Publications by Year: 2000

Tzamtzi MP. A Small-Gain Theorem for Locally Input-to-Output Stable Interconnected Systems. In: 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation, Patra, Greece. ; 2000.
Tzamtzi MP. Stability Robustness for Polytopes of Operators in Hilbert Spaces. In: Systems and Control: Theory and Applications. World Scientific Press; 2000. pp. 161–162.
Tzamtzi MP. Robust Local Input-to-Output Practical Stability of Feedback Linearizable Systems,. In: Systems and Control: Theory and Applications. World Scientific Press; 2000. pp. 183–186.
Tzamtzi MP, Economou D, Phinou P, Stiliaris E. The Personnel Safety System at IASA. In: 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Vienna, Austria. ; 2000. pp. 2405–2407.
Stiliaris E, Baltadoros D, Cohen S, Economou D, Filippas TA, Gazis EN, Giokaris N, Karabarbounis A, Maroulis D, Papadakis NH, et al. The IASA 10 MeV CW-Linac. In: 7th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Vienna, Austria. ; 2000. pp. 866–869.
Tzamtzi MP. Stability Robustness for Polytopes of Operators in Hilbert Spaces. In: 2nd WSEAS International Conference on: Mathematics and Computers in Mechanical Engineering (MCME 2000), Athens, Greece. ; 2000.
Tzamtzi MP. Robust Local Input-to-Output Practical Stability of Feedback Linearizable Systems. In: 2nd WSEAS International Conference on: Mathematics and Computers in Mechanical Engineering (MCME 2000), Athens, Greece. ; 2000.