on Alashia? The Archaeological and Textual Evidence." Paper presented in the Workshop "From LUGAL.GAL to Wanax? Kingship and State Formation in the Late Bronze Age Aegean" in Leiden, organized by the University of Leiden.
- 28/11/2015. K. Kopanias, "The Tell Nader/Baqrta Project: Past Research and Future Perspectives." Paper presented at the Table Ronde Internationale, 27-28/11/2015, «Deux journées d’études autour de Qasr Shemamok, région d’Erbil» in Paris (27-28/11/15), organized by the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris.
- 20/7/2015. K. Kopanias, "Deconstructing Achilles/Pyrisoos. The Stories about Piyamaradu and the Making of a Homeric Heros." Paper presented at the International Conference "Contacts, Migrations and Climate Change", organized by the Charles University in Prague. Prague, 19-22/5/2015.
- 6/4/2014. K. Kopanias, C. Beuger, N. Babakr, "Preliminary Results from the 2013 Excavation Season in Tell Nader and in Tell Baqrta in the Erbil Province". Paper presented at the International Conference "Ancient Arbela: Pre-Islamic History of Erbil", organized by the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (FIME), the Institut français du Proche-Orient – Erbil (IFPO) and the Department of Archaeology, Salahaddin University – Hawler. Erbil, 7-10/4/2014.
- 6/2/2014. K. Kopanias, "From the Mythical Atreus to the Ruler Attarissiya. Aegean Kingship in the Late Bronze Age through the Prism of Near Eastern Texts". Paper presented at the International Conference in honor of Pierre Carlier "Kingship in Ancient Greece: from Agamemnon to Cleopatra. Athens, 6-8/2/2014.
- 8.2. 2/11/2013. K. Kopanias, "The Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta Projects in Erbil Province". Paper presented at the International Conference "Archaeological Research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the adjacent areas", organized by the Faculty of History and Archaeology and the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research of the Cambridge University. Athens, 1-3/11/13.
- 14/6/2013. K. Kopanias, "Archaeological Research of the University of Athens in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: the Tell Nader/Baqrta Project". Paper presented at the International Conference “Archaeology and History of Empires: Models, projects and works in progress in Northern Mesopotamia. New programs in Iraqi Kurdistan”, organized by the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris. Paris.
- 4/6/2013. K. Kopanias. "An Attempt to Define the Ubaid and its Cultural Borders in Northeastern Mesopotamia". Paper presented at the International Conference "Bordered places - bounded times. Reflexive approaches to understanding societies", organized by The British institute at Ankara (BIAA). Ankara.
- 15/12/2012. K. Kopanias – C. Beuger – J. McGinnis – J. Ur, "The Tell Baqrta Project in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq". Paper presented at the International Conference "The Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire", organized by the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research of the Cambridge University. Cambridge.
- 20/7/2012. K. Kopanias - C. Beuger, "New insights for the burial customs and the pottery of the Northern Tigridian Chalcolithic: The finds from Tell Nader (Erbil)." Paper presented at the International Conference "Private and State. 58e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale", organized by the Department of Assyriology of Leiden University and the Netherlands Institute for the Near East. Leiden, 16-20/7/2012.
- 1/5/2012. K. Kopanias - C. Beuger - S. Fox - A. Hadjikoumis - A. Livarda, "Preliminary Results from the Excavation at Tell Nader in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq." Paper presented at the "8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE)", organised jointly by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw and Institute of Archaeology University of Warsaw. Warsaw, 30/4-4/5/2012. Available here as an audio PowerPoint presentation: http://www.academia.edu/attachments/14868420/download_file
- 12/4/2012. S. Fox - K. Kopanias, "Headshaping at Tell Nader." Paper presented at the International Conference "Embodied Identities in the Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean: Convergence of Theory and Practices", organized by the University of Cyprus and the University of Athens. Nicosia, 10-12/4/2012.
