
Bakalis E, Mertzimekis TJ, Nomikou P, Zerbetto F. Breathing Modes of Kolumbo underwater volcano (Greece). Nature Sci. Rep. 2017.
Mertzimekis TJ. A New Online Database of Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments. In: ND 2016 International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology. ; 2017.
Konstantinopoulos T, Petkov P, Goasduff A, Arici T, Astier A, Atanasova L, Axiotis M, Bonatsos D, Detistov P, Dewald A, et al. Lifetime measurements in $^{100}\mathrm{Ru}$. Phys. Rev. C. 2017;95:014309.
Mertzimekis TJ. Development of a dedicated online database for nuclear moments data. INDC(NDS)-0704. 2016.
Lykiardopoulou E-M, Tsampa K, Mertzimekis TJ. Construction and Ion-Beam Characterization of Nuclear Targets. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2016.
Khaliel A, Mertzimekis TJ, Psaltis A, Psyrra I, Lagaki V, Foteinou V, Axiotis M, Harissopulos S. Experimental Investigation of radiative proton-capture reactions relevant to Nucleosynthesis. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2016.
Papaioannou D, Peroulis S, Mertzimekis TJ. Exploring the feasibility of magnetic moment measurements in the exotic $^{20}$C nucleus using LISE++ calculations. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2016.
Angelopoulou V, Kouvaris E, Lagaki V, Mertzimekis TJ, Papagiannis P. Resurrected from the dead: Full characterization of an old HPGe detector using γ-ray and CT tomographies coupled to standard calibration techniques and simulations. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2016.
Heylen H, De Rydt M, Neyens G, Bissell ML, Caceres L, Chevrier R, Daugas JM, Ichikawa Y, Ishibashi Y, Kamalou O, et al. High-precision quadrupole moment reveals significant intruder component in $_{13}^{33}\mathrm{Al}_{20}$ ground state. Phys. Rev. C. 2016;94:034312.
Mertzimekis TJ. Prediction and evaluation of magnetic moments in $T$=1/2, 3/2, and 5/2 mirror nuclei. Phys. Rev. C. 2016;94:064313.
Papageorgiou F, Godelitsas A, Mertzimekis TJ, Xanthos S, Voulgaris N, Katsantonis G. Environmental impact of phosphogypsum stockpile in remediated Schistos waste site (Piraeus, Greece) using a combination of $\gamma$-ray spectrometry with geographic information systems. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2016;188:1–14.Abstract
From 1979 to 1989, ten million tons of phosphogypsum, a waste by-product of the Greek phosphate fertilizer industry, was disposed into an abandoned limestone quarry in Schistos former waste site, Piraeus (Greece). The quarry has been recently closed and remediated using geomembranes and thick soil cover with vegetation. A part of the deposited phosphogypsum has been exposed due to intense rainfall episodes leading to concerns about how could potentially released radioactivity affect the surrounding environment. This study seeks to assess the environmental impact of the phosphogypsum deposited in the Schistos quarry, using laboratory-based $\gamma$-ray spectrometry measurements and geographical information systems. Radioactivity concentrations were mapped onto spatial-data to yield a spatial-distribution of radioactivity in the area. The data indicate elevated 226Ra concentrations in a specific area on the steep south-eastern cliff of the remediated waste site that comprises uncovered phosphogypsum and is known to be affected by local weather conditions. 226Ra concentrations range from 162 to 629 Bq/kg, with an average activity being on the low side, compared to the global averages for phosphogypsum. Nevertheless, the low environmental risk may be minimized by remediating this area with geomembranes and thick soil cover with vegetation, a technique, which has worked successfully over the remainder of the remediated quarry.
Gamaletsos PN, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Kuzmin A, Lagos M, Mertzimekis TJ, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Xanthos S, Pontikes Y, et al. The role of nano-perovskite in the negligible thorium release in seawater from Greek bauxite residue (red mud). Nature Sci. Rep. 2016;6:21737.
Preketes-Sigalas K, Lagoyannis A, Axiotis M, Harissopulos S, Kokkoris M, Mertzimekis TJ, Paneta V, Provatas G. Study of the reaction for {PIGE} applications. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2016;368:71–74.Abstract
Abstract The differential cross sections of the 2125 keV $\gamma$–ray, emitted by the $^{11}$B(p, p'$\gamma$)$^{11}$B reaction were measured at six (6) angles and at proton energies from 2.5 to 5.0 MeV. The experimental setup consisted of three (3) 100% relative efficiency \{HPGe\} detectors placed on a motorized turntable. The comparison between the present measurements, which have an overall uncertainty of $\sim$8%, and previous ones from literature gives contradictory results. While there are large differences with previous differential cross-section measurements from literature, there is good agreement with previous thick-target yield ones. Additional thick-target measurements were performed in an effort to explain the observed discrepancies.
Mertzimekis TJ, Stamou K, Psaltis A. An online database of nuclear electromagnetic moments. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A. 2016;807:56–60.Abstract
Abstract Measurements of nuclear magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments are considered quite important for the understanding of nuclear structure both near and far from the valley of stability. The recent advent of radioactive beams has resulted in a plethora of new, continuously flowing, experimental data on nuclear structure – including nuclear moments – which hinders the information management. A new, dedicated, public and user friendly online database ( has been created comprising experimental data of nuclear electromagnetic moments. The present database supersedes existing printed compilations, including also non-evaluated series of data and relevant meta-data, while putting strong emphasis on bimonthly updates. The scope, features and extensions of the database are reported.
Godelitsas A, Tzamos E, Filippidis A, Sokaras D, Wenk T-C, Griego G, Papadopoulos A, Stoulos S, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis TJ, et al. New Insights into the Mineral Chemistry of Au-Bearing pyrite/As-Pyrite/arsenopyrite Concentrate from Olympias Deposit, Kassandra Mines (Chalkidiki, Greece). In: Goldschmidt Conference 2015, 16-21 August 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. Vol. 1062. ; 2015. Website
Zouros TJM, Kanellakopoulos A, Madesis I, Dimitriou A, Fernandez-Martin M, Martinez G, Mertzimekis TJ. The Optimization of a 4-Element Input Lens on a Hemispherical Deflector Analyzer Using SIMION. In: Ninth International Conference on Charged Particle Optics. Vol. 21(S4). ; 2015. pp. 148.
