
Vihou M. Les écoles congréganistes françaises de Smyrne à la fin du XIXe siècle, considérées par le chef de commerce Demetrius Georgiadès. Documents pour l'histoire du français langue étrangère [Internet]. 2020;64=65:353-370. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The article examines the critique of the French congregational schools of Smyrna in the late 19th century, carried out by Demetrius Georgiades, a Smyrniot trade manager and, at the same time, a French-speaking journalist and author. Through the study of his journals and books, published in Paris at the dawn of the new century, we have been able to trace the origins of the skepticism that preoccupies the public opinion inside and outside of France, in connection with the confessional character of schools. Under the pretext of defending the French interests in these remote regions, Georgiades examines the role of congregational schools in the penetration of French commerce and the expansion of French language and civilization in Asia Minor. The questions of functioning and financing of these schools do not escape Georgiadès’s caustic pen either. To strengthen his arguments, Georgiades compares the education provided by French schools to that of Smyrna’s other foreign communities.
Provata D, Vihou M. La dimension culturelle des manuels illustrés pour enfants: le cas de la Collection enfantine de Théodore Kyprios. Documents pour l'histoire du français langue étrangère [Internet]. 2018;60-61:323-344. Publisher's Version
Vihou M, Avramidou S, Kaffe A, Ourolidou S. Written Essays and research competence. The case of the Hellenic Open University’s Degree Master Teaching French as Foreign/International Language. 9 th International Conference in Open & Distance Learning - November 2017, Athens, Greece [Internet]. 2017;9(6(B):92-98. Publisher's VersionAbstract
The development of the students’ research competence in a Distance Postgraduate Program is the main question of our report. Its investigation was attempted through the study of the postgraduate students’ representations in the Module French as Foreign/International Language Program of Hellenic Open University. Particularly, the questionnaire sent to the students of this Program, focused on the role of Written Essays carried out during it, in terms of the development of students’ research competence.
Vihou M. Traduire un conflit politico-diplomatique: le cas du mémoire Le Laurium (1872) d'Alexandre Rizo Rangabé. In: Traductologie et idéologie. Paris, France; 2016.
Vihou M. La traduction collaborative en tant qu'outil d'apprentissage: étude de cas. Langues modernes [Internet]. 2016;2. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Les difficultés de compréhension et d'appropriation qu'éprouvent les étudiants, face à un domaine cognitif parfois trop théorique, sont à l'origine de cette étude de cas. Notre but est d'explorer le rôle que peut jouer la traduction dans l'appréhension et l'approfondissement des contenus d'un cours disciplinaire de cursus universitaire de premier cycle. Pour ce faire, nous décrirons la réalisation d'un travail de traduction collaborative présentée sous forme de situation-problème selon les principes de l'apprentissage par problèmes
Vihou M. La traduction des silences en grec. In: Ideologie et traductologie. Paris: L'Harmattan; 2016. pp. 161-179.
"L'hospitalité" Le volaculaire des institutions indo-européennes d'Émile Benveniste
. Eneken [Internet]. 2016;(42):36-55. Publisher's Version
Grammaticopoulou Ε, Vihou M. La présence animale au secours de personnages déshumanisés : la revalorisation de l’humain à la faveur de bêtes d’amour romanesques de la littérature européenne contemporaine. 2015.
Le mémoire-recherche en didactique des langues-cultures. Petit manuel pratique. Kavala: Saϊta; 2015 pp. 56. Publisher's Version
Vihou M, Papaïoannou I-V, Tsioli S. Le tutorat par les pairs en contexte universitaire. Une étude de cas. Phronesis [Internet]. 2015;4(4):46-56. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Le but de l’article est de décrire une expérience éducative réalisée en contexte universitaire, afin de discuter de la contribution du tutorat par les pairs au développement de la compétence pédagogique des futurs et novices enseignants de FLE. L’étude de cas en question a duré tout au long d’un semestre académique et a impliqué des étudiants du 1er et du 2e cycle.
Grammaticopoulou E, Vihou M. "Pour J.D." de Michel Deguy
Vihou M, Papaïoannou I-V, Tsioli S. From the wall text towards the social action: the case study of the wall writings of the Faculty of Philosophy of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. 2013.
Vihou M. Le mémoire oublié d'Alexandre Rizo Rangabé sur l'affaire du Laurium. Athens: Asini; 2013 pp. 228. Publisher's Version
Vihou M, Tsioli S, Papaïoannou I-V. The supervising and writing of master dissertations as mediation practices. The case of the French Teachers Post-graduate Program of the Hellenic Open University. 7 th International Conference in Open & Distance Learning [Internet]. 2013:157-168. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Following the French Language Teachers Post-graduate Program of the Hellenic Open University a considerable number of dissertations has been completed thus involving an equivalent number of supervisors. The dissimilarities of the completed dissertations seem to depend on the students' abilities and the tactics of the supervisors. This announcement aims at investigating into the established practices and process followed by both, supervisors and students, during the writing of the dissertation. The investigation was based on questionnaires and interviews addressed to students, graduates and supervisors. The results of this research are focused on the points that have received the strongest criticism by both, supervisors and students. These points divert from the mediation and evolutionary guidance during the dissertation writing (Feuerstein, Vygotsky, Bruner).
Thomas T, Vihou M. Identity representations through Machinima Creation. In: 5th Global Conference on Cybercultures, with Digital Memories: Exploring Critical Issues. Salzburg, Austria; 2010. pp. 107–114. Publisher's VersionAbstract
his paper investigates identity representations through a narrative perspective. It examines the reproduction of social stereotypes through the creation of machinima films created by the students of the Department of French language at the University of Athens. According to Giddens΄s project of social and self identity and Ricoeur’s interpretation theories, the machinima films will be considered as an eloquent reflection of their creators’ representations. They claim that narrative is the dialectical process, between me and the other, through which the person is constantly led to a conscious identity adjustment. Based on this assumption, we investigate the mediating role of machinima, animated filmmaking within a real-time virtual 3-D environment, in the identity awareness of the subject. We study the representations produced by a group of students through the evaluation of the signifying practice of the creation of machinima films they have created during a Cyberculture course
Androulakis G, Apostolou E, Vihou M, Lahlou S. From the Designing to the Evaluation of a Tutorail: the Case of the Module GAL50 in the Hellenic Open University. 3rd International conference on Open and Distance Learning: Applications of Pedagogy and Technology. 2005;B:174-183.