- 31/10/2011. K. Kopanias, "Tell Nader Project in the Kurdistan Region of Irak." Paper presented at the International Conference "International Meeting on Iraqi Archaeology. New Research, New Projects", organized by the Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO). Erbil.
- 31/3/2011. K. Kopanias, "The Mushki/Phrygian problem from the Near Eastern point of view". Paper presented at the International Conference "NOSTOI. Indigenous Culture, Migration and Integration in the Aegean Islands and Western Anatolia during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age", organized by the Koç University, the University of Crete and the University of Athens. Istanbul 31/3-3/4/2011.
- 27/11/2010. K. Kopanias, "Η μνήμη των νεκρών στην αρχαία Εγγύς Ανατολή. Το παράδειγμα του «βασιλικού νεκροταφείου» της Ur στην νότια Μεσοποταμία [The Memory of the Dead in the Ancient Near East. The Example of the "Royal Cemetery" of Ur in South Mesopotamia]". Paper presented at the Conference "Η μνήμη της κοινότητας και η διαχείρισή της [The Memory of the Community and its Management]", organized by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Athens.
- 30/5/2009. K. Kopanias, “Η Εικόνα του Κάτω Κόσμου στην Εγγύς Ανατολή και Αιγαίο [The Image of the Neverworld in the Near East and the Aegean]“. Paper presented at the International Conference "ATHANASIA. Ο άνω, ο υπεράνω και ο κάτω κόσμος στη Μεσόγειο της ΥΕΧ και της ΠΕΣ [The Earthly, the Celestial and the Underworld in the Mediterranean from the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age]". Rhodes.
- 19/11/2005. K. Kopanias. "The Late Bronze Age Near Eastern Cylinder Seals from Thebes (Greece) and their Historical Implications." Paper presented at the 4th International Conference of the Society of Boeotian Studies. Thebes.
- 19/5/2005. G. Kokkorou-Alevras - A. Chatziconstantinou - A. Efstathopoulos - E. Zavvou - N. Themos - K. Kopanias - E. Poupaki. "Corpus of Ancient Quarries in Laconia." Paper presented at the International Conference "Sparta and Lakonia from Prehistory to Premodern", organized by the British Archaeological School. Sparta.
- 19/5/2005. K. Kopanias. "Some Ivories from the Geometric Stratum of Artemis Ortheia at Sparta: Interconnections between Sparta, Crete and the Orient during the late 8th century B.C." Paper presented at the International Conference "Sparta and Lakonia from Prehistory to Premodern", organized by the British Archaeological School. Sparta.
- 23/4/2005. K. Kopanias. “Preliminary Report of the Halasarna Project of the University of Athens.” Paper presented in the Symposion “Aegean Koinē. A diachronic approach to the Aegean World and its cultures: 3000 BC – AD 2000” in the University of Oxford. Oxford.
- 11/11/2000. K. Kopanias. “Akkulturation am Beispiel einer arkadischen Statue des 7.Jhs.v.Chr.“ Paper presented in the International Conference “Brückenland Anatolien? Ursachen, Extensität und Modi des Kulturaustausches zwischen Anatolien und seinen Nachbarn”, organized by the Graduiertenkolleg “Anatolien und seine Nachbarn” of the University of Tübingen. Tübingen.
- 11/9/2000. K. Kopanias. "A post-daedalic statue of Kadmos in Tanagra?" Paper presented at the 4th International Conference of the Society of Boeotian Studies. Levadeia.
B. Non International Conference, Lectures, other presentations
- 2/5/18. K. Kopanias. “The Archaeological Research of the University of Athens in the Kurdistan Region of Irak”. Lecture at the Research Archaeological Unit of the University of Cyprus. Nicosia.
- 6/4/17. K. Kopanias. "Where was the Land of Danuna located;" Paper at the Symposium "Excavation and Study XI", organized by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Athens. Athens.
