The Importance of Certain Performance Indicators on Specific Set Types in Volleyball


Drikos, S., & Kountouris, P. (2014). The Importance of Certain Performance Indicators on Specific Set Types in Volleyball. Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 12, 17-25. Copy at


The aim of this study was to identify volleyball performance indicators that best discriminate between winning and losing teams in a set according to set final score differences. The data were collected from teams’ performances (N=175) in all sets played during the 2009 Men’s European Volleyball Championship in Turkey. Clusters analysis established three different groups of sets according to set final score difference: 2 points (ambivalent), 3-5 points (safe), >5 points (unbalanced). A Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed on 10 performance indicators and 4 match indicators. The analysis revealed 11 important indicators for all sets have been played and for unbalanced set too, 7 important indicators for safe sets and 1 indicator for a m-bivalent sets. The analysis of ambivalent sets showed that the winning teams had a statistically significant (p <0.001) percentage of points from direct attack compared to the defeated teams. The resu lts confirm that coaches of men’s volleyball team should attach importance to improving offensive capacities of athletes
