Zafeiropoulos G, Drinia H.
Comparative Analysis of Two Assessment Methods for the Geoeducational Values of Geosites: A Case Study from the Volcanic Island of Nisyros, SE Aegean Sea, Greece. Geosciences [Internet]. 2022;12.
WebsiteAbstractIn this study, the geoeducational value of five geosites, located in the aspiring geopark of the volcanic island of Nisyros, SE Aegean Sea, was assessed by means of two methods: the G-P method of Brilha (2016) and the M-GAM method. The first method takes into account 12 criteria belonging to the educational potential. The M-GAM method, on the other hand, takes into account the opinions of visitors who, as non-experts, express a different point of view that is rarely calculated or evaluated in different geosite assessment methods. For the better and more objective comparison of the two methods of evaluation of the educational potential of the study areas, the results were converted to a percentage scale (%). The first G-P method clearly highlights the high geological value of the studied geosites, which have a relatively high score and can be used for geotourism and geoeducation. The second method, on the other hand, yields a moderate score in areas with objectively high geological value. This is clearly evident, as this method considers the opinions of visitors who lack the necessary cognitive geological background, thereby underestimating the significance and potential of certain geological features due to lack of formal training.
Georgousis E, Savelidi M, Savelides S, Mosios S, Holokolos M-V, Drinia H.
How Greek Students Perceive Concepts Related to Geoenvironment: A Semiotics Content Analysis. Geosciences [Internet]. 2022;12.
WebsiteAbstractIn order to design a geoeducation program in the context of the possibilities given to the Experimental Schools of Greece of Lower Secondary Education, teachers identified the need for diagnostically assess students’ understanding of basic concepts of the geoenvironment and particularly the concepts of geodiversity, geoheritage, geoethics and geotourism. In addition, there was a need to apply the educational technique of creating cognitive conflicts in order to promote the scientific perceptions of these concepts. Thus, research questions were identified which led the research to assess the current latent state of students’ perceptions regarding the thematic areas of the concepts and to identify concepts whose perceptions can be used in the educational process in order to achieve effective cognitive conflicts in order to promote scientific perceptions of them. The students briefly answered a four-question questionnaire, wherein each question examined their perceptions regarding the four concepts of geoenvironment: geodiversity, geoheritage, geoethics and geotourism. All 45 students of the geoeducation program that took part in the survey were aged between 12 and 15 years old. The qualitative research strategy approach was selected and specifically the hybrid technique of semiotics content analysis in combination with thematic analysis. This technique was selected due to the need to identify, code, categorize and count both obvious and latent meanings in the students’ written answers; these meanings were related to the four concepts under examination. The results of the research show that the current latent state of students’ perceptions regarding the thematic fields of the four concepts of the geoenvironment can be considered as particularly confused since the majority of students did not understand the concepts as they are employed in the international literature. The research also highlighted concepts that can be used by teachers in their efforts to develop students’ clear or even scientifically acceptable perceptions for the concepts of geodiversity, geoheritage, geoethics and geotourism in the thematic field of the geoenvironment.
Tsipra T, Drinia H.
Geocultural Landscape and Sustainable Development at Apano Meria in Syros Island, Central Aegean Sea, Greece: An Ecomuseological Approach for the Promotion of Geological Heritage. Heritage [Internet]. 2022;5:2160–2180.
WebsiteAbstractIn order to create a cultural landscape, the number of different types of ecomuseums around the world, covering many sites, has recently increased. Their establishment aims at the protection of natural and cultural resources. The north area of Syros Island offers significant opportunities for the development of a museum model that promotes the sustainable development of the local community. The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility of developing a museum model that promotes the sustainable development of the local community in Apano Meria, Syros Island, which is a representative site with natural, geological, and archaeological heritage. For this purpose, the engagement and participation of the local inhabitants was evaluated through various activities, the basic principles of which are based on the concepts of New Museology and, more specifically, those of ecomuseums. Qualitative research was carried out through on-site observations, including discussions, participant observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews with local people. This research revealed that, so far, the conservation of the Apano Meria landscape is mainly due to the action of local people, who have repeatedly been called upon to show strong resistance to external factors that threatened to alter it. In their long-term effort to preserve and protect the area, but also to develop it in terms of sustainable development, the idea of its possible future inclusion in the UNESCO Global Network of Geoparks was proposed.
Drinia H, Voudouris P, Antonarakou A.
Editorial of Special Issue—“Geoheritage and Geotourism Resources: Education, Recreation, Sustainability”. Geosciences [Internet]. 2022;12.
WebsiteAbstractIn recent years, the interest of society in the geoenvironment is constantly increasing [...]
Mereli A, Evelpidou N, Antonarakou A, Drinia H, Mereli M, Tzouxanioti M.
Investigation of the beliefs and assessment of the security feeling in primary education in Greece in relationship to rapid onset natural disasters. International Journal of Educational Research Review [Internet]. 2022;7(2):56-70.
Publisher's VersionAbstractThe aim of the research is the awakening, participation and alertness of educators and students of Primary Education schools in Greece when it comes to rapid onset Natural Disasters pre-emption. The aim is the alertness of educators, as well as students of school units, so that they are able to face rapid onset natural disasters with prudence and composure, both during them, by putting themselves in the minimum possible danger, and after their finish, by taking part in the rehabilitation of “damages” of any kind. At an early stage, through the distribution of two questionnaires, one for educators and one for students, we invited the participants to answer questions relevant to their status and knowledge, when it comes to rapid onset natural disasters and their safe living in their school environment. In total, the participants exceeded two thousand (2,000) persons. One thousand twenty seven (1,027) educators, serving the Primary Education, and nine hundred eighty four (984) random students from all over the country, answered the digital questionnaires created through the application ArcGIS Survey123 (part of Geospatial Cloud by Esri), which is an integrated solution to the creation, distribution and analysis of survey data. From the statistical analysis of their answers, their beliefs regarding the subject examined arose and the proposed means of action is profiled, so that persons participating on the educational procedure can achieve their meaningful training, in order for them to feel safer and more aware, imparting their knowledge regarding rapid onset natural disasters. Their considering training programs about natural disasters necessary is clear, as the majority of them accept that any natural disaster is liable to occur while they are at school. The conducted research showed that the knowledge of educators and students regarding their responsibilities, as well as the necessary items and services which are essential during the occurrence of the natural phenomenon, as well as after its finish, seem to be inadequate.