Publications by Year: 2013

Vihou M. Le mémoire oublié d'Alexandre Rizo Rangabé sur l'affaire du Laurium. Athens: Asini; 2013 pp. 228. Publisher's Version
Vihou M, Tsioli S, Papaïoannou I-V. The supervising and writing of master dissertations as mediation practices. The case of the French Teachers Post-graduate Program of the Hellenic Open University. 7 th International Conference in Open & Distance Learning [Internet]. 2013:157-168. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Following the French Language Teachers Post-graduate Program of the Hellenic Open University a considerable number of dissertations has been completed thus involving an equivalent number of supervisors. The dissimilarities of the completed dissertations seem to depend on the students' abilities and the tactics of the supervisors. This announcement aims at investigating into the established practices and process followed by both, supervisors and students, during the writing of the dissertation. The investigation was based on questionnaires and interviews addressed to students, graduates and supervisors. The results of this research are focused on the points that have received the strongest criticism by both, supervisors and students. These points divert from the mediation and evolutionary guidance during the dissertation writing (Feuerstein, Vygotsky, Bruner).
Vihou M, Papaïoannou I-V, Tsioli S. From the wall text towards the social action: the case study of the wall writings of the Faculty of Philosophy of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. 2013.