Publications by Year: 2015

Ličer M, Smerkol P, Fettich A, Ravdas M, Papapostolou A, Mantziafou A, Strajnar B, Cedilnik J, Jeromel M, Jerman J, et al. Modeling ocean response to an extreme Bora event in Northern Adriatic using one-way and two-way atmosphere-ocean coupling. Ocean Science Discussions [Internet]. 2015;12:1389-1431. Website
Georgiou S, Mantziafou A, Sofianos S, Gertman I, Özsoy E, Somot S, Vervatis V. Corrigendum to "Climate variability and deep water mass characteristics in the Aegean Sea" [Atmospheric Research 152 (2014) 146-158]. Atmospheric Research [Internet]. 2015;153:579. Website
Georgiou S, Mantziafou A, Sofianos S, Gertman I, Özsoy E, Somot S, Vervatis V. Climate variability and deep water mass characteristics in the Aegean Sea. Atmospheric Research [Internet]. 2015;152:146-158. Website
Hernandez F, Blockley E, Brassington GB, Davidson F, Divakaran P, Drévillon M, Ishizaki S, Garcia-Sotillo M, Hogan PJ, Lagemaa P, et al. Recent progress in performance evaluations and near real-time assessment of operational ocean products. Journal of Operational Oceanography [Internet]. 2015;8:s221-s238. Website
Papadopoulos VP, Zhan P, Sofianos SS, Raitsos DE, Qurban M, Abualnaja Y, Bower A, Kontoyiannis H, Pavlidou A, Asharaf TTM, et al. Factors governing the deep ventilation of the Red Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans [Internet]. 2015;120:7493-7505. Website