Publications by Year: 2001

Flocas HA, Maheras P, Karacostas TS, Patrikas I, Anagnostopoulou C. A 40-year climatological study of relative vorticity distribution over the Mediterranean. International Journal of Climatology [Internet]. 2001;21:1759-1778. Website
Maheras P, Flocas HA, Patrikas I, Anagnostopoulou CHR. A 40 year objective climatology of surface cyclones in the mediterranean region: Spatial and temporal distribution. International Journal of Climatology [Internet]. 2001;21:109-130. Website
Kassomenos P, Gryparis A, Samoli E, Katsouyanni K, Lykoudis S, Flocas HA. Atmospheric circulation types and daily mortality in Athens, Greece. Environmental Health Perspectives [Internet]. 2001;109:591-596. Website
Flocas HA a, d Maheras P b, Karacostas TS b, Patrikas I c, Anagnostopoulou C b. A 40-year climatological study of relative vorticity distribution over the Mediterranean. International Journal of Climatology [Internet]. 2001;21:1759-1778. WebsiteAbstract
A climatological study of the spatial and temporal distribution of mean relative geostrophic vorticity over the Mediterranean region is examined for a period of 40 years (1958-1997). Two major cyclonic vorticity maxima are found in the Mediterranean at low levels, one covers the Gulf of Genoa and south Italy and the second is located over the southeastern Aegean Sea with different diurnal and seasonal characteristics, controlling cyclone formation. At upper levels, a large scale cyclonic vorticity zone covers the whole Mediterranean region with notably increased values at 300 hPa, being associated with jet stream dynamics, especially in the eastern Mediterranean. The seasonal changes of the horizontal vorticity distribution substantially reduce with height while the diurnal changes become unimportant at upper levels. Furthermore, the investigation of the vertical structure separately for the main cyclonic centres in the Mediterranean implies the different mechanisms that are reponsible for cyclone formation in the western and eastern basin. Copyright © 2001 Royal Meteorological Society.
Kassomenos P, Gryparis A, Samoli E, Katsouyanni K, Lykoudis S, Flocas HA. Atmospheric circulation types and daily mortality in Athens, Greece. Environmental Health Perspectives [Internet]. 2001;109:591-596. WebsiteAbstract
We investigated the short-term effects of synoptic and mesoscale atmospheric circulation types on mortality in Athens, Greece. The synoptic patterns in the lower troposphere were classified in 8 a priori defined categories. The mesoscale weather types were classified into 11 categories, using meteorologic parameters from the Athens area surface monitoring network; the daily number of deaths was available for 1987-1991. We applied generalized additive models (GAM), extending Poisson regression, using a LOESS smoother to control for the confounding effects of seasonal patterns. We adjusted for long-term trends, day of the week, ambient particle concentrations, and additional temperature effects. Both classifications, synoptic and mesoscale, explain the daily variation of mortality to a statistically significant degree. The highest daily mortality was observed on days characterized by southeasterly flow [increase 10%; 95% confidence interval (CI), 6.1-13.9% compared to the high-low pressure system), followed by zonal flow (5.8%; 95% CI, 1.8-10%). The high-low pressure system and the northwesterly flow are associated with the lowest mortality. The seasonal patterns are consistent with the annual pattern. For mesoscale categories, in the cold period the highest mortality is observed during days characterized by the easterly flow category (increase 9.4%; 95% CI, 1.0-18.5% compared to flow without the main component). In the warm period, the highest mortality occurs during the strong southerly flow category (8.5% increase; 95% CI, 2.0-15.4% compared again to flow without the main component). Adjusting for ambient particle levels leaves the estimated associations unchanged for the synoptic categories and slightly increases the effects of mesoscale categories. In conclusion, synoptic and mesoscale weather classification is a useful tool for studying the weather-health associations in a warm Mediterranean climate situation.
d Maheras P a, Flocas HA b, Patrikas I c, Anagnostopoulou Ca. Retro-active skill of multi-tiered forecasts of summer rainfall over southern Africa. International Journal of Climatology [Internet]. 2001;21:1-19. WebsiteAbstract
Sea-surface temperature (SST) variations of the oceans surrounding southern Africa are associated with seasonal rainfall variability, especially during austral summer when the tropical atmospheric circulation is dominant over the region. Because of instabilities in the linear association between summer rainfall over southern Africa and SSTs of the tropical Indian Ocean, the skilful prediction of seasonal rainfall may best be achieved using physically based models. A two-tiered retro-active forecast procedure for the December-February (DJF) season is employed over a 10-year period starting from 1987/1988. Rainfall forecasts are produced for a number of homogeneous regions over part of southern Africa. Categorized (below-normal, near-normal and above-normal) statistical DJF rainfall predictions are made for the region to form the baseline skill level that has to be outscored by more elaborate methods involving general circulation models (GCMs). The GCM used here is the Centre for Ocean - Land - Atmosphere Studies (COLA) T30, with predicted global SST fields as boundary forcing and initial conditions derived from the National Centres for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data. Bias-corrected GCM simulations of circulation and moisture at certain standard pressure levels are downscaled to produce rainfall forecasts at the regional level using the perfect prognosis approach. In the two-tiered forecasting system, SST predictions for the global oceans are made first. SST anomalies of the equatorial Pacific (NIÑO3.4) and Indian oceans are predicted skilfully at 1- and 3-month lead-times using a statistical model. These retro-active SST forecasts are accurate for pre-1990 conditions, but predictability seems to have weakened during the 1990s. Skilful multi-tiered rainfall forecasts are obtained when the amplitudes of large events in the global oceans (such as El Niño and La Niña episodes) are described adequately by the predicted SST fields. GCM simulations using persisted August SST anomalies instead of forecast SSTs produce skill levels similar to those of the baseline for longer lead-times. Given high-skill SST forecasts, the scheme has the potential to provide climate forecasts that outscore the baseline skill level substantially. Copyright © 2001 Royal Meteorological Society.