Kotopoulou I, Godelitsas A, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Price R, Fike DA, Amend J, Gilhooly WP, Druschel GK, Mertzimekis TJ, et al. Sulfur Mineralogy and Speciation in the Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments off Milos Island (Greece). In: Goldschmidt Conference 2015, 16-21 August 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. Vol. 1670. ; 2015. Website
Papageorgiou F, Godelitsas A, Xanthos S, Voulgaris N, Nastos P, Mertzimekis TJ, Argyraki A, Katsantonis G. Characterization of phosphogypsum deposited in Schistos remediated waste site (Piraeus, Greece). In: Merkel BJ, Arab A Uranium - Past and Future Challenges. Springer International Publishing; 2015. pp. 271-280.Abstract
Abstract The operation of a phosphate fertilizer industry in Drapetsona, near Piraeus port (Greece), resulted in the deposition of 10 million tons of phosphogypsum (PG) into an old limestone quarry, in the period 1979-1989. The whole deposit has been recently remediated using geomembranes and thick soil cover with vegetation. The purpose of the present study was to characterize representative samples of that phosphogypsum, using diffraction (powder-XRD), microscopic (SEM-EDS), analytical (ICP-MS), and spectroscopic techniques (High-resolution γ-ray spectrometry and XRF). The material contains crystalline gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) and Ca-Si-Al-S-F (chukhrovite-type/meniaylovite) phases. The natural radioactivity is mainly due to the $^{238}$U series and particularly $^{226}$Ra (average: 462 Bq/kg), which is relatively low compared to PG from the rest of the world. Furthermore, leaching experiments using local (Attica) rainwater, together with ICP-MS, were performed to assess the potential release of elements in the environment.
Mitsi E, Mertzimekis TJ. RICOCHET: A quick-and-dirty approach to analyze μ-XRF synchrotron data using open-source utilities. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2015. Website
Lagaki V, Kouvaris E, Mertzimekis TJ. A new γ-spectrometry station at the University of Athens. [Internet]. 2015. Website
Madesis I, Dimitriou A, Laoutaris A, Lagoyannis A, Axiotis M, Mertzimekis T, Andrianis M, Harissopulos S, Benis EP, Sulik B, et al. Atomic Physics with Accelerators: Projectile Electron Spectroscopy (APAPES). In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 583. ; 2015. pp. 012014.Abstract
The new research initiative APAPES ( has already established a new experimental station with a beam line dedicated for atomic collisions physics research, at the 5 MV TANDEM accelerator of the National Research Centre "Demokritos" in Athens, Greece. A complete zero-degree Auger projectile spectroscopy (ZAPS) apparatus has been put together to perform high resolution studies of electrons emitted in ion-atom collisions. A single stage hemispherical spectrometer with a 2-dimensional Position Sensitive Detector (PSD) combined with a doubly-differentially pumped gas target will be used to perform a systematic isoelectronic investigation of K-Auger spectra emitted from collisions of preexcited and ground state He-like ions with gas targets using novel techniques. Our intention is to provide a more thorough understanding of cascade feeding of the 1s2s2p 4 P metastable states produced by electron capture in collisions of He-like ions with gas targets and further elucidate their role in the non-statistical production of excited three-electron 1s2s2p states by electron capture, recently a field of conflicting interpretations awaiting further resolution. At the moment, the apparatus is being completed and the spectrometer will soon be fully operational. Here we present the project progress and the recent high resolution spectrum obtained in collisions of 12 MeV C 4+ on a Neon gas target.
Karailias A, Katsiva C, Lagaki V, Kanellakopoulos A, Mertzimekis TJ, Kafantaris F-CA, Godelitsas A. The Athens Mobile γ-Spectrometry System (AMESOS). In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2015. Website
Kanellakopoulos A, Angelinos N, Madesis I, Zouros TJM, Fernández-Martín M, Martínez G, Mertzimekis TJ. Hemispherical Deflector Analyzer input lens optimization using SIMION. [Internet]. 2015. Website
Kotopoulou I, Mertzimekis TJ, Godelitsas A, Price R, Fike DA, Amend JP, III GWP, Druschel GK. Natural Radioactivity in Marine Sediment Cores from the Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal System off Milos Island, Greece. [Internet]. 2015. Website
Diriken J, Patronis N, Andreyev A, Antalic S, Bildstein V, Blazhev A, Darby IG, De Witte H, Eberth J, Elseviers J, et al. Experimental study of the $^{66}\mathrm{Ni}(d,p) ^{67}\mathrm{Ni}$ one-neutron transfer reaction. Phys. Rev. C. 2015;91:054321.
Christopoulou ME, Mertzimekis TJ, Nomikou P, Papanikolaou D, Carey S, Mandalakis M. Influence of hydrothermal venting on water column properties in the crater of the Kolumbo submarine volcano, Santorini volcanic field (Greece). Geo-Marine Letters. 2015;36:1–10.Abstract
The Kolumbo submarine volcano, located 7 km northeast of the island of Santorini, is part of Santorini’s volcanic complex in the south Aegean Sea, Greece. Kolumbo’s last eruption was in 1650 AD. However, a unique and active hydrothermal vent field has been revealed in the northern part of its crater floor during an oceanographic survey by remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) in 2006. In the present study, conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) data collected by ROV Hercules during three oceanographic surveys onboard E/V Nautilus in 2010 and 2011 have served to investigate the distribution of physicochemical properties in the water column, as well as their behavior directly over the hydrothermal field. Additional CTD measurements were carried out in volcanic cone 3 (VC3) along the same volcanic chain but located 3 km northeast of Kolumbo where no hydrothermal activity has been detected to date. CTD profiles exhibit pronounced anomalies directly above the active vents on Kolumbo’s crater floor. In contrast, VC3 data revealed no such anomalies, essentially resembling open-sea (background) conditions. Steep increases of temperature (e.g., from 16 to 19 °C) and conductivity near the maximum depth (504 m) inside Kolumbo’s cone show marked spatiotemporal correlation. Vertical distributions of CTD signatures suggest a strong connection to Kolumbo’s morphology, with four distinct zones identified (open sea, turbid flow, invariable state, hydrothermal vent field). Additionally, overlaying the near-seafloor temperature measurements on an X–Y coordinate grid generates a detailed 2D distribution of the hydrothermal vent field and clarifies the influence of fluid discharges in its formation.
