Diagnostics of cyclogenesis over the Aegean sea using potential vorticity inversion


Flocas HA. Diagnostics of cyclogenesis over the Aegean sea using potential vorticity inversion. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics [Internet]. 2000;73:25-33.


In this study an attempt is made to investigate comprehensively the dynamics of a case of cyclogenesis over the Aegean Sea within the context of the potential vorticity. At early stages the cyclogenesis is manifested by a large scale development at the upper levels over Adriatic Sea and Yugoslavia associated with an upper tropospheric potential vorticity anomaly. At later stages a smaller scale development was generated over Aegean Sea associated with a low-level potential vorticity anomaly and a surface warm anomaly. By means of a two-dimensional potential vorticity inversion it is demonstrated that the scale, the position and the strength of the involved anomalies contribute to the surface development, however, the low-level potential vorticity anomaly seems to constitute the most significant feature, more likely to be associated with condensation.


cited By (since 1996)8
