Publications by Year: 2012

Hess O, Pendry JB, Maier SA, Oulton RF, Hamm JM, Tsakmakidis KL. Active nanoplasmonic metamaterials. Nature Materials [Internet]. 2012;11:573-584. WebsiteAbstract
Optical metamaterials and nanoplasmonics bridge the gap between conventional optics and the nanoworld. Exciting and technologically important capabilities range from subwavelength focusing and stopped light to invisibility cloaking, with applications across science and engineering from biophotonics to nanocircuitry. A problem that has hampered practical implementations have been dissipative metal losses, but the efficient use of optical gain has been shown to compensate these and to allow for loss-free operation, amplification and nanoscopic lasing. Here, we review recent and ongoing progress in the realm of active, gain-enhanced nanoplasmonic metamaterials. On introducing and expounding the underlying theoretical concepts of the complex interaction between plasmons and gain media, we examine the experimental efforts in areas such as nanoplasmonic and metamaterial lasers. We underscore important current trends that may lead to improved active imaging, ultrafast nonlinearities on the nanoscale or cavity-free lasing in the stopped-light regime. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
Tsakmakidis KL, Wuestner S, Hamm JM, Pusch A, Hess O. From loss-compensation to amplification and lasing in active nanoplasmonic metamaterials. In: Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2012. ; 2012. WebsiteAbstract
Using a full-wave Maxwell-Bloch Langevin approach we show how, by using gain, we may overcome losses in double-fishnet negative-index metamaterials, as well as achieve net steady-state amplification and nanoscopic lasing over a broad ultrathin area. © OSA 2012.
Wuestner S, Hamm JM, Pusch A, Renn F, Tsakmakidis KL, Hess O. Nonlinear mode competition in a lasing nanoplasmonic metamaterial. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. ; 2012. WebsiteAbstract
Active nanoplasmonic metamaterials, pumped above lasing threshold, can exhibit dynamic competition between bright, radiative and dark, trapped modes of the structure. We study the spatio-temporal mode competition and explore methods of mode control. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
Tsakmakidis K. Molecular energy transfer. Nature Materials [Internet]. 2012;11:1002-1002. Website
Tsakmakidis KL, Hess O. Extreme control of light in metamaterials: Complete and loss-free stopping of light. Physica B: Condensed Matter [Internet]. 2012;407:4066-4069. WebsiteAbstract
We present an overview of recent advances within the field of slow- and stopped-light in metamaterial and plasmonic waveguides. We start by elucidating the mechanisms by which these configurations can enable complete stopping of light. Decoherence mechanisms may destroy the zero-group-velocity condition for real-frequency/complex-wavevector modes, but we show that metamaterial and nanoplasmonic waveguides also support complex-frequency/real-wavevector modes that uphold the light-stopping condition. A further point of focus is how, by using gain, dissipative losses can be overcome in the slow- and stopped-light regimes. To this end, on the basis of full-wave finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations and analytic transfer-matrix calculations, we show that the incorporation of thin layers made of an active medium, placed adjacently to the core layer of a negative-refractive-index waveguide, can fully remove dissipative losses in a slow- or stopped-light regime where the effective index of the guided lightwave remains negative. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tsakmakidis KL, Hess O. Slow and stopped-light lasing in active plasmonic metamaterials. In: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. ; 2012. WebsiteAbstract
We outline recent advances in active gain-enhanced plasmonic metamaterials revealing and elucidating the inherent complex interplay of light, surface plasmon polaritons and gain materials to allow a compensation of dissipative losses in negative-refractive-index optical metamaterials and to achieve net steady-state amplification and nanoscopic lasing over a broad but ultrathin area. On the basis of a fully 3-dimensional Maxwell-Bloch Langevin approach we then demonstrate that in a suitably designed gain-enhanced plasmonic/ metamaterial heterostructure light pulses can be completely stopped at well-accessed complex-frequency zero-group-velocity points leading to thresholdless nanolasers that beat the diffraction limit via a novel, stopped-light mode-locking mechanism. © 2012 IEEE.
