Stute M, Tsinganos K, Vlahakis N, Matsakos T, Gracia J.
Extending Analytical MHD Jet Formation Models with a Finite Disk Radius. In: Vol. 13. ; 2009. pp. 123 - 129.
WebsiteAbstractThe available analytical MHD models for jets, characterized by the symmetries of radial self-similarity (ADO, Analytical Disk Outflow solutions) in general have two geometrical shortcomings, a singularity at the jet axis and the non-existence of an intrinsic scale, i.e., the jets formally extend to radial infinity. The present study focuses on imposing an outer ejecting radius of the underlying accreting disk and thus providing a finite width disk-wind. The simulations are carried out using the PLUTO code. We study the time evolution of these modified analytical models and we investigate the rich parameter space and compare the results directly with observations.
Sauty C, Globus N, Meliani Z, Tsinganos K, Vlahakis N, Trussoni E.
On the Effect of Stellar Wind Braking onto the Central Object. In: Vol. 13. ; 2009. pp. 173 - 178.
WebsiteAbstractStellar winds seem to be very efficient at removing angular momentum from stars. By means of analytical axisymmetric solutions of the ideal MHD equations for steady outflows, we show via a specific example how collimated stellar winds can brake Weak T Tauri stars in a reasonable time. This result can be generalized to Classical T Tauri stars provided that part of the accreted angular momentum is removed by the inner disk wind. We also extend briefly to Kerr metrics the self similar MHD solutions for relativistic flows and conjecture that relativistic outflows may efficiently slow down spinning black holes at the center of Active Galactic Nuclei or microquasars.
Čemeljić M, Gracia J, Vlahakis N, Tsinganos K.
Resistive MHD Jet Simulations with Large Resistivity. In: Vol. 13. ; 2009. pp. 137 - 141.
WebsiteAbstractAxisymmetric resistive MHD simulations for radially self-similar initial conditions are performed, using the NIRVANA code. The magnetic diffusivity could occur in outflows above an accretion disk, being transferred from the underlying disk into the disk corona by MHD turbulence (anomalous turbulent diffusivity), or as a result of ambipolar diffusion in partially ionized flows. We introduce, in addition to the classical magnetic Reynolds number Rm, which measures the importance of resistive effects in the induction equation, a new number Rb, which measures the importance of the resistive effects in the energy equation. We find two distinct regimes of solutions in our simulations. One is the low-resistivity regime, in which results do not differ much from ideal-MHD solutions. In the high-resistivity regime, results seem to show some periodicity in time-evolution, and depart significantly from the ideal-MHD case. Whether this departure is caused by numerical or physical reasons is of considerable interest for numerical simulations and theory of astrophysical outflows and is currently investigated.
Komissarov SS, Vlahakis N, Königl A, Barkov MV.
Magnetic acceleration of ultrarelativistic jets in gamma-ray burst sources. [Internet]. 2009;394:1182 - 1212.
WebsiteAbstractWe present numerical simulations of axisymmetric, magnetically driven outflows that reproduce the inferred properties of ultrarelativistic gamma-ray burst (GRB) jets. These results extend our previous simulations of outflows accelerated to moderately relativistic speeds, which are applicable to jets of active galactic nuclei. In contrast to several recent investigations, which have employed the magnetodynamics approximation, our numerical scheme solves the full set of equations of special relativistic, ideal magnetohydrodynamics, which enables us to explicitly calculate the jet velocity and magnetic-to-kinetic energy conversion efficiency - key parameters of interest for astrophysical applications. We confirm that the magnetic acceleration scheme remains robust into the ultrarelativistic regime, as previously indicated by semi-analytic self-similar solutions. We find that all current-carrying outflows exhibit self-collimation and consequent acceleration near the rotation axis, but that unconfined outflows lose causal connectivity across the jet and therefore do not collimate or accelerate efficiently in their outer regions. We show that magnetically accelerated jets confined by an external pressure that varies as z-α (0 < α <= 2) assume a paraboloidal shape z ~ ra (where r,z are cylindrical coordinates and a > 1), and we obtain analytic expressions for the one-to-one correspondence between the pressure distribution and the asymptotic jet shape. We demonstrate that the acceleration efficiency of jets with paraboloidal streamlines is >~50 per cent, with the numerical value being higher the lower the initial magnetization. We derive asymptotic analytic expressions for the acceleration of initially cold outflows along paraboloidal streamlines and verify that they provide good descriptions of the simulated flows. Our modelled jets (corresponding to 3/2 < a < 3) attain Lorentz factors Γ >~ 102 on scales ~ 1010-1012cm, consistent with the possibility that long/soft GRB jets are accelerated within envelopes of collapsing massive stars, and Γ >~ 30 on scales ~9 × 108-3 × 1010cm, consistent with the possibility that short/hard GRB jets are accelerated on scales where they can be confined by moderately relativistic winds from accretion discs. We also find that Γθv ~ 1 for outflows that undergo an efficient magnetic-to-kinetic energy conversion, where θv is the opening half-angle of the poloidal streamlines. This relation implies that the γ-ray emitting components of GRB outflows accelerated in this way are very narrow, with θv <~ 1° in regions where Γ >~ 100, and that the afterglow light curves of these components would either exhibit a very early jet break or show no jet break at all.