Botsou F, Godelitsas A, Kaberi H, Mertzimekis TJ, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Scoullos M. Distribution and partitioning of major and trace elements in pyrite-bearing sediments of a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. Chemie der Erde. 2015;75:–.Abstract
Abstract The formation of iron sulphide minerals exerts significant control on the behaviour of trace elements in sediments. In this study, three short sediment cores, retrieved from the remote Antinioti lagoon (N. Kerkyra Island, \{NW\} Greece), are investigated concerning the solid phase composition, distribution, and partitioning of major (Al, Fe) and trace elements (Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn). According to $^{210}$Pb, the sediments sampled correspond to depositions of the last 120 years. The high amounts of organic carbon (4.1–27.5%) result in the formation of Fe sulphides, predominantly pyrite, already at the surface sediment layers. Pyrite morphologies include monocrystals, polyframboids, and complex FeS–FeS$_2$ aggregates. According to synchrotron-generated micro X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra, authigenically formed, Mn-containing, Fe(III) oxyhydroxides (goethite type) co-exist with pyrite in the sediments studied. Microscopic techniques evidence the formation of galena, sphalerite and CuS, whereas sequential extractions show that carbonates are important hosts for Mn, Cd, and Zn. However, significant percentages of non-lattice held elements are bound to Fe/Mn oxyhydroxides that resist reductive dissolution (on average 60% of Pb, 46% of Cd, 43% of Zn and 9% of Cu). The partitioning pattern changes drastically in the deeper part of the core that is influenced by freshwater inputs. In these sediments, the post-depositional pyritization mechanism, illustrated by overgrowths of Fe monosulphides on pre-existing pyrite grains, results in relatively high degree of pyritization that reaches 49% for Cd, 66% for Cu, 32% for Zn and 7% for Pb.
Batziou E, Koutsilianou V, Stavropoulos L, Psaltis A, Mertzimekis TJ. Modeling radiative proton-capture reactions in mid–heavy nuclei. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2015. Website
Asimakopoulou E-M, Madesis I, Dimitriou A, Zouros TJM, Mertzimekis TJ, Lagoyannis A, Axiotis M. Incorporation of an Ion Post Stripper for the APAPES Experimental Setup. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2014.
Lagaki V, Kouvaris E, Mertzimekis TJ. A new γ-spectroscopy station at the University of Athens. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2014.
Pappa EP, Christopoulou ME, Mertzimekis TJ, Nomikou P, Carey S, Polymenakou P, Papanikolaou D. In-situ CTD scans as a probe for submarine volcano. [Internet]. 2014. Website
Tzifas IT, Godelitsas A, Magganas A, Androulakaki E, Eleftheriou G, Mertzimekis TJ, Perraki M. Uranium-bearing phosphatized limestones of \{NW\} Greece. J. Geochem. Explor. 2014;143:62 – 73.Abstract
Abstract Sedimentary Mesozoic rocks from \{NW\} Greece (Epirus region), and particularly laminated phosphatized limestones, bedded chert-rich limestones and brecciated phosphatized limestones, were examined for their actinide content. Gamma-ray measurements using a \{HPGe\} detector showed that the above geological materials exhibit high radioactivity, mainly attributed to the 238U-series. The 238U content (up to 7700 Bq/kg) was determined by the 1001 keV photopeak of 234mPa, the 238U daughter. Bulk geochemical analyses using ICP-OES/MS showed variable U concentrations with a notable value of 648 ppm in the case of dark organic-rich material hosted into the brecciated phosphatized limestones. Relatively high concentrations of Cd, probably related to apatite, were also revealed. On the other hand, the rock is geochemically depleted in \{LILE\} (e.g. Cs, Rb, K), as well as in As, Sb and Se in contrast to “average phosphorite”. Powder-XRD combined with optical microscopy, SEM–EDS and \{FTIR\} confirmed abundant apatite, besides calcite, as well as organic compounds (organic matter/O.M.) which should be associated to the high U content. According to Th/Sc vs. Zr/Sc discrimination diagrams the organic-rich part of the U-bearing phosphatised limestones exhibits a mafic trend, in contrast to the rest of the studied rocks lying close to typical pelagic sediments. However, Eu/Eu* vs. Ce/Ce* diagrams, in combination with SEM–EDS, indicated that the organic-rich part is a typical sedimentary material whereas the organic-poor (and also U-poor) part of the rock is secondary calcite related to surface waters. As far as we know, the studied rocks from \{NW\} Greece are classified as among the richest U-bearing phosphatized limestones and/or sedimentary phosphorites in the world.
Madesis I, Dimitriou A, Lagoyannis A, Axiotis M, Mertzimekis TJ, Andrianis M, Benis EP, Harissopulos S, Sulik B, Valastyan I. Atomic Physics with Accelerators: Projectile Electron Spectroscopy. [Internet]. 2014. Website
Christopoulou M-E, Mertzimekis TJ, Nomikou P, Papanikolaou D, Carey S. Investigating the active hydrothermal field of Kolumbo volcano using CTD profiling. [Internet]. 2014. Website
Diriken J, Patronis N, Andreyev AN, Antalic S, Bildstein V, Blazhev A, Darby IG, Witte DH, Eberth J, Elseviers J, et al. Study of the deformation-driving orbital in $^{67}_{28}$Ni$_{39}$ using one-neutron transfer reactions. Phys. Lett. B. 2014;736:533–538.Abstract
Abstract The νg$_{9/2}$, d$_{5/2}$, s$_{1/2}$ orbitals are assumed to be responsible for the swift onset of collectivity observed in the region below $^{68}$Ni. Especially the single-particle energies and strengths of these orbitals are of importance. We studied such properties in the nearby $^{67}$Ni nucleus, by performing a (d,p)-experiment in inverse kinematics employing a post-accelerated radioactive ion beam (RIB) at the REX-ISOLDE facility. The experiment was performed at an energy of 2.95 MeV/u using a combination of the T-REX particle detectors, the Miniball γ-detection array and a newly-developed delayed-correlation technique as to investigate μs-isomers. Angular distributions of the ground state and multiple excited states in $^{67}$Ni were obtained and compared with DWBA cross-section calculations, leading to the identification of positive-parity states with substantial νg$_{9/2}$ (1007 keV) and νd$_{5/2}$ (2207 keV and 3277 keV) single-particle strengths up to an excitation energy of 5.8 MeV. 50% of the νd$_{5/2}$ single-particle strength relative to the νg$_{9/2}-orbital is concentrated in and shared between the first two observed 5/2^{+} levels. A comparison with extended Shell Model calculations and equivalent ($^3$He, d) studies in the region around $^{90}_{40}$Zr$_{50}$ highlights similarities for the strength of the negative-parity pf and positive-parity g$_{9/2}$ state, but differences are observed for the d$_{5/2} single-particle strength.
Godelitsas A, Mertzimekis TJ, Gamaletsos P, Göttlicher J, Steininger R. The nature of uranium in sedimentary rocks of Epirus region (NW Greece). ANKA User Reports 2012/2013. 2013:151.
