Publications by Year: 2006

Stuchbery AE, Davies AD, Mantica PF, Davidson PM, Wilson AN, Becerril A, Brown BA, Campbell CM, Cook JM, Dinca DC, et al. Shell structure underlying the evolution of quadrupole collectivity in $^{38}$S and $^{40}$S probed by transient-field g-factor measurements on fast radioactive beams. Phys. Rev. C. 2006;74:–.Abstract
The shell structure underlying shape changes in neutron-rich nuclei between N=20 and N=28 has been investigated by a novel application of the transient field technique to measure the first-excited state g factors in S38 and S40 produced as fast radioactive beams. Details of the new methodology are presented. In both S38 and S40 there is a fine balance between the proton and neutron contributions to the magnetic moments. Shell-model calculations that describe the level schemes and quadrupole properties of these nuclei also give a satisfactory explanation of the g factors. In S38 the g factor is extremely sensitive to the occupation of the neutron p3/2 orbit above the N=28 shell gap as occupation of this orbit strongly affects the proton configuration. The g factor of deformed S40 does not resemble that of a conventional collective nucleus because spin contributions are more important than usual. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Minamisono K, Mantica PF, Mertzimekis TJ, Davies AD, Hass M, Pereira J, Pinter JS, Rogers WF, Stoker JB, Tomlin BE, et al. Nuclear magnetic moment of the $^{57}$Cu ground state (I=3/2$^-$, T$_{1/2}$=199.4 ms). Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006;96:1–4.Abstract
The nuclear magnetic moment of the ground state of Cu57(I?=3/2-,T1/2= 196.3ms) has been measured to be |?(Cu57)|=(2.00±0.05)?N using the ?-NMR technique. Together with the known magnetic moment of the mirror partner Ni57, the spin expectation value was extracted as ??z =-0.78±0.13. This is the heaviest isospin T=1/2 mirror pair above the Ca40 region for which both ground state magnetic moments have been determined. The discrepancy between the present results and shell-model calculations in the full fp shell giving ?(Cu57)?2.4?N and ??z ?0.5 implies significant shell breaking at Ni56 with the neutron number N=28. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Pakou A, Alamanos N, Clarke NM, Davis NJ, Doukelis G, Kalyva G, Kokkoris M, Lagoyannis A, Mertzimekis TJ, Musumarra A, et al. The ⁶Li exclusive breakup on $^{28}$Si at 13 MeV. Phys. Lett. B. 2006;633:691–695.Abstract
We have undertaken the study of 6Li breakup on a 28Si target near the Coulomb barrier through an angular distribution measurement. Alpha particles were recorded in coincidence with deuterons in order to determine exclusively the breakup of lithium. The results are analysed and are discussed, in a continuum discretized coupled channel framework (CDCC).
Mertzimekis TJ. Probing the $T_z$=-3/2 nuclei via magnetic moment measurements. In: E. Mavrommatis, A. Karabarbounis SE, Tsapalis A Advances in Nuclear Physics. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2006. pp. 144–148.
Mertzimekis TJ, Mantica PF, Davies AD, Liddick SN, Tomlin BE. Ground state magnetic dipole moment of $^{35}$K. Phys. Rev. C. 2006;73:1–6.Abstract
The ground state magnetic moment of K35 has been measured using the technique of nuclear magnetic resonance on ?-emitting nuclei. The short-lived K35 nuclei were produced following the reaction of a Ar36 primary beam of energy 150 MeV/nucleon incident on a Be target. The spin polarization of the K35 nuclei produced at 2° relative to the normal primary beam axis was confirmed. Together with the mirror nucleus S35, the measurement represents the heaviest T=3/2 mirror pair for which the spin expectation value has been obtained. A linear behavior of gp vs gn has been demonstrated for the T=3/2 known mirror moments and the slope and intercept are consistent with the previous analysis of T=1/2 mirror pairs. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Davies AD, Stuchbery AE, Mantica PF, Davidson PM, Wilson AN, Becerril A, Brown BA, Campbell CM, Cook JM, Dinca DC, et al. Probing shell structure and shape changes in neutron-rich sulfur isotopes through transient-field g-factor measurements on fast radioactive beams of $^{38}$S and $^{40}$S. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006;96:1–4.Abstract
The shell structure underlying shape changes in neutron-rich nuclei near N=28 has been investigated by a novel application of the transient-field technique to measure the first-excited-state g factors in S38 and S40 produced as fast radioactive beams. There is a fine balance between proton and neutron contributions to the magnetic moments in both nuclei. The g factor of deformed S40 does not resemble that of a conventional collective nucleus because spin contributions are more important than usual. © 2006 The American Physical Society.