
Pomoni DI, Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Vasiliadis L. A Review of Hydroponics and Conventional Agriculture Based on Energy and Water Consumption, Environmental Impact, and Land Use. Energies. 2023;16(4):1690.
Bellos E, Lykas P, Tsimpoukis D, Korres DN, Kitsopoulou A, Vrachopoulos MG, Tzivanidis C. Multicriteria Analysis of a Solar-Assisted Space Heating Unit with a High-Temperature Heat Pump for the Greek Climate Conditions. Applied Sciences [Internet]. 2023;13:4066. Website
Syngounas E, Tsimpoukis D, Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG. Energetic, exergetic and financial evaluation of a solar-powered absorption chiller integration into a {CO}$łess$sub$\greater$2$łess$/sub$\greater$ commercial refrigeration system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy [Internet]. 2022;236:1192–1209. Website
Coelho L, Koukou MK, Dogkas G, Konstantaras J, Vrachopoulos MG, Rebola A, Benou A, Choropanitis J, Karytsas C, Sourkounis C, et al. Latent Thermal Energy Storage Application in a Residential Building at a Mediterranean Climate. Energies [Internet]. 2022;15:1008. Website
Koukou MK, Pagkalos C, Dogkas G, Vrachopoulos MG, Douvi E, Caouris YG, Papadopoulos P. Computational Approach of Charging and Discharging Phases in a Novel Compact Solar Collector with Integrated Thermal Energy Storage Tank: Study of Different Phase Change Materials. Energies [Internet]. 2022;15:1113. Website
Syngounas E, Tsimpoukis D, Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG. Integration of a solar-powered absorption chiller for performance enhancement of a supermarket {CO}2 refrigeration plant. Green Energy and Sustainability [Internet]. 2022:1–24. Website
Konstantaras J, and Pagkalos C, Koukou MK, Lymperis K, Caouris Y, Vrachopoulos MG, and, and and. Controller Evaluation for Solar-Latent Thermal Energy Applications. Journal of Energy and Power Technology [Internet]. 2022;4:1–1. Website
Tsimpoukis D, Syngounas E, Petsanas D, Mitsopoulos G, Anagnostatos S, Bellos E, Tzivanidis C, Vrachopoulos MG. Energy and environmental investigation of R744 all-in-one configurations for refrigeration and heating/air conditioning needs of a supermarket. Journal of Cleaner Production [Internet]. 2021;279:123234. Website
Douvi E, Pagkalos C, Dogkas G, Koukou MK, Stathopoulos VN, Caouris Y, Vrachopoulos MG. Phase change materials in solar domestic hot water systems: A review. International Journal of Thermofluids [Internet]. 2021;10:100075. Website
Vrachopoulos MG. Anticorrosive high thermal conductivity AlN coating for metallic surfaces. EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION. 2021.
Vrachopoulos MG. Energetic and financial evaluation of a solar-powered absorption chiller integration into a CO2 commercial refrigeration system. In: 9th Eur. Conf. Ren. Energy Sys., Istanbul, Turkey. ; 2021.
Dogkas G, Konstantaras J, Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Pagkalos C, Stathopoulos VN, Pandis PK, Lymperis K, Coelho L, Rebola A. Development and experimental testing of a compact thermal energy storage tank using paraffin targeting domestic hot water production needs. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress [Internet]. 2020;19:100573. Website
Dogkas G, Koukou MK, Konstantaras J, Pagkalos C, Lymperis K, Stathopoulos V, Coelho L, Rebola A, Vrachopoulos MG. Investigating the performance of a thermal energy storage unit with paraffin as phase change material, targeting buildings' cooling needs: an experimental approach. International Journal of Thermofluids [Internet]. 2020;3-4:100027. Website
Pagkalos C, Dogkas G, Koukou MK, Konstantaras J, Lymperis K, Vrachopoulos MG. Evaluation of water and paraffin {PCM} as storage media for use in thermal energy storage applications: A numerical approach. International Journal of Thermofluids [Internet]. 2020;1-2:100006. Website
Koukou MK, Dogkas G, Vrachopoulos MG, Konstantaras J, Pagkalos C, Stathopoulos VN, Pandis PK, Lymperis K, Coelho L, Rebola A. Experimental assessment of a full scale prototype thermal energy storage tank using paraffin for space heating application. International Journal of Thermofluids [Internet]. 2020;1-2:100003. Website
Koukou MK, Dogkas G, Vrachopoulos MG, Konstantaras J, Pagkalos C, Lymperis K, Stathopoulos V, Evangelakis G, Prouskas C, Coelho L, et al. Performance Evaluation of a Small-Scale Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage Unit for Heating Applications Based on a Nanocomposite Organic {PCM}. {ChemEngineering} [Internet]. 2019;3:88. Website
Pandis PK, Papaioannou S, Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Stathopoulos VN. Differential scanning calorimetry based evaluation of 3D printed {PLA} for phase change materials encapsulation or as container material of heat storage tanks. Energy Procedia [Internet]. 2019;161:429–437. Website
Vrachopoulos MG. Chapter 7: Exploitation of Normal (Shallow) Geothermy for heating and cooling applications.; 2018.