- 6/4/17. E. Mantzourani, K. Kopanias, I. Voskos, "The "Great King of Alashia": archaeological and textual evidence on the sociopolitical organization of Cyprus during the Late Bronze Age." Paper at the Symposium "Excavation and Study XI", organized by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Athens. Athens.
- 29/2/16. K. Kopanias, "The Academic Work of G. Kokkorou-Alevra". Paper at the Symposium "New Finds and Results. Symposion in Honor of the Prof. Em. G. Kokkorou-Alevra". Athens.
- 6/5/2015. K. Kopanias. "Μυκηναίοι μισθοφόροι στην υπηρεσία του Suppiluliuma II; [Mycenaean Mercenaries in the Service of Suppiluliuma II?]" Paper presented at the Symposion in Honor of Professor Spyridon Iakovides". Athens.
- 22/4/15. K. Kopanias. "Οι θρύλοι για τον Πιγιαμαράντου και η δημιουργία ενός ομηρικού ήρωα [The Legends about Piyamaradu and the Creation of a Homeric Hero]." Paper a the Symposium "Excavation and Study X", organized by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Athens. Athens.
- 11/12/2014. K. Kopanias. "Η αρχαιολογική έρευνα του Τομέα στην Περιφέρεια Κουρδιστάν του Ιράκ [The Archaeological Research of the Department in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq]". Lecture on the occasion of the "Presentation of the Field Work Projects of the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens". Athens 29/9/2014.
- Participation as a key expert on behalf of the Permanent Delegation of Greece to UNESCO to the Conference "Le patrimoine irakien en danger: comment le protéger?", organized by the Permanent Delegation of France and the Permanent Delegation of Iraq to UNESCO, held in Paris, UNESCO - Salle IV, in the presence of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs and the General Director of UNESCO.
- 24/5/2013. K. Kopanias, "Η συλλογή αρχαιοτήτων από την Εγγύς Ανατολή στο Μουσείο Αρχαιολογίας και Ιστορίας της Τέχνης [The Collection of Near Eastern Antiquities in the Museum of Archaeology and History of Art]". Lecture offered in the Series «Τέχνες and τεχνολογία στην Προϊστορία» [Art and Technology in Prehistory] in the Museum of Archaeology and History of Art of the University of Athens. Athens.
- 9/4/2013. K. Kopanias. "Θρησκεία και λατρευτικές πρακτικές στην αρχαία Εγγύς Ανατολή κατά την 5η και 4η χιλιετία π.Χ." [Religion and Cult Practice in the Ancient Near East during the 5th and 4th Millennium B.C.] Lecture offered in the Series of the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Section of Greek & Roman Antiquity (SGRA) "Ancient East Mediterranean: Archaeology, Religion and Cultural Identity". Athens. The video of the lecture is available online: http://helios-eie.ekt.gr/EIE/handle/10442/13439
- 5/4/2013. K. Kopanias. "Η αρχαιολογική έρευνα στις θέσεις Tell Nader και Tell Baqrta στην Περιφέρεια Κουρδιστάν του βορείου Ιράκ" [The Archaeological Research in Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta in the Kurdistan Region in north Iraq]. Paper a the Symposium "Excavation and Study IX", organized by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Athens. Athens.
- 22/6/2012. K. Kopanias, "Η διδασκαλία της αρχαιολογίας της Εγγύς Ανατολής από τον Σπυρίδωνα Μαρινάτο [The Teaching of the Archaeology of the Near East by Spyridon Marinatos]". Paper presented at the Symposium "Spyridon Marinatos 1901-1974", organized by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Athens.
- 14/6/2012. K. Kopanias - C. Beuger - S. C. Fox - A. Livarda - A. Hadjikoumis, «Προκαταρκτικά συμπεράσματα από την ανασκαφή In Tell Nader, στην Περιφέρεια Κουρδιστάν του Ιράκ» [Preliminary Results from the Excavation in Tell Nader in the Kurdistan Region in Iraq]. Paper presented at the Symposium "14th Symposium of Environmental Archaeology. The Work of the Laboratory of Environmental Archaeology of the University of Athens and of the Wiener Laboratory". Gennadeios Library. Athens.