Wuestner S, Hamm JM, Pusch A, Renn F, Tsakmakidis KL, Hess O. Control and dynamic competition of bright and dark lasing states in active nanoplasmonic metamaterials. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics [Internet]. 2012;85. WebsiteAbstract
Active nanoplasmonic metamaterials support bright and dark modes that compete for gain. Using a Maxwell-Bloch approach incorporating Langevin noise we study the lasing dynamics in an active nanofishnet structure. We report that lasing of the bright negative-index mode is possible if the higher-Q dark mode is discriminated by gain, spatially or spectrally. The nonlinear competition during the transient phase is followed by steady-state emission where bright and dark modes can coexist. We analyze the influence of pump intensity and polarization and explore methods for mode control. © 2012 American Physical Society.
Wuestner S, Pusch A, Hamm JM, Tsakmakidis KL, Hess O. Dynamics of amplification in a nanoplasmonic metamaterial. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing [Internet]. 2012;107:77-82. WebsiteAbstract
Plasmonic metamaterials form an exciting new class of engineered media that promise a range of important applications, such as subwavelength focusing, cloaking and slowing/stopping of light. Recently it has been shown that the internal losses due to the natural absorption of metals at optical frequencies can be compensated by gain. Here, we employ a Maxwell-Bloch methodology which allows us to study the dynamics of the coherent plasmon-gain interaction, nonlinear saturation, field enhancement and radiative damping. Using numerical pump-probe experiments on a double-fishnet metamaterial with dye-molecule inclusions we investigate the buildup of the inversion and the formation of the plasmonic modes in the low-Q fishnet cavity. We find that loss compensation occurs in the negative-refractive-index regime and that, due to the loss compensation and the associated sharpening of the resonance, the real part of the refractive index of the metamaterial becomes more negative compared to the passive case. Furthermore, we investigate the behavior of the metamaterial above the lasing threshold, and we identify the occurrence of a far-field lasing burst and gain depletion. Our results provide deep insight into the internal processes that affect the macroscopic properties of active metamaterials. This could guide the development of amplifying and lasing plasmonic nanostructures. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Pusch A, Wuestner S, Hamm JM, Tsakmakidis KL, Hess O. Coherent amplification and noise in gain-enhanced nanoplasmonic metamaterials: A maxwell-bloch langevin approach. ACS Nano [Internet]. 2012;6:2420-2431. WebsiteAbstract
Nanoplasmonic metamaterials are an exciting new class of engineered media that promise a range of important applications, such as subwavelength focusing, cloaking, and slowing/stopping of light. At optical frequencies, using gain to overcome potentially not insignificant losses has recently emerged as a viable solution to ultra-low-loss operation that may lead to next-generation active metamaterials. Maxwell-Bloch models for active nanoplasmonic metamaterials are able to describe the coherent spatiotemporal and nonlinear gain-plasmon dynamics. Here, we extend the Maxwell-Bloch theory to a Maxwell-Bloch Langevin approach-a spatially resolved model that describes the light field and noise dynamics in gain-enhanced nanoplasmonic structures. Using the example of an optically pumped nanofishnet metamaterial with an embedded laser dye (four-level) medium exhibiting a negative refractive index, we demonstrate the transition from loss-compensation to amplification and to nanolasing. We observe ultrafast relaxation oscillations of the bright negative-index mode with frequencies just below the THz regime. The influence of noise on mode competition and the onset and magnitude of the relaxation oscillations is elucidated, and the dynamics and spectra of the emitted light indicate that coherent amplification and lasing are maintained even in the presence of noise and amplified spontaneous emission. © 2012 American Chemical Society.
Tsakmakidis K. In the limelight. Nature Materials [Internet]. 2012;11:1000-1001. Website
Wuestner S, Hamm JM, Pusch A, Renn F, Tsakmakidis KL, Hess O. Nonlinear mode competition in a lasing nanoplasmonic metamaterial. In: 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2012. ; 2012. WebsiteAbstract
Active nanoplasmonic metamaterials, pumped above lasing threshold, can exhibit dynamic competition between bright, radiative and dark, trapped modes of the structure. We study the spatio-temporal mode competition and explore methods of mode control. © 2012 OSA.
Tsakmakidis KL, Hamm JM, Pickering TW, Hess O. Plasmonic nanolasers without cavity, threshold and diffraction limit using stopped light. In: Frontiers in Optics, FIO 2012. ; 2012. WebsiteAbstract
We present a plasmonic waveguide where light pulses are stopped at well-accessed complex-frequency zero-group-velocity points. Introducing gain at such points results in cavity-free, "thresholdless" nanolasers beating the diffraction limit via a novel, stopped-light mode-locking mechanism. © OSA 2012.