- Sioumalas-Christodoulou, K., Tympas, A. AI metrics and policymaking: assumptions and challenges in the shaping of AI. AI & Society (2025). [Link]
- Michailidis, D., Khutsishvili, K., Konstantis, K., Tympas, A., Ibrahim, I.A., Ghebreab, S. (2024). Enabling Inclusive Urban Transport Planning Through Civic Artificial Intelligence. In: Keseru, I., Basu, S., Ryghaug, M., Skjølsvold, T.M. (eds) Strengthening European Mobility Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham., Chapter 9, 115-127. [Link]
- Τέλης Τύμπας, «Τεχνολογία, Καπιταλισμός, Ἱστορία: Ὁ ἀσίγαστος πόθος μιᾶς τεχνητῆς νοημοσύνης, τὰ συσσωρευόμενα πάθη τῶν πλασμάτων τῆς φύσης», ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑ 95, 1 (2024), 369-377. [Link]
- Konstantinos Konstantis, Antonios Georgas, Antonis Faras, Konstantinos Georgas, and Aristotle Tympas, "Ethical considerations in working with ChatGPT on a questionnaire about the future of work with ChatGPT", AI Ethics (2023). [Link]
- Manolis Simos, Konstantinos Konstantis, Konstantinos Sakalis and Aristotle Tympas, “‘AI Can Be Analogous to Steam Power’ or from the ‘Postindustrial Society’ to the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’: An Intellectual History of Artificial Intelligence”, ICON: Journal of the International Committee of the History of Technology, no 1, 97-116 (2022). [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, ‘History of Computing and Telecommunications in Greece: From Human Computers to Electronic Mainframe and Home/Personal Computers’, in Volume in Honor of Emeritus Professor Thomas Sfikopoulos (Τιμητικός Τόμος για τον Ομότιμο Καθηγητή Θωμά Σφηκόπουλο), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Press, Athens, 423-442 (2022). [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, 'Book Review of Artifictional Intelligence: Against Humanity’s Surrender to Computers' (Harry Collins, Polity Press, 2018), International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 34:1, 59-61 (2021). [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, “From the Display of a Digital-Masculine Machine to the Concealed Analog-Feminine Labour: The Passage from the History of Technology to Labour and Gender History”, Historein, 19:1, (2020). [Link]
- Theodore Lekkas and Aristotle Tympas, ‘Global Machines and Local Magazines in 1980s Greece: The Exemplary Case of the Pixel Magazine’, Wider Screen, 2-3 (2020). [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas et Foteini Tsaglioti, ‘L’usage du calcul à la production: le cas des nomogrammes pour machines-outils au XXe siècle’, Le monde du génie industriel au XXe siècle: Autour de Pierre Bézier et de machines-outils, Serge Benoit et Alain Michel (direction), Collection Sciences Humaines et Technologie, Pôle editorial de l’UTBM, Paris, 2016, 63-73. [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, ‘Communications Revolution’, in The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Business, Labor and Economic History, Melvyn Dubofsky (editor), Oxford University Press, 2013. [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, ‘A Deep Tradition of Computing Technology: Calculating Electrification in the American West’, in Where Minds and Matters Meet: Technology in California and the West, Volker Janssen (editor), University of California Press, Oakland, CA, 2012, 71-101. [Link] [First page]
- A. Katifori, C. Nikolaou, M. Platakis, Y. Ioannidis, A. Tympas, M. Koubarakis, N. Sarris, V. Tountopoulos, E. Tzoanos, S. Bykau, N. Kiyavitskaya, C. Tsinaraki, Y. Velegrakis, ‘The Papyrus Digital Library: Discovering History in the News’, in Stefan Gradmann, Francesca Borri, Carlo Meghini and Heiko Schuldt (editors), Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Springer-Verlag, 2011, 465-468. [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, Hara Konsta, Theodore Lekkas and Serkan Karas, ‘Constructing Gender and Computing in Advertising Images: Feminine and Masculine Computer Parts’, in Tom Misa (editor), Gender Codes: Women and Men in the Computing Professions, IEEE Press, 2010, 187-209. [Link] [First page]