Madesis I, Lagoyannis A, Axiotis M, Mertzimekis TJ, Andrianis M, Benis M, Harrisopulos S, Zouros TJM. APAPES - Atomic Physics with Accelerators: Projectile Electron Spectroscopy. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2013.
Lagoyannis A, Axiotis M, Harissopulos S, Kokkoris M, Mertzimekis TJ, Misaelides P, Paneta V, Preketes-Sigalas K. Study of the $^{32}$S(p,p'$\gamma$)$^{32}$S reaction for resonant PIGE applications. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2013.
Kilias S, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis TJ, Nomikou P, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, A. Argyraki, M. Gousgouni, Papanikolaou D. Antimony in Hydrothermal Chimneys of Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Vent Field (Santorini, Greece). In: Goldschmidt Conference, 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. Vol. 1459. ; 2013. pp. 77.
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kuzmin A, Lagos M, Xanthos S, Mertzimekis TJ, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Zarkadas C, Komelkov A, et al. New Insights into Environmental Characterization of Bauxite Residues (Red Mud) from Greece. In: Goldschmidt Conference, 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. Vol. 1136. ; 2013. pp. 77.
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis TJ, Chatzikonstantinou N, Douvalis A, Toli K, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Simon R. New Insights into Iron Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Saharan Dust Precipitated over Greece. In: Goldschmidt Conference, 25-30 August 2013, Florence, Italy. Vol. 1185. ; 2013. pp. 77.
Moraitis N, Vassalos K, Mertzimekis TJ, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Goettlicher J, Steininger R. Detailed Spectroscopic Studies in the Aquatic Environment Using Synchrotron Radiation. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2013. Website
Ioannidis I, Mertzimekis TJ, Godelitsas A, Stamoulis KC, Ioannides KG. Chernobyl still affects the environment of Greece: Recent measurements of $^{137}$Cs in soil cores of Grevena-Trikala area. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2013. Website
Kilias SP, Nomikou P, Papanikolaou D, Polymenakou PN, Godelitsas A, Argyraki A, Carey S, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis TJ, Stathopoulou E, et al. New insights into hydrothermal vent processes in the unique shallow-submarine arc-volcano, Kolumbo (Santorini), Greece. Sci. Rep. 2013;3:2421.Abstract
We report on integrated geomorphological, mineralogical, geochemical and biological investigations of the hydrothermal vent field located on the floor of the density-stratified acidic (pH   5) crater of the Kolumbo shallow-submarine arc-volcano, near Santorini. Kolumbo features rare geodynamic setting at convergent boundaries, where arc-volcanism and seafloor hydrothermal activity are occurring in thinned continental crust. Special focus is given to unique enrichments of polymetallic spires in Sb and Tl (±Hg, As, Au, Ag, Zn) indicating a new hybrid seafloor analogue of epithermal-to-volcanic-hosted-massive-sulphide deposits. Iron microbial-mat analyses reveal dominating ferrihydrite-type phases, and high-proportion of microbial sequences akin to "Nitrosopumilus maritimus", a mesophilic Thaumarchaeota strain capable of chemoautotrophic growth on hydrothermal ammonia and CO2. Our findings highlight that acidic shallow-submarine hydrothermal vents nourish marine ecosystems in which nitrifying Archaea are important and suggest ferrihydrite-type Fe3+-(hydrated)-oxyhydroxides in associated low-temperature iron mats are formed by anaerobic Fe2+-oxidation, dependent on microbially produced nitrate.
Asimakopoulou E-M, Malami E, Mertzimekis TJ, Axiotis M, Foteinou V, Lagoyannis A, Harissopulos S. An experimental study of the astrophysically interesting $^{112}$Cd($p,\gamma$)$^{113}In reaction. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2013. Website
Chatzikonstantinou N, Mertzimekis TJ, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Nastos, P.and Goettlicher J, Steininger R. Using synchrotron radiation to study iron phases in Saharan dust samples from Athens skies. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2013. WebsiteAbstract
A poster presented at HNPS2012 held in NCSR "Demokritos" 24-25.05.2013
Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis TJ, Göttlicher J, Steininger R. The nature of thorium in Greek aluminium ores and their residues. ANKA Annual Report 2010 - Research Highlights. 2012:14.
Mertzimekis TJ, for the Collaboration GANILE535. The Application of the High-Velocity Transient Field for the g(2$_1^+$) Measurement in the Neutron-rich $^{72}$Zn. In: HNPS2012. Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2012.
Ashley SF, Axiotis M, Foteinou V, Harrisopulos S, Konstantinopoulos T, Lagoyannis A, Provatas G. Lifetime Measurements at NCSR ``Demokritos''. In: HNPS2012. Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2012.
Konstantinopoulos T, Harissopulos S, Ashley SF, Axiotis M, Lagoyannis A, Mertzimekis TJ, Dewald A, Braunroth T, Fransen C, Hackstein M, et al. Measurement of Nuclear Lifetimes and B(E2) Values in $^{130}$Xe as a Test for E(5) Symmetry. In: HNPS2012. Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2012.
Ujić P, Oliveira DF, Lagoyannis A, Mertzimekis TJ, Harissopulos S, Demetriou P, Spyrou A, Stödel C, Saint-Laurent MG, Kamalou O, et al. Alpha‐particle capture reactions in inverse kinematics relevant to p‐process nucleosynthesis. In: J. Phys. Vol. 337. ; 2012. pp. 012015.
Panagiotopoulos F, Mertzimekis TJ, Stergiou C, Lagoyannis A, Axiotis M, Harissopulos S. 3D CAD modeling of the new microbeam setup at INP, NCSR ``Demokritos''. [Internet]. 2012. Website
Stamou K, Psaltis A, Mertzimekis TJ. A Nuclear Electromagnetic Moments Database. [Internet]. 2012. Website
Mougeot X, Lapoux V, Mittig W, Alamanos N, Auger F, Avez B, Beaumel D, Blumenfeld Y, Dayras R, Drouart A, et al. New excited states in the halo nucleus $^6$He. Phys. Lett. B. 2012;718:441 - 446.Abstract
The low-lying spectroscopy of 6He was investigated via the 2-neutron transfer reaction p ( He 8 , t ) with the 8He beam delivered by the \{SPIRAL\} facility at 15.4   A MeV . The light charged particles produced by the direct reactions were measured using the \{MUST2\} Si-strip telescope array. Above the known 2 + state, two new resonances were observed: at E ⁎ = 2.6 ± 0.3   MeV (width Γ = 1.6 ± 0.4   MeV ) and at 5.3 ± 0.3   MeV with Γ = 2 ± 1   MeV . Through the analysis of the angular distributions, they correspond to a 2 + state and to an L = 1 state, respectively. These new states, challenging the nuclear theories, could be used as benchmarks for checking the microscopic inputs of the newly improved structure models, and should trigger development of models including the treatments of both core excitation and continuum coupling effects.
