Publications by Year: 2021

Knecht, P., et al. Conformational Control of Chemical Reactivity for Surface-Confined Ru-Porphyrins. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 60, 16561 - 16567 (2021). Publisher's Version
Featured in the Diamond Light Source 2021/22 Annual Review to highlight beamline I09.
Knecht, P., et al. Assembly and Manipulation of a Prototypical N-Heterocyclic Carbene with a Metalloporphyrin Pedestal on a Solid Surface. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143, 4433 - 4439 (2021). Publisher's Version
Guo, Y., et al. Interaction of cyclosporin A molecules with alkali and transition metal atoms on Cu(111). Chemical Communications 57, 2923 - 2926 (2021). Publisher's Version
Knecht, P., et al. Tunable interface of ruthenium porphyrins and silver. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 3215 - 3224 (2021). Publisher's Version
Meier, D., et al. Rotation in an Enantiospecific Self-Assembled Array of Molecular Raffle Wheels. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 60, 26932 - 26938 (2021). Publisher's Version
Haag, F., et al. The Flexible On-Surface Self-Assembly of a Low-Symmetry Mabiq Ligand: An Unconventional Metal-Assisted Phase Transformation on Ag(111). Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 23178 - 23191 (2021). Publisher's Version