- Aristotle Tympas, Krishna Chandramouli, Roberta Turra, Giorgio Pedrazzi, Foteini Tsaglioti and Vaso Aggelopoulou, ‘Integrating research into video and audio digitized archives into textual research: Examples from research on renewable energy’, Final ESF Inventing Europe Plenary Conference and 4th Tensions of Europe Plenary Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010. [Link]
- Τέλης Τύμπας, ‘Από την ‘ενέργεια’ στην ‘πληροφορία’ και από το ‘άτομο’ στο ‘γονίδιο’: η επιστήμη από την ατμομηχανή μέχρι τον υπολογιστή’, Ανθολόγιο Θεματικής Ενότητας ‘Οι Επιστήμες της Φύσης και του Ανθρώπου στην Ευρώπη’, Βύρων Καλδής (επιμέλεια), Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, Πάτρα, 2009, 165-174. [First page]
- Aristotle Tympas, Fotini Tsaglioti and Theodore Lekkas, ‘Universal machines vs. national languages: Computerization as production of new localities’ in Technologies of Globalization, 2008 International Conference Proceedings, Reiner Anderl, Bruno Arich-Gerz and Rudi Schmiede (editors), Darmstadt, Germany, 2008, 223-234. [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, ‘From the Historical Continuity of the Engineering Imaginary to an Anti-Essentialist Conception of the Mechanical-Electrical-Electronic Relationship’, in Tensions and Convergences: Technical and Aesthetic Transformation of Society, Reinhard Heil, Andreas Kamiski, Marcus Stippak, Alexander Unger, and Marc Ziegler (editors), Verlag, Germany, 2007, 173-184. [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas and Dina Dalouka, “Metaphorical Uses of an Electric Power Network: Early Computations of Atomic Particles and Nuclear Reactors”, Metaphorik, 12, 2007, 65-84. [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas and Theodore Lekkas, ‘Certainties and Doubts in World Fair Comparisons of Computing Artifacts’, Proceedings of the XXV Scientific Instrument Symposium, Krakow, 2006. [Link]
- Αristotle Tympas, ‘Electronic Era Technologies, the European Experience: Historiographical Omissions and Ambitions’, in ‘Tensions of Europe’ Network Second Plenary Conference Proceedings, Johan Schot et al. (editors), Lappeenranta, Finland, 2006 (CD-ROM). [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, ‘Between Telecommunications Efficiency and Stability: Towards an Historical Approach’, in In-Use Knowledge, Gerasimos Kouzelis, Maria Pournari, Michael Stoppler, and Vasilis Tselfes (editors), Peter Lang, Bern, Switzerland, 2005, 197-212. [Link]
- Τέλης Τύμπας, «Γνώση, άγνοια και ιδεολογία των νέων τεχνολογιών: Παρατηρήσεις από την ιστορία της τεχνολογίας», τοπικά 10, 2005, 47-60. [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, ‘Computers: Analog’, in Encyclopedia of 20th –Century Technology, Colin Hempstead (editor), Routledge, London, Great Britain, 2005, 195-199. [First page]
- Aristotle Tympas, ‘Computers: Hybrid’, in Encyclopedia of 20th –Century Technology, Colin Hempstead (editor), Routledge, London, Great Britain, 2005, 202-204. [First page]
- Robbie Guerreiro-Wilson, Lars Heide, Matthias Kipping, Cecilia Pahlberg, Adrienne van den Bogaard, and Aristotle Tympas, ‘Information Systems and Technology in Organizations and Society: Review Essay’, in ‘Tensions of Europe’ Network First Plenary Conference Proceedings, Johan Schot et al. (editors), Budapest, Hungary, 2004 (CD-ROM). [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, ‘Calculation and Computation’, in New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, Maryanne Cline Horowitz (editor), Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, New York, 2004, 255-259. [First page]
- Aristotle Tympas, “Perpetually Laborious: Computing Electric Power Transmission Before the Electronic Computer”, International Review of Social History, Volume 11, Supplement, 2003, 73-95 (reprinted in Uncovering labour in information revolutions, 1750-2000, Aad Blok and Greg Downey (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2004, 73-95). [Link] [First page]
- Τέλης Τύμπας, «Η Τεχνολογία ως Φαντασματολογία: Για την Ιστοριογραφία των Τεχνικών Αυτοματισμού», Νεύσις, Τεύχος 10, 2001, 105-128. [Link]
- Aristotle Tympas, “From Digital to Analog and Back: The Ideology of Intelligent Machines in the History of the Electrical Analyzer, 1870s -1960s”, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Volume 18, Number 4, 1996, 42-48.[Link] [First page]
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