Chalkia V, Tachos N, Pandis PK, Giannakas A, Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Coelho L, Ladavos A, Stathopoulos V N. Influence of organic phase change materials on the physical and mechanical properties of {HDPE} and {PP} polymers. {RSC} Advances [Internet]. 2018;8:27438–27447. Website
Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Tachos NS, Dogkas G, Lymperis K, Stathopoulos V. Experimental and computational investigation of a latent heat energy storage system with a staggered heat exchanger for various phase change materials. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress [Internet]. 2018;7:87–98. Website
Bellos E, Vrachopoulos MG, Tzivanidis C. Energetic and exergetic investigation of a novel solar assisted mechanical compression refrigeration system. Energy Conversion and Management [Internet]. 2017;147:1–18. Website
Koukou MK, Vrachopoulos MG, Tachos N, Tsolakoglou N. Design and development of a 10-{kWe} {ORC} installation working with low-temperature sources. International Journal of Sustainable Energy [Internet]. 2017;37:857–872. Website
Vrachopoulos MG, Kravvaritis E, Stavlas DG, Stamatopoulos V, Gonidis A, Koukou MK. Investigating the performance of a test phase change material chamber for passive solar applications: experimental and theoretical approach. International Journal of Sustainable Energy [Internet]. 2013;34:614–627. Website
Vrachopoulos M, Koukou M, Filos G, Moraitis C. Investigation of heat transfer in a triple-glazing type window at greek climate conditions. Open Engineering [Internet]. 2013;3. Website
Vrachopoulos M, Koukou M, Stavlas D, Stamatopoulos V, Gonidis A, Kravvaritis E. Testing reflective insulation for improvement of buildings energy efficiency. Open Engineering [Internet]. 2012;2. Website
Thanos GA, Vrachopoulos MG, Koukou MK, Kakouris AP, Koulis A, Thanos A. Residence site selection in urban and rural areas in Greece: a multiple-criteria decision analysis approach. International Journal of Applied Management Science [Internet]. 2012;4:36. Website
Vrachopoulos MG. Residence site selection in urban and rural environments in Greece: a multiple-criteria decision analysis approach. In: 9th Special Conference of HELORS on “Quantitative Models in the Managerial and Financial Decision Making” Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece. ; 2010.
Vrachopoulos MG. Definition of horizontal geothermal heat exchanger behaviour. In: 9th National Conference on Renewable Energy Sources, (organised by Institute of Solar Technology), Pafos-Geroskipou. ; 2009.
Vrachopoulos MG, Filios AE, Fatsis A, Mavrommatis S. Determination of the thermal and cooling needs of the broader region of Athens. Renewable Energy [Internet]. 2008;33:2615–2622. Website
Bacharoudis E, Vrachopoulos MG, Koukou MK, Margaris D, Filios AE, Mavrommatis SA. Study of the natural convection phenomena inside a wall solar chimney with one wall adiabatic and one wall under a heat flux. Applied Thermal Engineering [Internet]. 2007;27:2266–2275. Website
Papaefthimiou VD, Katsanos CO, Vrachopoulos MG, Filios AE, Koukou MK, Layrenti FG. Experimental measurements and theoretical predictions of flowfield and temperature distribution inside a wall solar chimney. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science [Internet]. 2007;221:33–41. Website
Vrachopoulos MG, Filios AE, Kotsiovelos GT, Kravvaritis ED. Incorporated evaporative condenser. Applied Thermal Engineering [Internet]. 2007;27:823–828. Website
Vrachopoulos MG. A Decision Support System for the Ecological Selection Facility Location: A Multi-criteria Approach, IRMA 2007. In: International Conference, May 19-23, 2007, Vancouver, Canada. ; 2007.