Kanellakopoulos A, Lagaki V, Mertzimekis TJ, Paneta V. Characterization of Nuclear Targets and Thin Films Using Ion-Beam Techniques. In: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2012. Website
Fiori E, Georgiev G, Stuchbery AE, Jungclaus A, Balabanski DL, Blazhev A, Cabaret S, Clément E, Danchev M, Daugas JM, et al. First $g(2^+)$ measurement on neutron-rich $^{72}$Zn, and the high-velocity transient field technique for radioactive heavy-ion beams. Phys. Rev. C. 2012;85:034334.
Lagoyannis A, Andrianis M, Axiotis M, Mertzimekis TJ, Ashley SF, Konstantinopoulos T, Provatas G, Huszank R, Harissopulos S. The installation of PAPAP at the Tandem Laboratory of the Institute of Nuclear Physics NCSR ``Demokritos''. In: HNPS2011. Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2011.
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis TJ, Toli K, Douvalis A, Simon R. Characterization of Saharan dust from red rain precipitated over Athens, Greece. In: Goldschmidt Conference, 11-14 August 2011, Prague, Chech Republic. Vol. 924. ; 2011. pp. 75.
for the Collaboration TMGANILJE513. The ground state g factor of $^{44}$Cl: a probe for the reduced gaps at Z=16 and N=28. In: Frontiers In Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics 3: 22-27 Aug 2010, Rodos, Greece. Vol. 1377. ; 2011. pp. 395.
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis TJ, Toli K, Simon R, Göttlicher J. A microscopic and Synchrotron-based characterization of urban particulate matter (PM10–PM2.5 and PM2.5) from Athens atmosphere, Greece. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B. 2011;269:3077 – 3081.Abstract
Urban particulate matter (PM10–PM2.5 and PM2.5) from Athens (Greece) atmosphere, primarily investigated by SEM-EDS, was further studied in the \{FLUO\} and SUL-X beamlines of \{ANKA\} Synchrotron facility (KIT, Germany). The \{SR\} μ-XRF study showed both geological (e.g. CaTi, CaK and CaSrKRb) and anthropogenic particles exhibiting heavy metal combinations such as FeCo, FeCoCuV and ZnV. It was also revealed that very hazardous metalloids and heavy metals, namely As and Pb, are concentrated in isolated respirable (PM2.5) microparticles. It was attempted to investigate the oxidation state of As by means of μ-XANES. The As K-edge \{XANES\} spectrum of the sample shows a main peak at about 11.874 keV which matches adequately with the As(V) reference spectrum but part of the As seems to have a lower oxidation state (most probably As(III)). This is the first non-bulk study with regard to the partitioning and solid-state speciation of hazardous chemical elements in urban atmospheric microparticles from greater Athens area, rated as an alpha-world city with a population of ca. 4 million people.
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Mertzimekis TJ, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Xanthos S, Berndt J, Klemme S, Kuzmin A, Bárdossy G. Thorium partitioning in Greek industrial bauxite investigated by synchrotron radiation and laser-ablation techniques. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. B. 2011;269:3067 – 3073.Abstract
Typical red–brown (Fe-rich) and high-quality white–grey (Fe-depleted) bauxite samples from active mines of the Parnassos-Ghiona area, central Greece, were investigated. According to \{XRF\} and ICP-MS analyses their actinide content, and particularly of Th, is relatively increased. Fe-depleted samples contain up to 62.75 ppm Th corresponding to 220 Bq/kg due to 228Ac (232Th-series), whereas Fe-rich samples are less Th-radioactive (up to 58.25 ppm Th, 180 Bq/kg due to 228Ac). Powder-XRD patterns showed that Th-enriched (Fe-depleted) bauxite consists mostly of diaspore (AlOOH polymorph), anatase and rutile (TiO2 polymorphs). SEM-EDS indicated the presence of Ti–Fe–containing phases (e.g. ilmenite, FeTiO3), chromite (Cr-spinel) and besides LREE-minerals (mostly bastnäsite/parisite-group) and zircon (ZrSiO4) hosting a part of the bulk Th. The presence of Th in diaspore and in Ti-containing phases (not detected by SEM-EDS as in the case of REE-minerals and zircon) was investigated, into distinct pisoliths of Fe-depleted bauxite, using μ-XRF and μ-XAFS in the SUL-X beamline of the \{ANKA\} Synchrotron facility (KIT, Germany). \{XAFS\} spectra of Th salts and Th-containing reference materials were obtained as well. Accordingly it was revealed, for the first time in the literature, that Ti-phases, and particularly anatase, host significant amounts of Th. This novel conclusion was complementary supported by LA-ICP-MS analyses indicated an average of 73 ppm Th in anatase grains together with abundant Nb (3356 ppm), Ta (247 ppm) and U (33 ppm). The Th LIII-edge \{XAFS\} spectra as compared to reference materials, give also evidence that Th4+ may not replace Ti4+ in distorted [TiO6] fundamental octahedral units of anatase and ilmenite lattice (CN = 6). The occupation of either extraframework sites of higher coordination (CN = 6.9 or even CN = 7.4), according to \{EXAFS\} signals evaluation, or of defected/vacant (**) sites is more probable. This is likely explained by the difficulty of Th4+ to replace directly Ti4+ in [6]-coordinated (octahedral) sites due to the large difference in the relevant ionic radii (0.940 and 0.605 Å respectively).
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis TJ, Toli K, Simon R, Göttlicher J. Characterization of Saharan dust and urban particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) from Athens atmosphere, Greece. Reports of user experiments at ANKA 2009/2010. 2010:151.
Fiori E, Georgiev G, Stuchbery AE, Balabanski DL, Alba R, Blazhev A, Cabaret S, Hass M, Ljungvall J, Maiolino C, et al. Extension and limitations of the High-Velocity Transient-Field (HVTF) technique for the measurement of magnetic moments. LNS Activity Report 2010, INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud. 2010:52.
Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis TJ, Göttlicher J, Steininger R. Thorium chemistry in Greek bauxites and bauxite tailing (red mud) using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Reports of user experiments at ANKA 2009/2010. 2010:149.