- 14/12/2011. K. Kopanias - A. Hadjikoumis - S. C. Fox, "Integrating Science and Archaeology in Kurdistan: The Tell Nader Project, Erbil, Iraq." Lecture at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA), Fitch-Wiener Labs Seminar Series. Athens. Poster.
- 4/11/2011. K. Kopanias, "Συστήματα οικονομικής διαχείρισης στη Μεσοποταμία (4η‐2η χιλ. π.Χ.)" [Systems of economic administration in Mesopotamia (4th – 2nd mill. BC]. Paper presented at the Scientific Meeting "Οι οικονομικές κρίσεις και η αντιμετώπισή τους στο μακρό ιστορικό χρόνο", organized by the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Athens.
- 20/5/2011. K. Kopanias, "Αρχαιολογική έρευνα στις θέσεις Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta στην Κουρδική περιφέρεια του βορείου Ιράκ [Archaeological Research in Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta in the Kurdistan Region in North Iraq]." Paper presented at the Conference «EX ORIENTE LUX. 1st Panhellenic Symposium for the Research and Archaeology of the Civilizations of Egypt, the Near East and Cyprus in Greek Universities», organized by the University of Aegean and the University of Athens. Athens.
- 14/4/2011. K. Kopanias, "Αρχαιολογική και Ιστορική Έρευνα στο Βόρειο Ιράκ" [Archaeological and Historical Research in North Iraq]. Paper presented at the Conference "Excavation and Study VIII", organized by the Department of Archaeology and the History of Art of the University of Athens. Athens.
- 2/6/2010. K. Kopanias. "Die Wiederentdeckung der Vergagenheit. Die turbulente Geschichte Halasarnas auf Kos, von der prähistorischen bis zur modernen Zeit". Invited lecture at the University of Tübingen, as part of the "Erasmus for Teaching Staff". Tübingen.
- 1/6/2010. K. Kopanias. "Paradise Lost. The Image of the Netherworld in the Bronze Age Near East". Invited lecture at the University of Tübingen, as part of the "Erasmus for Teaching Staff". Tübingen.
- 10/2/2010. K. Kopanias. "Paradise Lost. The Image of the Netherworld in the Bronze Age Near East". Invited lecture at the Department of Archaeology, Research Seminar Programme of the University of Nottingham. Nottingham. http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/archaeology/research/past-seminars.aspx
- 12/5/2007. K. Kopanias. "The Field Survey in Halasarna on Cos. Methodology and Finds." Paper presented at the 12th Meeting of the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete. Messara, Crete.
- 27/4/2007. K. Kopanias. " The Imported Cylinder Seals in the Aegean and some thoughts on the International Diplomacy of the Amarna Period and the location of Ahhiyawa." Paper presented at the Symposium "Excavation and Study VII", organized by the Department of Archaeology and the History of Art of the University of Athens. Athens. Athens.
- 26/3/2007. K. Kopanias. “Sparta. Das Heiligtum der Artemis Ortheia“. Paper presented in the Meeting of the 3rd Research Cluster “Heiligtümer. Gestalt und Ritual. Kontinuität und Veränderung“ of the German Archaeological Institute. Athens.
- 27/11/2006. G. Kokkorou-Alevras - K. Kopanias. "Field Survey in the ancient Demos of Halasarna on Cos, Greece." Lecture in Series “Archaeological Survey Meetings”, organized by the Canadian Archaeological Institute. Athens.
- 5/5/2006. K. Kopanias. " The Imported Cylinder Seals in the Aegean and some thoughts on the International Diplomacy of the Amarna Period and the location of Ahhiyawa." Paper presented at the 11th Meeting of the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Crete.