Vrachopoulos MG. Study of airflow pattern and thermal environment in naturally ventilated buildings, ENERTECH 2007. In: 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency, Athens. ; 2007.
Fatsis A, Vrachopoulos GM, Mavrommatis S, Panoutsopoulou A, Layrenti F. A computational method for pressure wave machinery to internal combustion engines and gas turbines. In: {WIT} Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Vol 52. {WIT} Press; 2006. Website
Fatsis A, Vrachopoulos GM, Mavrommatis S, Panoutsopoulou A, Vlachakis N, Vlachakis V. An industrial method for performance map evaluation for a wide range of centrifugal pumps. In: Advances in Fluid Mechanics {VI}. {WIT} Press; 2006. Website
Vrachopoulos MG. A Methodology for the estimation of the Thermal and Cooling Loads of urban areas. In: Int. Conference on Energy and Environmental Systems ‘06, Chalkida, Evia. ; 2006.
Vrachopoulos MG. Numerical investigation of the buoyancy-induced flow field and heat transfer inside solar chimneys. In: Int. Conference on Energy and Environmental Systems ‘06, Chalkida, Evia. ; 2006.
Vrachopoulos MG. Built-in reflective insulation elements in built-in insulation materials. 2005.
Vrachopoulos MG. Calculation of vertical geothermal exchangers. In: 5th RENES Conference, Athens. ; 2005.
Vrachopoulos MG. Energy Saving by Exploitation of Normal Geothermal at the NTUA Campus of Zografou. In: 5th RENES Conference, Athens. ; 2005.
Vrachopoulos MG. Detailed Approach to Central Heating Installations.; 2004.
Vrachopoulos MG. Ecological Stand. 2004.
Vrachopoulos MG. Exploitation of Geothermal potential Aristinou. In: International Conference Geothermal Energy \Alphapplications in Agriculture, Athens, Greece. ; 2004.
Vrachopoulos MG. Exploitation of Low Enthalpy Geothermal potential of Ierapetra Artificial Lake. In: International Conference Geothermal Energy Applications in Agriculture, Athens, Greece. ; 2004.
Vrachopoulos MG. Incorporated Evaporative Condenser. 2004.
Vrachopoulos MG. Temperature Field Prediction around a Vertical Earth Heat Exchanger for Heating and Cooling Loads of Agro-tourist Buildings. In: International Conference Geothermal Energy \Alphapplications in Agriculture, Athens, Greece. ; 2004.
Vrachopoulos MG. Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation design and analysis. \IotaØmegaΝ. 2003.
Vrachopoulos MG. Trends and perspectives in the education of technology educators. In: 2nd Panhellenic Conference, {"}Association of Higher and Secondary Education{"}. ; 2003.
Vrachopoulos MG. Cooling Installations.; 2002.
Vrachopoulos MG. Energy Saving in Buildings with a Planted Roof. In: 7th Solar Engineering Conference, Patras. ; 2002.
Vrachopoulos MG. The history of SELETE. In: Pedagogical Conference, Patras. ; 2002.
Vrachopoulos MG. Integration of Passive Solar Systems in the Building Shell - Energy Saving. In: 7th Solar Engineering Conference, Patras. ; 2002.
Vrachopoulos MG. Heat pump performance modeling. In: First National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ASME Greek Section, Proceedings of First Nat. Conf. on Recent Advances in Mech. Eng., Patras. ; 2001.
Vrachopoulos MG. Introduction to Mechanical Engineering to meet the requirements of Secondary education.; 2001.
Vrachopoulos MG. Cooling Installations.; 2000.
Vrachopoulos MG. Energy Saving Techniques. In: TEE, Athens. ; 2000.
Vrachopoulos MG. Determination of Temperature Field Around a Vertical Geothermal Exchanger. In: 6th Solar Engineering Conference, Volos. ; 1999.
Vrachopoulos MG. Computational and Experimental Determination of Solar Chimney Operation. In: 6th Solar Engineering Conference, Volos. ; 1999.
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