Investigating metaphorical language in sentiment analysis: a sense-to-sentiment perspective


Rentoumi V, Vouros G, Karkaletsis V, Moser A. Investigating metaphorical language in sentiment analysis: a sense-to-sentiment perspective. ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing [Internet]. 2012;9(3):6.1-6.31.


Intuition dictates that figurative language and especially metaphorical expressions should convey sentiment. It is the aim of this work to validate this intuition by showing that figurative language (metaphors) appearing in a sentence drive the polarity of that sentence. Towards this target, the current article proposes an approach for sentiment analysis of sentences where figurative language plays a dominant role. This approach applies Word Sense Disambiguation aiming to assign polarity to word senses rather than tokens. Sentence polarity is determined using the individual polarities for metaphorical senses as well as other contextual information. Experimental evaluation shows that the proposed method achieves high scores in comparison with other state-of-the-art approaches tested on the same corpora. Finally, experimental results provide supportive evidence that this method is also well suited for corpora consisting of literal and figurative language sentences.

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