Slow light in negative-index waveguide-heterostructures


Tsakmakidis KL, Aryal DP, Hess O. Slow light in negative-index waveguide-heterostructures. In: Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 6638. ; 2007.


We introduce an efficient method for slowing and stopping/storing light, which is based on wave propagation along a slowly axially varying, adiabatically tapered, negative refractive index metamaterial heterostructure. We analytically show that the present method can, in principle, simultaneously allow for broad bandwidth operation (since it does not rely on group index resonances), large delay-bandwidth products (since a wave packet can be completely stopped and buffered indefinitely) and high, almost 100%, in/out-coupling efficiencies. Moreover, by nature, the presented scheme invokes solid-state materials and, as such, is not subject to low-temperature or atomic coherence limitations. This method for trapping photons conceivably opens the way to a multitude of hybrid, optoelectronic devices to be used in 'quantum information' processing, communication networks and signal processors, and may herald a new realm of combined metamaterials and slow light research.


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