Zagouras A, Argiriou AA, Flocas HA, Economou G, Fotopoulos S.
An advanced method for classifying atmospheric circulation types based on prototypes connectivity graph. Atmospheric Research [Internet]. 2012;118:180-192.
Website Pateraki S, Asimakopoulos DN, Flocas HA, Maggos T, Vasilakos C.
The role of meteorology on different sized aerosol fractions (PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 2.5-10). Science of the Total Environment [Internet]. 2012;419:124-135.
Website Kouroutzoglou J, Flocas HA, Keay K, Simmonds I, Hatzaki M.
On the vertical structure of Mediterranean explosive cyclones. Theoretical and Applied Climatology [Internet]. 2012;110:155-176.
Website Zagouras A a, Argiriou AA b, Flocas HA c, Economou G a, Fotopoulos S a.
An advanced method for classifying atmospheric circulation types based on prototypes connectivity graph. Atmospheric Research [Internet]. 2012;118:180-192.
WebsiteAbstractClassification of weather maps at various isobaric levels as a methodological tool is used in several problems related to meteorology, climatology, atmospheric pollution and to other fields for many years. Initially the classification was performed manually. The criteria used by the person performing the classification are features of isobars or isopleths of geopotential height, depending on the type of maps to be classified. Although manual classifications integrate the perceptual experience and other unquantifiable qualities of the meteorology specialists involved, these are typically subjective and time consuming. Furthermore, during the last years different approaches of automated methods for atmospheric circulation classification have been proposed, which present automated and so-called objective classifications. In this paper a new method of atmospheric circulation classification of isobaric maps is presented. The method is based on graph theory. It starts with an intelligent prototype selection using an over-partitioning mode of fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm, proceeds to a graph formulation for the entire dataset and produces the clusters based on the contemporary dominant sets clustering method. Graph theory is a novel mathematical approach, allowing a more efficient representation of spatially correlated data, compared to the classical Euclidian space representation approaches, used in conventional classification methods. The method has been applied to the classification of 850. hPa atmospheric circulation over the Eastern Mediterranean. The evaluation of the automated methods is performed by statistical indexes; results indicate that the classification is adequately comparable with other state-of-the-art automated map classification methods, for a variable number of clusters. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
b Pateraki S a, Asimakopoulos DN b, Flocas HA b, Maggos T a, Vasilakos C a.
The role of meteorology on different sized aerosol fractions (PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 2.5-10). Science of the Total Environment [Internet]. 2012;419:124-135.
WebsiteAbstractThe scope of the present study is to assess the influence of meteorology on different diameter particles (PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 2.5-10) during a 53months long experimental campaign at an urban Mediterranean area. Except for the investigation of the wind, temperature and relative humidity role, day by day synoptic conditions were classified over the Attica peninsula in order to explore as well, the role of the synoptic scale atmospheric circulation. The strong dependence of the aerosols character on their various sources, not only explain the different diameter particles behavior and their differentiation with the inorganic pollutants but also highlights the need for an effective emission policy. High PM 10 and PM 2.5-10 concentrations found to be closely related to the southwesterly regime, suggesting long range transport from the ’polluted’ south sector while the general prevalence of the secondary particles generation revealed the health hazard. PM 2.5 showed a weaker correlation than the bigger particles with both the circulation patterns and the parameters’ fluctuations. Temporal pollutants variations were clearly governed by the emissions patterns while the low wind speed was not necessarily a good indicator of high concentration levels. Finally it was found that only during the open/close anticyclonic days and the southwesterly wind regime the morning levels were continuously higher than those of the night. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Halios CH a, Helmis CG a, Flocas HA a, Nyeki S b, Assimakopoulos DN a.
On the variability of the surface environment response to synoptic forcing over complex terrain: A multivariate data analysis approach. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics [Internet]. 2012;118:107-115.
WebsiteAbstractSynoptic climatology relates the atmospheric circulation with the surface environment. The aim of this study is to examine the variability of the surface meteorological patterns, which are developing under different synoptic scale categories over a suburban area with complex topography. Multivariate Data Analysis techniques were performed to a data set with surface meteorological elements. Three principal components related to the thermodynamic status of the surface environment and the two components of the wind speed were found. The variability of the surface flows was related with atmospheric circulation categories by applying Correspondence Analysis. Similar surface thermodynamic fields develop under cyclonic categories, which are contrasted with the anti-cyclonic category. A strong, steady wind flow characterized by high shear values develops under the cyclonic Closed Low and the anticyclonic H-L categories, in contrast to the variable weak flow under the anticyclonic Open Anticyclone category. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Kouroutzoglou J a, Flocas HA a, c Keay K b, Simmonds I c, Hatzaki M a.
On the vertical structure of Mediterranean explosive cyclones. Theoretical and Applied Climatology [Internet]. 2012;110:155-176.
WebsiteAbstractAn attempt is made to explore the vertical structure of the surface explosive cyclones in the Mediterranean on a climatological basis during the cold period of the year in order to get a better insight in the interaction between the upper and lower levels responsible for the genesis and evolvement of the phenomenon. The vertical profile of the explosive cyclones was examined with the aid of the vertical tracing software of the University of Melbourne Cyclone Tracking Algorithm, using the 1 × 1° spatial resolution of ERA-40 reanalysis data. It was found that about 57 % of the track steps of surface explosive cyclones extend up to 500 hPa. The north-westward tilting of the surface cyclones with height during the stage of explosive cyclogenesis, with a mean distance of 350 km between mean sea and 500 hPa levels, confirms the importance of baroclinicity. About 45 % of the surface explosive cyclones reached their maximum depth before their 500 hPa counterparts, implying the role of surface processes. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.