
Kanellos N, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. Assessing the Impact of Emerging Vertical Markets in 5G Diffusion Forecasting. IEEE Communications Magazine. 2022:1-7.
Aravantinos E, Petre K, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. Determinants of {FTTH} tariffs evolution in {EU}: A panel data analysis. Telecommunications Policy [Internet]. 2021:102218. Website
Ioannou N, Logothetis V, Petre K, Tselekounis M, Chipouras A, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. Network modeling approaches for calculating wholesale {NGA} prices: A full comparison based on the Greek fixed broadband market. Telecommunications Policy [Internet]. 2021;45:102184. Website
Kanellos N, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. On the Introduction of Diffusion Uncertainty in Telecommunications' Market Forecasting. Engineering Proceedings [Internet]. 2021;5:13. Website
Charalampopoulos G, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. Deviating from Net Neutrality: Assessing the impact on the implementation of economic replicability tests in Europe. Joint 13th CTTE and 10th CMI Conference on Internet of Things - Business Models, Users, and Networks. 2018;2018-January:1-8.
Katsianis D, Neokosmidis I, Pastor A, Jacquin L, Gardikis G. Factors Influencing Market Adoption and Evolution of NFV/SDN Cybersecurity Solutions. Evidence from SHIELD Project. 2018 European Conference on Networks and Communications, EuCNC 2018. 2018:261-265.
Gardikis G, Tzoulas K, Tripolitis K, Bartzas A, Costicoglou S, Lioy A, Gaston B, Fernandez C, Davila C, Litke A, et al. SHIELD: A novel NFV-based cybersecurity framework. 2017 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization: Softwarization Sustaining a Hyper-Connected World: en Route to 5G, NetSoft 2017. 2017.
Bouchet O, Javaudin J-P, Kortebi A, El Abdellaouy H, Brzozowski M, Katsianis D, Mayer C, Guan H, Lebouc M, Fontaine F, et al. ACEMIND: The smart integrated home network. Proceedings - 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, IE 2014. 2014:1-8.
Katsianis D, Rokkas T, Neokosmidis I, Tselekounis M, Varoutas D, Zacharopoulos I, Bartzoudi A. Risks associated with next generation access networks investment scenarios. IEEE Network. 2012;26:11-17.
Rokkas T, Neokosmidis I, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. Cost analysis of WDM and TDM fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks: A system-of-systems approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews. 2012;42:1842-1853.
Kyriakidou V, Katsianis D, Orfanos I, Chipouras A, Varoutas D. Business modeling and financial analysis for Metropolitan Area Networks: Evidence from Greece. Telematics and Informatics. 2011;28:112-124.
Charalampopoulos G, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. The option to expand to a next generation access network infrastructure and the role of regulation in a discrete time setting: A real options approach. Telecommunications Policy. 2011;35:895-906.
Rokkas T, Katsianis D, Kamalakis T, Varoutas D. Economics of time and wavelength domain multiplexed passive optical networks. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 2010;2:1042-1051.
Fokas M, Katsianis D, Varoutas D, Rokkas T, Javaudin J-P, Bellec M, Goni G, Fuentetaja RG. Initial techno-economic results for OMEGA home Gigabit networks. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC. 2010:2793-2798.
Rokkas T, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. Techno-economic evaluation of FTTC/VDSL and FTTH roll-out scenarios: Discounted cash flows and real option valuation. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. 2010;2:760-772.
Rokkas T, Varoutas D, Katsianis D, Smura T, Renjish K, Heikkinen M, Harno J, Kind M, von Hugo D, Monath T. On the economics of fixed-mobile convergence. Info. 2009;11:75-86.
Harno J, Katsianis D, Smura T, Eskedal TG, Venturin R, Pohjola OP, Kumar KRR, Varoutas D. Alternatives for mobile operators in the competitive 3G and beyond business. Telecommunication Systems. 2009;41:77-95.
Kyriakidou V, Chipouras A, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T. Business models for municipal metro networks: Theoretical and financial analysis. Optical Access Networks and Advanced Photonics: Technologies and Deployment Strategies. 2009:213-230.
Kakaletris G, Varoutas D, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T. Design and implementation approaches for location-based, tourism-related services. Handbook of Research on Geoinformatics. 2009:433-468.
Rokkas T, Katsianis D, Kamalakis T, Varoutas D, Sphicopoulos T. Evaluation of FSO and FTTH technologies using techno-economic and risk analysis. Info. 2009;11:87-96.
