Publications by Year: 2013

Duka, A. ; Fotakis, P. ; Georgiadou, D. ; Kateifides, A. ; Tzavlaki, K. ; von Eckardstein, L. ; Stratikos, E. ; Kardassis, D. ; Zannis, V. I. Apoa-Iv Promotes The Biogenesis Of Apoa-Iv-Containing Hdl Particles With The Participation Of Abca1 And Lcat. Journal of Lipid Research 2013, 54, 107-115. Website
Vanhille, D. L. ; Hill, L. D. ; Hilliard, D. D. ; Lee, E. D. ; Teves, M. E. ; Srinivas, S. ; Kusanovic, J. P. ; Gomez, R. ; Stratikos, E. ; Elovitz, M. A. ; et al. A Novel Erap2 Haplotype Structure In A Chilean Population: Implications For Erap2 Protein Expression And Preeclampsia Risk. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine 2013, 1, 98-107. Website
Zervoudi, E. ; Saridakis, E. ; Birtley, J. R. ; Seregin, S. S. ; Reeves, E. ; Kokkala, P. ; Aldhamen, Y. A. ; Amalfitano, A. ; Mavridis, I. M. ; James, E. ; et al. Rationally Designed Inhibitor Targeting Antigentrimming Aminopeptidases Enhances Antigen Presentation And Cytotoxic T-Cell Responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2013, 110, 19890-19895. Website
Fotakis, P. ; Tiniakou, I. ; Kateifides, A. K. ; Gkolfinopoulou, C. ; Chroni, A. ; Stratikos, E. ; Zannis, V. I. ; Kardassis, D. Significance Of The Hydrophobic Residues 225-230 Of Apoa-I For The Biogenesis Of Hdl. Journal of Lipid Research 2013, 54, 3293-3302. Website
Fotakis, P. ; Kateifides, A. K. ; Gkolfinopoulou, C. ; Georgiadou, D. ; Beck, M. ; Gründler, K. ; Chroni, A. ; Stratikos, E. ; Kardassis, D. ; Zannis, V. I. Role Of The Hydrophobic And Charged Residues In The 218-226 Region Of Apoa-I In The Biogenesis Of Hdl. Journal of Lipid Research 2013, 54, 3281-3292. Website
Seregin, S. S. ; Rastall, D. P. W. ; Evnouchidou, I. ; Aylsworth, C. F. ; Quiroga, D. ; Kamal, R. P. ; Godbehere-Roosa, S. ; Blum, C. F. ; York, I. A. ; Stratikos, E. ; et al. Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase-1 Alleles Associated With Increased Risk Of Ankylosing Spondylitis Reduce Hla-B27 Mediated Presentation Of Multiple Antigens. Autoimmunity 2013, 46, 497-508. Website
Stratikos, E. ; Stern, L. J. Antigenic Peptide Trimming By Er Aminopeptidases-Insights From Structural Studies. Molecular Immunology 2013, 55, 212-219. Website
Papakyriakou, A. ; Zervoudi, E. ; Theodorakis, E. A. ; Saveanu, L. ; Stratikos, E. ; Vourloumis, D. Novel Selective Inhibitors Of Aminopeptidases That Generate Antigenic Peptides. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2013, 23, 4832-4836. Website
Georgiadou, D. ; Chroni, A. ; Drosatos, K. ; Kypreos, K. E. ; Zannis, V. I. ; Stratikos, E. Allele-Dependent Thermodynamic And Structural Perturbations In Apoe Variants Associated With The Correction Of Dyslipidemia And Formation Of Spherical Apoe-Containing Hdl Particles. Atherosclerosis 2013, 226, 385-391. Website
Georgiadou, D. ; Stamatakis, K. ; Efthimiadou, E. K. ; Kordas, G. ; Gantz, D. ; Chroni, A. ; Stratikos, E. Thermodynamic And Structural Destabilization Of Apoe3 By Hereditary Mutations Associated With The Development Of Lipoprotein Glomerulopathy. Journal of Lipid Research 2013, 54, 164-176. Website