Publications by Year: 2020

Cardea I, Grassani D, Fabbri SJ, Upham J, Boyd RW, Altug H, Schulz SA, Tsakmakidis KL, Brès C-S. Arbitrarily high time bandwidth performance in a nonreciprocal optical resonator with broken time invariance. Scientific Reports [Internet]. 2020;10. WebsiteAbstract
Most present-day resonant systems, throughout physics and engineering, are characterized by a strict time-reversal symmetry between the rates of energy coupled in and out of the system, which leads to a trade-off between how long a wave can be stored in the system and the system’s bandwidth. Any attempt to reduce the losses of the resonant system, and hence store a (mechanical, acoustic, electronic, optical, or of any other nature) wave for more time, will inevitably also reduce the bandwidth of the system. Until recently, this time-bandwidth limit has been considered fundamental, arising from basic Fourier reciprocity. In this work, using a simple macroscopic, fiber-optic resonator where the nonreciprocity is induced by breaking its time-invariance, we report, in full agreement with accompanying numerical simulations, a time-bandwidth product (TBP) exceeding the ‘fundamental’ limit of ordinary resonant systems by a factor of 30. We show that, although in practice experimental constraints limit our scheme, the TBP can be arbitrarily large, simply dictated by the finesse of the cavity. Our results open the path for designing resonant systems, ubiquitous in physics and engineering, that can simultaneously be broadband and possessing long storage times, thereby offering a potential for new functionalities in wave-matter interactions. © 2020, The Author(s).
Zouros GP, Tsakmakidis KL, Kolezas GD, Almpanis E, BASKOURELOS K, Stefański TP. Magnetic switching of Kerker scattering in spherical microresonators. Nanophotonics [Internet]. 2020;9:4033-4041. WebsiteAbstract
Magneto-optical materials have become a key tool in functional nanophotonics, mainly due to their ability to offer active tuning between two different operational states in subwavelength structures. In the long-wavelength limit, such states may be considered as the directional forward- and back-scattering operations, due to the interplay between magnetic and electric dipolar modes, which act as equivalent Huygens sources. In this work, on the basis of full-wave electrodynamic calculations based on a rigorous volume integral equation (VIE) method, we demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining magnetically-tunable directionality inversion in spherical microresonators (THz antennas) coated by magnetooptical materials. In particular, our analysis reveals that when a high-index dielectric is coated with a magnetooptical material, we can switch the back-scattering of the whole particle to forward-scattering simply by turning off/ on an external magnetic field bias. The validity of our calculations is confirmed by reproducing the above two-state operation, predicted by the VIE, with full-wave finite-element commercial software. Our results are of interest for the design of state-of-the-art active metasurfaces and metalenses, as well as for functional nanophotonic structures, and scattering and nanoantennas engineering. © 2020 Grigorios P. Zouros et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Tsakmakidis KL, You Y, Stefański T, Shen L. Nonreciprocal cavities and the time-bandwidth limit: comment. Optica [Internet]. 2020;7:1097-1101. WebsiteAbstract
In their paper in Optica 6, 104 (2019), Mann et al. claim that linear, time-invariant nonreciprocal structures cannot overcome the time-bandwidth limit and do not exhibit an advantage over their reciprocal counterparts, specifically with regard to their time-bandwidth performance. In this Comment, we argue that these conclusions are unfounded. On the basis of both rigorous full-wave simulations and insightful physical justifications, we explain that the temporal coupled-mode theory, on which Mann et al. base their main conclusions, is not suited for the study of nonreciprocal trapped states, and instead direct numerical solutions of Maxwell’s equations are required. Based on such an analysis, we show that a nonreciprocal terminated waveguide, resulting in a trapped state, clearly outperforms its reciprocal counterpart; i.e., both the extraordinary time-bandwidth performance and the large field enhancements observed in such modes are a direct consequence of nonreciprocity. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
Cardea I, Grassani D, Upham J, Boyd RW, Schulz SA, Tsakmakidis KL, Bres CS. Theoretical and Numerical Study of the Time-Bandwidth Product in Resonant Cavities with Nonreciprocal Coupling. In: Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS. Vol. 2020-May. ; 2020. WebsiteAbstract
We present a theoretical and numerical model to show how the nonreciprocal coupling in a generalized resonator affects the balance between the reflected and intracavity power as well as the time-bandwidth product of the system. © 2020 OSA.
Almpanis E, Zouros GP, Pantazopoulos PA, Tsakmakidis KL, Papanikolaou N, Stefanou N. Spherical optomagnonic microresonators: Triple-resonant photon transitions between Zeeman-split Mie modes. Physical Review B [Internet]. 2020;101. WebsiteAbstract
We report a thorough theoretical investigation of magnon-assisted photon transitions in magnetic garnet micron-sized spheres, which operate as optomagnonic resonators. In this case, matching the intraband splitting of optical Mie modes, induced by particle magnetization, to the eigenfrequency of the uniform-precession spin wave, high-efficiency triply resonant optical transitions between these modes, through respective emission or absorption of a cavity magnon, are enabled. By means of rigorous full electrodynamic computations, supported by corresponding approximate analytical calculations, we provide compelling evidence of greatly increased optomagnonic interaction, compared to that in similar processes between whispering gallery modes of corresponding submillimeter spheres, due to the reduced magnon mode volume. We explain the underlying mechanisms to a degree that goes beyond existing interpretation, invoking group theory to derive general selection rules and highlighting the role of the photon spin as the key property for maximizing the respective coupling strength. © 2020 American Physical Society.
Cardea I, Grassani D, Upham J, Boyd RW, Schulz SA, Tsakmakidis KL, Brès CS. Theoretical and numerical study of the time-bandwidth product in resonant cavities with nonreciprocal coupling. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F183-CLEO-SI 2020. ; 2020. WebsiteAbstract
We present a theoretical and numerical model to show how the nonreciprocal coupling in a generalized resonator affects the balance between the reflected and intracavity power as well as the time-bandwidth product of the system. © OSA 2020 © 2020 The Author(s)