Mertzimekis TJ, the Collaboration LNS-HVTF. Investigation of the Transient Field at High Velocities by measurements of magnetic moments in $^{74}$Ge and $^{70}$Zn. In: HNPS2010. Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2010.
Mertzimekis TJ. An Online Database for Electromagnetic Moments Data. In: HNPS2010. Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2010.
Lagoyannis A, Mertzimekis TJ, Demetriou P, Harissopulos S, de Santos OF, Ujic P, Kamalou O, Stodel C, Grevy S, Saint-Laurent M-G, et al. Alpha-Capture reactions in inverse kinematics relevant to p-process nucleosynthesis. In: HNPS2010. Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2010.
Harissopulos S, Lagoyannis A, Mertzimekis TJ, Axiotis M, Karydas AG, Demetriou P, Geralis T, Fanourakis G, Andrianis M, Ashley SF, et al. LIBRA: A Status Report. In: HNPS2010. Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2010.
De Rydt M, Daugas JM, de Oliveira Santos F, Gaudefroy L, Grévy S, Kameda D, Kumar V, Lozeva R, Mertzimekis TJ, Morel P, et al. $g$ factor of the $^{44}$Cl ground state: Probing the reduced $Z$=16 and $N$=28 gaps. Phys. Rev. C. 2010;81:034308.
collaboration} {CMSHCAL. Study of various photomultiplier tubes with muon beams and Čerenkov light produced in electron showers. J. Instr. 2010;5:P06002.Abstract
The PMTs of the CMS Hadron Forward calorimeter were found to generate a large size signal when their windows were traversed by energetic charged particles. This signal, which is due to Čerenkov light production at the PMT window, could interfere with the calorimeter signal and mislead the measurements. In order to find a viable solution to this problem, the response of four different types of PMTs to muons traversing their windows at different orientations is measured at the H2 beam-line at CERN. Certain kinds of PMTs with thinner windows show significantly lower response to direct muon incidence. For the four anode PMT, a simple and powerful algorithm to identify such events and recover the PMT signal using the signals of the quadrants without window hits is also presented. For the measurement of PMT responses to Čerenkov light, the Hadron Forward calorimeter signal was mimicked by two different setups in electron beams and the PMT performances were compared with each other. Superior performance of particular PMTs was observed.
Fiori E, Georgiev G, Stuchbery AE, Jungclaus A, Balabanski DL, Blazhev A, Cabaret S, Clement E, Danchev M, Daugas JM, et al. Probing High‐Velocity Transient‐Field Strength Using Heavy‐ions Traversing Fe and Gd. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1165. ; 2009. pp. 120-121.
Lapoux V, Mougeot X, Keeley N, Drouart A, Alamanos N, Auger F, Avez B, Beaumel D, Blumenfeld Y, Dayras R, et al. Resonances of $^6$He via the $^8$He(p,t)$^6$He reaction. In: Conference: "12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms": 15-19 Jun 2009, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy. ; 2009. Website
Stefanescu I, Walters WB, Mantica PF, Brown BA, Davies AD, Estrade A, Hosmer PT, Hoteling N, Liddick SN, Rae WDM, et al. Spectroscopy of exotic $^{121,123,125}$Ag produced in fragmentation reactions. Eur. Phys. J. A. 2009.
Pakou A, Rusek K, Alamanos N, Aslanoglou X, Kokkoris M, Lagoyannis A, Mertzimekis T, Musumarra A, Nicolis N, Pierroutsakou D, et al. Total reaction and fusion cross sections at sub- and near-barrier energies for the system $^7$Li + $^{28}$Si. Eur. Phys. J. A. 2009;39:187.Abstract
Abstract  Fusion cross sections are extracted for the $^7$Li + $^{28}$Si system, via reaction cross section and transfer measurements at sub- and near-barrier energies ( E$_{lab}$ = 5.7 to 14 MeV). The energy evolution of transfer to reaction cross section ratios is determined with the aid of CDCC calculations, which subsequently allows the deduction of fusion cross sections at sub- and near-barrier energies. It is shown that fusion can be well represented in a BPM context. Fusion cross sections are compared for the systems $^7$Li + $^{28}$Si and $^6$Li + $^{28}$Si, the latter studied previously, and are found to exhibit different strengths. Last, the direct channels determined at 13 MeV, are found to be dominated by a 2n-transfer mechanism.
Pakou A, Rusek K, Alamanos N, Aslanoglou X, Kokkoris M, Lagoyannis A, Mertzimekis TJ, Musumarra A, Nicolis NG, Pierroutsakou D, et al. Fusion, transfer and total reaction cross sections at sub- and near-barrier energies of the $^6$Li+$^{28}$Si system. 2008.
Pakou A, Rusek K, Alamanos N, Aslanoglou X, Kokkoris M, Lagoyannis A, Lapoux V, Mertzimekis TJ, Musumarra A, Nikolis NG, et al. Strong transfer channels for reactions with weakly bound projectiles at nar and sub-barrier energies and implications to fusion. In: Advances in Nuclear Physics, Proceedings of the 17th Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Society, University of Ioannina, 30-31 May 2008. The University of Ioannina: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2008.
De Rydt M, Neyens G, Mertzimekis TJ, for the at GANIL CE513. A study of the N=28 neutron shell via g-factor measurements in neutron-rich Cl isotopes. In: Advances in Nuclear Physics, Proceedings of the 17th Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Society, University of Ioannina, 30-31 May 2008. The University of Ioannina: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2008.
Pakou A, Rusek K, Alamanos N, Aslanoglou X, Harissopulos S, Kokkoris M, Lagoyannis A, Mertzimekis TJ, Musumarra A, Nicolis NG, et al. Strong transfer channels in the $^{6,7}$Li+$^{28}$Si system at near-barrier energies. Phys. Rev. C. 2007;76:–.Abstract
Exclusive ?-particle and proton production measurements of the system Li6+Si28 are performed at near-barrier energies. Each reaction channel is tagged via a particle-? coincidence requirement. Ratios of direct to compound contributions are estimated via particle angular distribution measurements. Strong reaction channels for n and p transfer are identified and quantified and found to be described well on a qualitative basis with distorted-wave Born approximation calculations. © 2007 The American Physical Society.