Katsianis D, Varoutas D, Apostolopoulou V. The economics of integration of DVB-S with terrestrial technologies and the role of dynamic bandwidth management. International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking. 2007;25:237-250.
Varoutas D, Kamalakis T, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T, Monath T. Techno-economic evaluation of optical access and metropolitan area networks: The influence of the status of maturity of the photonics component industry. OFC/NFOEC 2007 - Optical Fiber Communication and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 2007. 2007.
Varoutas D, Kamalakis T, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T, Monath T. Techno-economic evaluation of optical access and metropolitan area networks: The influence of the status of maturity of the photonics component industry. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2007.
Katsianis D, Rokkas T, Varoutas D, Sphicopoulos T, Harno J, Welling I. 3G mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs): Business strategies, regulation, and policy issues. Strategies and Policies in Digital Convergence. 2007:50-69.
Rokkas T, Kamalakis T, Katsianis D, Varoutas D, Sphicopoulos T. Business prospects of wide-scale deployment of free space optical technology as a last-mile solution: A techno-economic analysis. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC. 2007.
Rokkas T, Kamalakis T, Katsianis D, Varoutas D, Sphicopoulos T. Business prospects of wide-scale deployment of free space optical technology as a last-mile solution: A techno-economic evaluation. Journal of Optical Networking. 2007;6:860-870.
Kakaletris G, Varoutas D, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T. Design and implementation approaches for location-based, tourism-related services. Information and Communication Technologies in Support of the Tourism Industry. 2007:114-161.
Rokkas T, Katsianis D, Varoutas D, Sphicopoulos T. Fixed Mobile Convergence for an integrated operator: A techno-economic study. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC. 2007.
Rokkas T, Kamalakis T, Katsianis D, Varoutas D, Sphicopoulos T. Free space optical technology as an alternative last-mile solution: A techno-economic analysis. 2007 6th Conference on Telecommunication Techno-Economics, CTTE 2007. 2007.
Katsianis D, Gyürke A, Konkoly R, Varoutas D, Sphicopoulos T. A game theory modeling approach for 3G operators. NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking. 2007;8:71-90.
Varoutas D, Kamalakis T, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T, Monath T. Importance of the maturity of photonic component industry on the business prospects of optical access networks: A techno-economic analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2007;4479 LNCS:935-944.
Harno J, Kumar KRR, Eskedal TG, Venturin R, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. Techno-economic evaluation of 3G and beyond mobile business alternatives. NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking. 2007;8:5-23.
Varoutas D, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T, Stordahl K, Welling I. On the economics of 3G Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs). Wireless Personal Communications. 2006;36:129-142.
Olsen BT, Katsianis D, Varoutas D, Stordahl K, Harno J, Elnegaard NK, Welling I, Loizillon F, Monath T, Cadro P. Technoeconomic evaluation of the major telecommunication investment options for European players. IEEE Network. 2006;20:6-15.
Kakaletris G, Varoutas D, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T, Kouvas G. Designing and implementing an open infrastructure for location-based, tourism-related content delivery. Wireless Personal Communications. 2004;30:153-165.
Varoutas D, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T, Loizillon F, Kalhagen KO, Stordahl K, Welling I, Harno J. Business opportunities through UMTS-WLAN networks. Annales des Telecommunications/Annals of Telecommunications. 2003;58:553-575.
Monath T, Elnegaard NK, Cadro P, Katsianis D, Varoutas D. Economics of fixed broadband access network strategies. IEEE Communications Magazine. 2003;41:132-139.
Varoutas D, Katsianis D, Sphicopoulos T, Cerboni A, Canu S, Kalhagen KO, Stordahl K, Harno J, Welling I. Economic viability of 3G mobile virtual network operators. Proceedings - 2002 International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and Beyond (Key Function of World Wireless Congress). 2002:60-63.
Katsianis D, Welling I, Ylönen M, Varoutas D, Sphicopoulos T, Elnegaard NK, Olsen BT, Budry L. The financial perspective of the mobile networks in Europe. IEEE Personal Communications. 2001;8:58-64.
Cerboni A, Ylonen M, Katsianis D, Varoutas D, Elnegaard NK, Olsen B, Ims L, Budry L. Economics of IMT-2000 3G mobile systems. Conference Record / IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference. 2000;1:236-240.
Jormakka J, van Dijk J, Jonker W, van der Mei R, Parise P, Liffredo L, Ullio M, Aarstad E, Huth P, Jensen T, et al. ATM traffic sources and core network dimensioning. IEEE ATM Workshop, Proceedings. 1997:243-252.