Bitsa E, Flocas HA, Kouroutzoglou J, Galanis G, Hatzaki M, Latsas G, Rudeva I, Simmonds I.
A Mediterranean cold front identification scheme combining wind and thermal criteria. International Journal of Climatology [Internet]. 2021;41:6497-6510.
Website Bitsa E, Flocas HA, Kouroutzoglou J, Galanis G, Hatzaki M, Latsas G, Rudeva I, Simmonds I.
A Mediterranean cold front identification scheme combining wind and thermal criteria. International Journal of Climatology [Internet]. 2021;41:6497-6510.
Website Kouroutzoglou J, Samos I, Flocas HA, Hatzaki M, Lamaris C, Mamara A, Emmannouil A.
Analysis of the transition of an explosive cyclone to a mediterranean tropical-like cyclone. Atmosphere [Internet]. 2021;12.