Pakou A, Musumarra A, Pierroutsakou D, Alamanos N, Assimakopoulos PA, Divis N, Doukelis G, Gillibert A, Harissopulos S, Kalyva G, et al. $^{6,7}$Li + $^{28}$Si total reaction cross sections at near barrier energies. Nucl. Phys. A. 2007;784:13–24.Abstract
Total reaction cross section measurements for the 6,7Li + 28Si systems have been performed at near-barrier energies. The results indicate that, with respect to the potential anomaly at barrier, 6Li and 7Li on light targets exhibit similar energy dependence on the imaginary potential. Comparisons are made with 6,7Li cross sections on light and heavy targets, extracted via previous elastic scattering measurements and also with CDCC calculations. Energy dependent parametrisations are also obtained for total reaction cross sections of 6,7Li on Si, as well as on any target, at near barrier energies. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Minamisono K, Mantica PF, Mertzimekis TJ, Davies AD, Hass M, Pereira J, Pinter JS, Rogers WF, Stoker JB, Tomlin BE, et al. Nuclear magnetic moment of $^{57}$Cu ground state. In: Eur. Phys. J.: Spec. Top. Vol. 150. Department of Physics, Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA 93108, United States; 2007. pp. 145–146.Abstract
The nuclear magnetic moment of the ground state of 57 Cu(I? = 3/2-, T1/2 = 196.3 ms) has been measured to be ?(57Cu) = (2.00 ± 0.05) ?N using the ?-NMR technique. Together with the known magnetic moment of the mirror partner 57Ni, the spin expectation value was extracted as ?? ?z? = -0.78 ± 0.13. Discrepancy between present results and shell model calculations in the full fp shell implies significant shell breaking at 56Ni with the neutron number N = 28. © EDP Sciences/Societe? Italiana di Fisica/Springer-Verlag 2007.
Mantica PF, Groh DE, Mertzimekis TJ, Pinter JS, Stuchbery AE. Nuclear spin polarization following intermediate-energy heavy-ion reactions. In: 17th International Spin Physics Symposium. Vol. 915. Kyoto: AIP; 2007. pp. 64–69.Abstract
Intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions can produce a spin polarization of the projectile-like species. Spin polarization has been observed for both nucleon removal and nucleon pickup processes. Qualitative agreement with measured spin polarization as a function of the momentum of the projectile-like fragment is found in a kinematical model that considers conservation of linear and angular momentum and assumes peripheral interactions between the fast projectile and target. Improvements to the kinematical model are discussed that aim to achieve quantitative agreement with spin polarization data from both the nucleon removal and pickup processes. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Groh DE, Pinter JS, Mantica PF, Mertzimekis TJ, Stuchbery AE, Khoa DT. Nuclear spin polarization following intermediate-energy heavy-ion reactions. Phys. Rev. C. 2007;76:–.Abstract
Intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions can produce a spin polarization of the projectile-like species. Spin polarization has been observed for both nucleon removal and nucleon pickup processes. Qualitative agreement with measured spin polarization as a function of the momentum of the projectile-like fragment is found in a kinematic model that considers conservation of linear and angular momentum and assumes peripheral interactions between the fast projectile and target. Better quantitative agreement was reached by including more realistic angular distributions and deorientation caused by ?-ray emission and by correcting for the out-of-plane acceptance. The newly introduced corrections were found to apply to both nucleon removal and nucleon pickup processes. © 2007 The American Physical Society.
Stuchbery AE, Davies AD, Mantica PF, Davidson PM, Wilson AN, Becerril A, Brown BA, Campbell CM, Cook JM, Dinca DC, et al. Shell structure underlying the evolution of quadrupole collectivity in $^{38}$S and $^{40}$S probed by transient-field g-factor measurements on fast radioactive beams. Phys. Rev. C. 2006;74:–.Abstract
The shell structure underlying shape changes in neutron-rich nuclei between N=20 and N=28 has been investigated by a novel application of the transient field technique to measure the first-excited state g factors in S38 and S40 produced as fast radioactive beams. Details of the new methodology are presented. In both S38 and S40 there is a fine balance between the proton and neutron contributions to the magnetic moments. Shell-model calculations that describe the level schemes and quadrupole properties of these nuclei also give a satisfactory explanation of the g factors. In S38 the g factor is extremely sensitive to the occupation of the neutron p3/2 orbit above the N=28 shell gap as occupation of this orbit strongly affects the proton configuration. The g factor of deformed S40 does not resemble that of a conventional collective nucleus because spin contributions are more important than usual. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Minamisono K, Mantica PF, Mertzimekis TJ, Davies AD, Hass M, Pereira J, Pinter JS, Rogers WF, Stoker JB, Tomlin BE, et al. Nuclear magnetic moment of the $^{57}$Cu ground state (I=3/2$^-$, T$_{1/2}$=199.4 ms). Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006;96:1–4.Abstract
The nuclear magnetic moment of the ground state of Cu57(I?=3/2-,T1/2= 196.3ms) has been measured to be |?(Cu57)|=(2.00±0.05)?N using the ?-NMR technique. Together with the known magnetic moment of the mirror partner Ni57, the spin expectation value was extracted as ??z =-0.78±0.13. This is the heaviest isospin T=1/2 mirror pair above the Ca40 region for which both ground state magnetic moments have been determined. The discrepancy between the present results and shell-model calculations in the full fp shell giving ?(Cu57)?2.4?N and ??z ?0.5 implies significant shell breaking at Ni56 with the neutron number N=28. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Pakou A, Alamanos N, Clarke NM, Davis NJ, Doukelis G, Kalyva G, Kokkoris M, Lagoyannis A, Mertzimekis TJ, Musumarra A, et al. The ⁶Li exclusive breakup on $^{28}$Si at 13 MeV. Phys. Lett. B. 2006;633:691–695.Abstract
We have undertaken the study of 6Li breakup on a 28Si target near the Coulomb barrier through an angular distribution measurement. Alpha particles were recorded in coincidence with deuterons in order to determine exclusively the breakup of lithium. The results are analysed and are discussed, in a continuum discretized coupled channel framework (CDCC).
Mertzimekis TJ, Mantica PF, Davies AD, Liddick SN, Tomlin BE. Ground state magnetic dipole moment of $^{35}$K. Phys. Rev. C. 2006;73:1–6.Abstract
The ground state magnetic moment of K35 has been measured using the technique of nuclear magnetic resonance on ?-emitting nuclei. The short-lived K35 nuclei were produced following the reaction of a Ar36 primary beam of energy 150 MeV/nucleon incident on a Be target. The spin polarization of the K35 nuclei produced at 2° relative to the normal primary beam axis was confirmed. Together with the mirror nucleus S35, the measurement represents the heaviest T=3/2 mirror pair for which the spin expectation value has been obtained. A linear behavior of gp vs gn has been demonstrated for the T=3/2 known mirror moments and the slope and intercept are consistent with the previous analysis of T=1/2 mirror pairs. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Mertzimekis TJ. Probing the $T_z$=-3/2 nuclei via magnetic moment measurements. In: E. Mavrommatis, A. Karabarbounis SE, Tsapalis A Advances in Nuclear Physics. National & Kapodistrian University of Athens: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2006. pp. 144–148.
