Publications by Year: 2020

Kaloxylos A, Gavras A, Camps Mur D, Ghoraishi M, Hrasnica H. AI and ML–Enablers for Beyond 5G Networks. 2020.
Trakadas P, Simoens P, Gkonis P, Sarakis L, Angelopoulos A, Ramallo-González AP, Skarmeta A, Trochoutsos C, Calvo D, Pariente T, et al. An artificial intelligence-based collaboration approach in industrial iot manufacturing: Key concepts, architectural extensions and potential applications. Sensors. 2020;20:5480.
Prekas S, Karkazis P, Trakadas P. Comparison of Embedding Objectives for Next Generation Networks. In: ICCGI 2020, The Fifteenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-1-61208-793-1; 2020. pp. 7–12.
Prekas S, Karkazis P, Trakadas P, Nikolakakis V. Comparison of VNE heuristic solutions with similar objective functions. In: Proceedings of the 24th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics. ; 2020. pp. 22–26.
Lagutin D, Anton P, Bellesini F, Bragatto T, Cavadenti A, Croce V, Fotiou N, Haavala M, Kortesniemi Y, Leligou HC, et al. The SOFIE approach to address the security and privacy of the IoT using interledger technologies. In: Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things: Challenges and Solutions. IOS Press; 2020. pp. 76–93.
Fotiadou K, Velivassaki T-H, Voulkidis A, Railis K, Trakadas P, Zahariadis T. Incidents information sharing platform for distributed attack detection. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. 2020;1:593–605.
Rizou S, Athanasoulis P, Andriani P, Iadanza F, Trakadas P, Griffin D, Kheirkhah M, Breitgand D, Weit A, Ustok RF, et al. Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization for 5G media industry: The 5G-media approach. In: Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2020 IFIP WG 12.5 International Workshops: MHDW 2020 and 5G-PINE 2020, Neos Marmaras, Greece, June 5–7, 2020, Proceedings 16. Springer International Publishing; 2020. pp. 95–104.
Zafeiropoulos A, Fotopoulou E, Peuster M, Schneider S, Gouvas P, Behnke D, Müller M, Bök P-B, Trakadas P, Karkazis P, et al. Benchmarking and profiling 5G verticals' applications: an industrial IoT use case. In: 2020 6th IEEE conference on network softwarization (NetSoft). IEEE; 2020. pp. 310–318.
Gkonis PK, Trakadas PT, Sarakis LE. Non-orthogonal multiple access in multiuser MIMO configurations via code reuse and principal component analysis. Electronics. 2020;9:1330.
Trakadas P, Karkazis P, Leligou HC, Zahariadis T, Vicens F, Zurita A, Alemany P, Soenen T, Parada C, Bonnet J, et al. Comparison of management and orchestration solutions for the 5G era. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks. 2020;9:4.
Nomikos N, Michailidis ET, Trakadas P, Vouyioukas D, Karl H, Martrat J, Zahariadis T, PAPADOPOULOS KONSTANTINOS, Voliotis S. A UAV-based moving 5G RAN for massive connectivity of mobile users and IoT devices. Vehicular Communications. 2020;25:100250.
Gkonis PK, Trakadas PT, Kaklamani DI. A comprehensive study on simulation techniques for 5g networks: State of the art results, analysis, and future challenges. Electronics. 2020;9:468.