Gracia J, Vlahakis N, Agudo I, Tsinganos K, Bogovalov SV.
Synthetic Synchrotron Emission Maps from MHD Models for the Jet of M87. [Internet]. 2009;695:503 - 510.
WebsiteAbstractWe present self-consistent global steady state MHD models and synthetic optically thin synchrotron emission maps for the jet of M87. The model consists of two distinct zones: an inner relativistic outflow, which we identify with the observed jet, and an outer cold disk wind. While the former does not self-collimate efficiently due to its high effective inertia, the latter fulfills all the conditions for efficient collimation by the magnetocentrifugal mechanism. Given the right balance between the effective inertia of the inner flow and the collimation efficiency of the outer disk wind, the relativistic flow is magnetically confined into a well-collimated beam and matches the measurements of the opening angle of M87 over several orders of magnitudes in spatial extent. The synthetic synchrotron maps reproduce the morphological structure of the jet of M87, i.e., center bright profiles near the core and limb bright profiles away from the core. At the same time, they also show a local increase of brightness at some distance along the axis associated with a recollimation shock in the MHD model. Its location coincides with the position of the optical knot HST-1. In addition, our best fitting model is consistent with a number of observational constraints such as the magnetic field in the knot HST-1 and the jet-to-counterjet brightness ratio.
Matsakos T, Massaglia S, Trussoni E, Tsinganos K, Vlahakis N, Sauty C, Mignone A.
Two-component Jet Simulations: Combining Analytical and Numerical Approaches. In: Vol. 13. ; 2009. pp. 441 - 446.
WebsiteAbstractRecent observations as well as theoretical studies of YSO jets suggest the presence of two steady components: a disk wind type outflow needed to explain the observed high mass loss rates and a stellar wind type outflow probably accounting for the observed stellar spin down. In this framework, we construct numerical two-component jet models by properly mixing an analytical disk wind solution with a complementary analytically derived stellar outflow. Their combination is controlled by both spatial and temporal parameters, in order to address different physical conditions and time variable features. We study the temporal evolution and the interaction of the two jet components on both small and large scales. The simulations reach steady state configurations close to the initial solutions. Although time variability is not found to considerably affect the dynamics, flow fluctuations generate shocks, whose large scale structures have a strong resemblance to observed YSO jet knots.
Vlahakis N.
Jets in the MHD Context. In: Vol. 13. ; 2009. pp. 205 - 211.
WebsiteAbstractOutflows in the form of jets is a widespread phenomenon in astrophysics. Their main driving mechanism is likely related to magnetic fields. These fields are able to tap the rotational energy of the central object and its surrounding disk, and accelerate and collimate matter ejecta. To zeroth order these outflows can be described within the theory of steady, axisymmetric, ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The analytical insight into the equations of the theory (mostly on the transfield component of the momentum equation) gives simple analytical scalings for the flow speed, density, and magnetic field. The analysis is focused on nonrelativistic YSO jets; similar works [1, 2] exist for relativistic AGN, and highly relativistic GRB jets.
Vlahakis N.
Jets in the MHD Context. [Internet]. 2009;13:205 - 211.
WebsiteAbstractOutflows in the form of jets is a widespread phenomenon in astrophysics. Their main driving mechanism is likely related to magnetic fields. These fields are able to tap the rotational energy of the central object and its surrounding disk, and accelerate and collimate matter ejecta. To zeroth order these outflows can be described within the theory of steady, axisymmetric, ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). The analytical insight into the equations of the theory (mostly on the transfield component of the momentum equation) gives simple analytical scalings for the flow speed, density, and magnetic field. The analysis is focused on nonrelativistic YSO jets; similar works [1, 2] exist for relativistic AGN, and highly relativistic GRB jets.
Sauty C, Globus N, Meliani Z, Tsinganos K, Vlahakis N, Trussoni E.
On the Effect of Stellar Wind Braking onto the Central Object. [Internet]. 2009;13:173 - 178.
