
Professor Ioannis P Trougakos

Ioannis Trougakos obtained his Ph.D. in Cellular-Developmental Biology from the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece. He has worked as Research Scientist at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Germany; at the Centro De Biologia Molecular “Severo Ochoa”, Spain and at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF), Athens, Greece; he was also research visitor at EMBL and at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Dr. Trougakos was elected Research Lecturer at NHRF and currently he serves as Professor at the Department of Cell Biology & Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, UoA, where he leads (early 2010-today) the group of “Ageing and Age-Related Diseases”. He directs the MScs "Bioinformatics – Computational Biology", "Applications of Biology in Medicine", and "Didactics of Biology" at NKUA. He is also vice Chairman of the Faculty of Nutrition & Dietetics, NKUA, member of the Coordinating Board of the NKUA Centre of Excellence in "Bioactive Natural Products" and he was appointed as an Adjunct Professor of Systems Biology of Ageing and Cancer at the European University of Cyprus. Prof. Trougakos has received post-doctoral fellowships from the EU and the Scholarship Foundation of the Hellenic State; has participated in many international practical courses (EMBO, FEBS), has been honored with various awards and he was an invited lecturer in international conferences and Universities. He teaches in post-graduate M.Sc. or Ph.D. courses at several Greek Universities; he is member of Scientific Societies; has participated as senior researcher in EU research projects; serves as reviewer in numerous international journals and in International or Hellenic grant funding agencies and he is editorial board member of international scientific journals. Dr. Trougakos was a member of the Scientific Committee of International Conferences and co-organized Hellenic and international conferences or workshops. He was invited to participate in panels of the “WhyWeAge - A road map for molecular Biogerontology” EU project and at the “European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing – from plan to Action” at the European Parliament; he was also invited Reviewer for the 2019 World Cancer Report. His scientific-research interests are mainly focused on the understanding of the molecular-cellular basis of ageing and age-related diseases (mainly cancer). Dr. Trougakos has published several articles in high-ranking journals, chapters in international books (Google Scholar: and he co-authored an academic book; he is also co-inventor in two patents. His group is funded from private sources (US, EU and Greek Pharmaceutical or Cosmeceutical companies, the Empirikion and Bodosakis foundations), as well as from GSRT and EU public research grants.
The AArD group (early 2010 - 2023) has received funding (including on-going contracts) from the industry (US, EU and Greek Pharmaceutical or Cosmeceutical companies), as well as from Hellenic foundations, HFRI, the Hellenic State Scholarships Foundation, Hellenic GSRT and European Union (COST actions, FP7, H2020). Furthermore, a significant expertise with several “success stories” has already accumulated in screening natural compounds and/or drugs for their physiological and/or anti-ageing, anti-cancer effects.
Ioannis P. Trougakos
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Faculty of Biology
Department of Cell Biology & Biophysics (DCBB)
Group of Ageing and Age-Related Diseases (AArD)
Panepistimiopolis, Zografou, Athens 157 84, GREECE
Tel: +30-210-7274555