Publications by Year: 2001

Stamoulis KC, Ioannides KG, Papachristodoulou CA, Mertzimekis TJ. Heavy Metal Concentrations in North-Western Greece river sediments. In: Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation. Ioannina, 12-15 Sep 2001; 2001.
Mertzimekis TJ, Benczer-Koller N, Holden J, Jakob G, Kumbartzki G, Speidel K-H, Ernst R, Macchiavelli A, McMahan M, Phair L, et al. First measurements of g factors in the even Kr isotopes. Phys. Rev. C. 2001;64:243141–243147.Abstract
The g factors of the 2+1 and 4+1 states in 78,80,82,84,86Kr have been measured for tne first time, using Coulomb excitation of isotopic Kr beams and the transient field technique. The measured g factors of 2+1 states in 78.80.82Kr are well described, in both magnitude and progression with neutron number, by the IBA-II model. Whereas the lighter isotopes show a dominant collective structure with g factor values close to Z/A, the large g(2-1) = 1.12(14) value of 86Kr, with its closed N = 50 shell, is unequivocally dominated by specific proton configurations. The g factor of the 2+1 state in 84Kr, with two holes in the Ig9/2 neutron orbit, reflects both proton and neutron components in the wave function. In addition, the lifetimes of several 2+1 and 4+1 states were remeasured by the Doppler shift attenuation method, yielding values which, in some cases, differ from those in the literature.
Holden J, Benczer-Koller N, Jakob G, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ, Speidel K-H, Beausang CW, Kru?cken R, Macchiavelli A, McMahan M, et al. Single particle degrees of freedom in the transition from deformed to spherical Nd nuclei. Phys. Rev. C. 2001;63:243151–243158.Abstract
The g factors of the 4+1 and 6+1 states in 144,148Nd, the 4+1 state in 146Nd and the 6+1 , 8+1 , and 10+1 states in 150Nd have been measured for the first time by projectile Coulomb excitation coupled to the transient field technique. The g factors of the 2+1 states of 144,146,148,150Nd have been remeasured with high precision. The data clearly indicate that, while 148,150Nd are well described by collective excitations, the structure of the low lying levels in the lighter isotopes is dominated by the 2f7/2 neutron configuration.