Born in Athens, Associate Professor in Anthropological Philosophy Athens University (since 2023); she studied Philosophy and Theatre in Athens and London. She studied for about 6 years (1984 – 1990) at Birkbeck College of London University submitted her PhD Dissertation to the Philosophy Department of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2006 with the title Man, Nature, and Action in the texts of the young Karl Marx and the perspective of linguistic philosophy, with supervisor Prof. Theodosis Pelegrinis. She has received a theatre acting diploma, a diploma in music (classical guitar and theory). She lives in Athens and works for amateur theatre plays that she creates with her students and other artists that follow her artistic groups Drys and Dryos Topoi. Author of various dissertations and articles, among them, Orchesis - Texts on Ancient Greek Dance 2003 (author & coeditor) –in English and “Mental Events and the Body: The case of the stage action of the actor” 2009, article in Greek (edit. Prof. Marika Thomadaki), “Dance as an Object of Scientific Investigation and Philosophy. Preliminary Remarks”. Epistēmēs Metron Logos, 0(3), 60-92. “Socratic ‘Acting’: Experiencing Dialectic”, Athens 2020, 195-208, “The Concept of Therapy in Ancient Greek Texts and Dance Practices” Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications, Vol. 4, Issue 3, August 2021, 1-10. “Play, measure, harmony: the Experience of Time in Poetic Thought” (in Greek, Φιλοσοφείν, v. 22, June 2020: 35-48, “Man and Measure: Comments on the Crisis of Civilization”, International Philosophical Forum Anadrasis, Φιλοσοφείν, Τεύχος 15, January 2017, ISSN: 2241-4401 (print), (on-line), ISBN: 978-618-829355-0-2. Republished, Ammon Publications, Athens, 2019, pp. 49-69 eta.
With a team of choreographers and dance teachers, she has formulated a system of teaching ancient orchesis on multidisciplinary grounds with ancient Greek, gestures and movements for different levels, ages, and skills. Coordinates the Study Group of Ancient Greek Orchesis at the Dora Stratou Theatre since 1991, the Research Group Philosophy, Art, Therapy (with Thanassis Sakellariadis) since 2017. Director of the Laboratory of Art & Philosophy of Athens University.
Consultant Board Member for Postgraduate Master Course “Archeologia di Gesto” – Academia di Danza – Roma. Member of various societies and research projects in Greece and abroad. Chief editor and publisher of a series of collective volumes (Philosophy, Art, Ancient Dance), Conference Proceedings and one journal (PATh) &
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(Last updated: December 18, 2023)