Meteorological conditions during air pollution episodes in Thessaloniki, Greece


Petrakakis MJ a, Kelessis AG a, Flocas HA b, Zoumakis NM c, Helmis CG b, Tsougas MA d. Meteorological conditions during air pollution episodes in Thessaloniki, Greece. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin [Internet]. 2006;15:916-922.


In this study, the synoptic scale atmospheric circulation prevailing during 1989-2004 air pollution episodes in the greater area of Thessaloniki (GTA) was examined. The episodes are defined on the basis of the main pollutants measured (SO2, PM10, black smoke, CO, NO2 and O 3) on an hourly basis, at five monitoring stations of the Municipal Air Quality Network of Thessaloniki. During this period, 95 air pollution episodes, which lasted 258 days in total, were detected. The results demonstrate that the air quality in Thessaloniki can be characterized as acute, with respect mainly to photochemical pollutants and suspended particulates (PM 10). It was found that air quality conditions are significantly associated with specific synoptic scale features that contribute to the formation of the local wind field. The high air pollution concentrations are mainly associated with anticyclonic conditions that appear at the highest frequency throughout the whole year and/or advection of warm air masses. These findings can help to understand the association of large scale with local scale flow over GTA that greatly promotes the occurrence of air pollution episodes. © by PSP 2006.


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