- 10/2/2006. K. Kopanias. “Der phrygisch/-späthethitische Einfluß auf die archaische griechische Plastik.” Invited lecture in the Symposium“Kulturkontakte im antiken Mittelmeerraum”, organized by the University of Marburg. Marburg.
- 26/1/2006. K. Kopanias. “Die Wiederenteckung der Vergangenheit Die turbulente Geschichte Halasarnas auf Kos, von der prähistorischen bis zur modernen Zeit”. Invited lecture at the University of Kiel. Kiel.
- 19/4/2005. G. Kokkorou-Alevras - K. Kopanias. "Two ancient quarries in Taygetos in Laconia." Paper presented at the Symposium "Excavation and Study VI", organized by the Department of Archaeology and the History of Art of the University of Athens. Athens.
- 19/4/2005. K. Kopanias. "Preliminary results of the field survey in the ancient Demos of Halasarna on Cos, Greece." Paper presented at the Symposium "Excavation and Study VI", organized by the Department of Archaeology and the History of Art of the University of Athens. Athens.
- 28/10/2004. G. Kokkorou-Alevras - A. Efstathopoulos - K. Kopanias - E. Poupaki. "Αρχαία Λατομεία στη «Γυναίκα» και στο «Πλατυβούνι» Ταϋγέτου" [Ancient Quarries in "Gynaika" and in "Plativouni" on Taygetos]. Paper presented at the 2nd Local Conference of Laconian Studies. Ksirokampi.
- 19/11/2003. K. Kopanias. "Das Proportionssystem der ‚phrygischen’ Ankara-Reliefs." Lecture at the German Archaeological Institute (Aigeiros). Athens.
- 8/3/2001. K. Kopanias. " Die postdädalische Statue eines Schlangenträgers aus der Nekropole von Tanagra." Lecture at the German Archaeological Institute (Hauskolloquium). Athens.
C. Lectures for the general public
- 21/10/17. K. Kopanias. " Η Επιφανειακή Έρευνα στον αρχαίο Δήμο των Αλαςαρνιτών" [The Field Survey in the Demos of Halasarnitai]. Workshop "Ancient Halasarna of Kos ", organized by the Municipality of the Region of South Aegean and the Department of Archaeology and History of Art of the University of Athens. Kardamaina, Kos.
- 12/10/17. K. Kopanias. Presentation of the Photo Album "SYRIA" by A. Smaragdis. Acropolis Museum.
- 1/7/15. K. Kopanias. "Οι Ασσύριοι στην Μεσοποταμία από την αρχαιότητα έως σήμερα" [The Assyrians in Mesopotamia from the Antiquity until Today]. In the Meeting "Christians of the Middle East: History – Spirituality – Monuments" organized by the Artistic Ensemble "Polytropon" in Lilian Voudouri Great Music Library in MEGARON, the Athens Concert Hall.
- 27/2/15. K. Kopanias. "Τα μυκηναϊκά ανακτορικά κέντρα μέσα από το πρίσμα των κειμένων της Εγγύς Ανατολής" [The Mycenaean Palatial Centers through the Prism of the Near Eastern Texts]. In the 33rd Training Seminar of the Association of Licensed Tourist Guides "Archaeology: new data, new excavations, new conceptions in museology".
- 26/9/2014. K. Kopanias. "The archaeological and historical research of the University of Athens in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq". Participation on behalf of the University of Athens to the "Evening of the Researcher", organized by the National Technical University of Athens.
- 21/11/2013. K. Kopanias. "The Prehistory of Erbil". Lecture offered to the pupils of the Primary School in the District Hasarok V in Erbil. Erbil.
- 14/5/2013. K. Kopanias. "The Archaeological Research in Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq". Lecture in the Meeting "Greece and Iraq: Prospects for an active relationship", organized by Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy. Athens.
- 3/5/2011. K. Kopanias, "Excavating Tell Nader in Erbil." Lecture for the general public in the Ainkawa District of Erbil.