Evanescent gain for slow and stopped light in negative refractive index heterostructures


Kirby EI, Hamm JM, Pickering TW, Tsakmakidis KL, Hess O. Evanescent gain for slow and stopped light in negative refractive index heterostructures. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics [Internet]. 2011;84.


We theoretically and numerically analyze a five-layer "trapped rainbow" waveguide made of a passive negative refractive index (NRI) core layer and gain strips in the cladding. Analytic transfer-matrix calculations and full-wave time-domain simulations are deployed to calculate, both in the frequency and in the time domain, the losses or gain experienced by complex-wave-vector and complex-frequency modes. We find excellent agreement between five distinct sets of results, showing that the use of evanescent pumping (gain) can compensate the losses in the NRI slow- and stopped-light regimes. © 2011 American Physical Society.


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