Publications by Year: 2011

Androulidakis I, Skandalis G. The analytic index of elliptic pseudo differential operators on a singular foliation. J. K-theory [Internet]. 2011;8(3):363–385. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In previous papers ([1, 2]) we defined the C*-algebra and the longitudinal pseudodifferential calculus of any singular foliation (M,). In the current paper we construct the analytic index of an elliptic operator as a KK-theory element, and prove that this element can be obtained from an “adiabatic foliation”  on M×ℝ, which we introduce here.
Androulidakis I, Nestoridis V. Extensions of the disk algebra and Mergelyan's theorem. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris [Internet]. 2011;349(13-14):745–748. Publisher's VersionAbstract
We investigate the uniform limits of the set of polynomials on the closed unit disc D¯"> with respect to the chordal metric χ. More generally, we examine analogous questions replacing the one-point compactification of CC∪{∞}"> by other metrizable compactifications.
Androulidakis I, Skandalis G. Pseudodifferential calculus on a singular foliation. J. Noncommut. Geom. [Internet]. 2011;5(1):125–152. Publisher's VersionAbstract
In a previous paper ([1]), we associated a holonomy groupoid and a C*-algebra to any singular foliation (M,ℱ). Using these, we construct the associated pseudodifferential calculus. This calculus gives meaning to a Laplace operator of any singular foliation ℱ on a compact manifold M, and we show that it can be naturally understood as a positive, unbounded, self-adjoint operator on L2(M).