WebsiteAbstractStellar winds seem to be very efficient at removing angular momentum from stars. By means of analytical axisymmetric solutions of the ideal MHD equations for steady outflows, we show via a specific example how collimated stellar winds can brake Weak T Tauri stars in a reasonable time. This result can be generalized to Classical T Tauri stars provided that part of the accreted angular momentum is removed by the inner disk wind. We also extend briefly to Kerr metrics the self similar MHD solutions for relativistic flows and conjecture that relativistic outflows may efficiently slow down spinning black holes at the center of Active Galactic Nuclei or microquasars.
Čemeljić M, Gracia J, Vlahakis N, Tsinganos K.
Resistive MHD Jet Simulations with Large Resistivity. [Internet]. 2009;13:137 - 141.
WebsiteAbstractAxisymmetric resistive MHD simulations for radially self-similar initial conditions are performed, using the NIRVANA code. The magnetic diffusivity could occur in outflows above an accretion disk, being transferred from the underlying disk into the disk corona by MHD turbulence (anomalous turbulent diffusivity), or as a result of ambipolar diffusion in partially ionized flows. We introduce, in addition to the classical magnetic Reynolds number Rm, which measures the importance of resistive effects in the induction equation, a new number Rb, which measures the importance of the resistive effects in the energy equation. We find two distinct regimes of solutions in our simulations. One is the low-resistivity regime, in which results do not differ much from ideal-MHD solutions. In the high-resistivity regime, results seem to show some periodicity in time-evolution, and depart significantly from the ideal-MHD case. Whether this departure is caused by numerical or physical reasons is of considerable interest for numerical simulations and theory of astrophysical outflows and is currently investigated.
Stute M, Tsinganos K, Vlahakis N, Matsakos T, Gracia J.
Extending Analytical MHD Jet Formation Models with a Finite Disk Radius. [Internet]. 2009;13:123 - 129.
WebsiteAbstractThe available analytical MHD models for jets, characterized by the symmetries of radial self-similarity (ADO, Analytical Disk Outflow solutions) in general have two geometrical shortcomings, a singularity at the jet axis and the non-existence of an intrinsic scale, i.e., the jets formally extend to radial infinity. The present study focuses on imposing an outer ejecting radius of the underlying accreting disk and thus providing a finite width disk-wind. The simulations are carried out using the PLUTO code. We study the time evolution of these modified analytical models and we investigate the rich parameter space and compare the results directly with observations.
Matsakos T, Massaglia S, Trussoni E, Tsinganos K, Vlahakis N, Sauty C, Mignone A.
Two-component jet simulations. II. Combining analytical disk and stellar MHD outflow solutions. [Internet]. 2009;502:217 - 229.
WebsiteAbstractContext: Theoretical arguments along with observational data of YSO jets suggest the presence of two steady components: a disk wind type outflow needed to explain the observed high mass loss rates and a stellar wind type outflow probably accounting for the observed stellar spin down. Each component's contribution depends on the intrinsic physical properties of the YSO-disk system and its evolutionary stage. Aims: The main goal of this paper is to understand some of the basic features of the evolution, interaction and co-existence of the two jet components over a parameter space and when time variability is enforced. Methods: Having studied separately the numerical evolution of each type of the complementary disk and stellar analytical wind solutions in Paper I of this series, we proceed here to mix together the two models inside the computational box. The evolution in time is performed with the PLUTO code, investigating the dynamics of the two-component jets, the modifications each solution undergoes and the potential steady state reached. Results: The co-evolution of the two components, indeed, results in final steady state configurations with the disk wind effectively collimating the inner stellar component. The final outcome stays close to the initial solutions, supporting the validity of the analytical studies. Moreover, a weak shock forms, disconnecting the launching region of both outflows with the propagation domain of the two-component jet. On the other hand, several cases are being investigated to identify the role of each two-component jet parameter. Time variability is not found to considerably affect the dynamics, thus making all the conclusions robust. However, the flow fluctuations generate shocks, whose large scale structures have a strong resemblance to observed YSO jet knots. Conclusions: Analytical disk and stellar solutions, even sub modified fast ones, provide a solid foundation to construct two-component jet models. Tuning their physical properties along with the two-component jet parameters allows a broad class of realistic scenarios to be addressed. The applied flow variability provides very promising perspectives for the comparison of the models with observations.
Komissarov SS, Vlahakis N, Königl A, Barkov MV.
Magnetic acceleration of ultrarelativistic jets in gamma-ray burst sources. [Internet]. 2009;394:1182 - 1212.
WebsiteAbstractWe present numerical simulations of axisymmetric, magnetically driven outflows that reproduce the inferred properties of ultrarelativistic gamma-ray burst (GRB) jets. These results extend our previous simulations of outflows accelerated to moderately relativistic speeds, which are applicable to jets of active galactic nuclei. In contrast to several recent investigations, which have employed the magnetodynamics approximation, our numerical scheme solves the full set of equations of special relativistic, ideal magnetohydrodynamics, which enables us to explicitly calculate the jet velocity and magnetic-to-kinetic energy conversion efficiency - key parameters of interest for astrophysical applications. We confirm that the magnetic acceleration scheme remains robust into the ultrarelativistic regime, as previously indicated by semi-analytic self-similar solutions. We find that all current-carrying outflows exhibit self-collimation and consequent acceleration near the rotation axis, but that unconfined outflows lose causal connectivity across the jet and therefore do not collimate or accelerate efficiently in their outer regions. We show that magnetically accelerated jets confined by an external pressure that varies as z-α (0 < α <= 2) assume a paraboloidal shape z ~ ra (where r,z are cylindrical coordinates and a > 1), and we obtain analytic expressions for the one-to-one correspondence between the pressure distribution and the asymptotic jet shape. We demonstrate that the acceleration efficiency of jets with paraboloidal streamlines is >~50 per cent, with the numerical value being higher the lower the initial magnetization. We derive asymptotic analytic expressions for the acceleration of initially cold outflows along paraboloidal streamlines and verify that they provide good descriptions of the simulated flows. Our modelled jets (corresponding to 3/2 < a < 3) attain Lorentz factors Γ >~ 102 on scales ~ 1010-1012cm, consistent with the possibility that long/soft GRB jets are accelerated within envelopes of collapsing massive stars, and Γ >~ 30 on scales ~9 × 108-3 × 1010cm, consistent with the possibility that short/hard GRB jets are accelerated on scales where they can be confined by moderately relativistic winds from accretion discs. We also find that Γθv ~ 1 for outflows that undergo an efficient magnetic-to-kinetic energy conversion, where θv is the opening half-angle of the poloidal streamlines. This relation implies that the γ-ray emitting components of GRB outflows accelerated in this way are very narrow, with θv <~ 1° in regions where Γ >~ 100, and that the afterglow light curves of these components would either exhibit a very early jet break or show no jet break at all.
Gracia J, Vlahakis N, Agudo I, Tsinganos K, Bogovalov SV.
Synthetic Synchrotron Emission Maps from MHD Models for the Jet of M87. [Internet]. 2009;695:503 - 510.
WebsiteAbstractWe present self-consistent global steady state MHD models and synthetic optically thin synchrotron emission maps for the jet of M87. The model consists of two distinct zones: an inner relativistic outflow, which we identify with the observed jet, and an outer cold disk wind. While the former does not self-collimate efficiently due to its high effective inertia, the latter fulfills all the conditions for efficient collimation by the magnetocentrifugal mechanism. Given the right balance between the effective inertia of the inner flow and the collimation efficiency of the outer disk wind, the relativistic flow is magnetically confined into a well-collimated beam and matches the measurements of the opening angle of M87 over several orders of magnitudes in spatial extent. The synthetic synchrotron maps reproduce the morphological structure of the jet of M87, i.e., center bright profiles near the core and limb bright profiles away from the core. At the same time, they also show a local increase of brightness at some distance along the axis associated with a recollimation shock in the MHD model. Its location coincides with the position of the optical knot HST-1. In addition, our best fitting model is consistent with a number of observational constraints such as the magnetic field in the knot HST-1 and the jet-to-counterjet brightness ratio.
Matsakos T, Massaglia S, Trussoni E, Tsinganos K, Vlahakis N, Sauty C, Mignone A.
Two-component Jet Simulations: Combining Analytical and Numerical Approaches. [Internet]. 2009;13:441 - 446.
WebsiteAbstractRecent observations as well as theoretical studies of YSO jets suggest the presence of two steady components: a disk wind type outflow needed to explain the observed high mass loss rates and a stellar wind type outflow probably accounting for the observed stellar spin down. In this framework, we construct numerical two-component jet models by properly mixing an analytical disk wind solution with a complementary analytically derived stellar outflow. Their combination is controlled by both spatial and temporal parameters, in order to address different physical conditions and time variable features. We study the temporal evolution and the interaction of the two jet components on both small and large scales. The simulations reach steady state configurations close to the initial solutions. Although time variability is not found to considerably affect the dynamics, flow fluctuations generate shocks, whose large scale structures have a strong resemblance to observed YSO jet knots.