Davies AD, Stuchbery AE, Mantica PF, Davidson PM, Wilson AN, Becerril A, Brown BA, Campbell CM, Cook JM, Dinca DC, et al. Probing shell structure and shape changes in neutron-rich sulfur isotopes through transient-field g-factor measurements on fast radioactive beams of $^{38}$S and $^{40}$S. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006;96:1–4.Abstract
The shell structure underlying shape changes in neutron-rich nuclei near N=28 has been investigated by a novel application of the transient-field technique to measure the first-excited-state g factors in S38 and S40 produced as fast radioactive beams. There is a fine balance between proton and neutron contributions to the magnetic moments in both nuclei. The g factor of deformed S40 does not resemble that of a conventional collective nucleus because spin contributions are more important than usual. © 2006 The American Physical Society.
Taylor MJ, Benczer-Koller N, Bernstein L, Cooper J, Hiles K, Judson DS, Kumbartzki G, Maier-Komor P, McMahan MA, Mertzimekis TJ, et al. Shell model configurations in the 2$_1^+$ state in $^{46}$Ca from a g-factor measurement. Phys. Lett. B. 2005;605:265–272.Abstract
{The g factor of the first excited 21+ state in 46Ca has been remeasured with better accuracy than previously obtained, g(21+, 46Ca) = -0.26(6). The experiment utilized the transient field technique combined with Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics. This result was analyzed in terms of shell model plus deformed core calculations. The positive g factors of the 2 1+ states in Ca and Ca suggest that the 21+ state wave functions require significant particle-hole excitations of the Z = 20
Stuchbery AE, Wilson AN, Davidson PM, Davies AD, Mertzimekis TJ, Liddick SN, Tomlin BE, Mantica PF. Transient fields for Mg ions traversing gadolinium hosts at velocities above and below the K-shell electron velocity. Phys. Lett. B. 2005;611:81–86.Abstract
Transient-field strengths for Mg ions traversing Gd hosts have been measured above the K-shell electron velocity. The results support a recent model-based extrapolation of the transient-field strength and show sufficient magnitude for g-factor measurements on exotic nuclei near the island of inversion around 32Mg produced as intermediate-energy fragments. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pakou A, Musumarra A, Pierroutsakou D, Alamanos N, Assimakopoulos PA, Divis N, Doukelis G, Harissopulos S, Kalyva G, Lagoyannis A, et al. $^6$Li+$^{28}$Si reaction cross sections at sub-barrier energies. In: Lalazissis GA, Moustakidis C Advances in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Astrophysics, Heavy Ions and Related Areas, Proceedings of the 15th Panhellenic Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Society. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2005. pp. 47–52.
Mertzimekis TJ, Mantica PF, Liddick SN, Davies AD, Tomlin BE. Spin polarization as a means to measure the $^{35,37}K magnetic moments. In: Lalazissis GA, Moustakidis C Advances in Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Astrophysics, Heavy Ions and Related Areas, Proceedings of the 15th Panhellenic Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Society. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 2005. pp. 101–106.
Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki G, Cooper JR, Mertzimekis TJ, Taylor MJ, Bernstein L, Hiles K, Maier-Komor P, McMahan MA, Phair L, et al. First g-factor measurement using a radioactive $^{76}$Kr beam. Eur. Phys. J. A. 2005;25:203–304.Abstract
The g factor of the first 2+1 state of radioactive 76Kr ( T 1/2 = 14.8 h) has been measured using projectile Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics combined with the transient magnetic-field technique. The 76Kr beam was produced and accelerated in batch mode (re-cyclotron method) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 88-Inch Cyclotron. The g factor g(76Kr; 2+1) = +0.37(11) was obtained. © Societa? Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2005.
Stuchbery AE, Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ. Gyromagnetic ratios and octupole collectivity in the structure of the $^{90-96}Zr isotopes. Phys. Rev. C. 2004;69:044302–1.Abstract
Shell model calculations have been performed for low-excitation states in the Zr isotopes between 90Zr and 96Zr with an emphasis on the g factors and electromagnetic decay rates for the lowest 2+ and 3- states. Overall the 2+ states are reasonably well described. In contrast, the 3- states present a puzzle because the measured g factors imply a single-particle configuration whereas the experimental E3 transition rates imply collective structures that cannot be explained by shell model calculations. A consistent description of the 3 - states in 90Zr and 96Zr is sought in terms of coupling between the single-particle structure and a collective octupole vibration.
Walters WB, Tomlin BE, Mantica PF, Brown BA, Rikovska Stone J, Davies AD, Estrade A, Hosmer PT, Hoteling N, Liddick SN, et al. Probing the sustainability of the N=82 and Z=50 shell closures for neutron-rich nuclides: Decay of $^{120}$Rh$^{75}$ to levels of $^{120}$Pd$^{74}$. Phys. Rev. C. 2004;70:0343141–0343145.Abstract
The low-energy levels of 120Pd74 were populated by ? decay of 120Rh75, which was produced via projectile fragmentation of a 136Xe82 beam at 120 MeV/nucleon. Delayed ?-gated ? rays with energies of 438 and 618 keV were observed in coincidence with 120Rh75 fragments and assigned to the 21+ ? 0+ and 41+ ? 21+ transitions, respectively, in 120Pd74. Isomeric ?-ray transitions are also reported for 120Rh75 and 126Cd78. The low-energy structure of 120Pd74 shows remarkable similarity to those of the isotopic 108Pd62 and isotonic 128Xe74 suggesting that these nuclides share the same Z=50 and N=82 closed shell structures with neutron-rich 120Pd 74.
Stolz A, Estrade A, Davies AD, Ginter TN, Hosmer PT, Kwan E, Liddick SN, Mantica PF, Mertzimekis TJ, Montes FA, et al. Radioactive ion beams in the region of $^{100}Sn and $^{78}Ni at the NSCL. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Radioactive Nuclear Beams (RNB6). Vol. 746. ; 2004. pp. 54–60.Abstract
The regions around the doubly magic nuclei 100Sn and 78Ni are of great interest from a nuclear structure standpoint. These nuclei also play a key role in the astrophysical rp- and r-processes, respectively. Recently, nuclei in these regions were studied at the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University.
Stolz A, Estrade A, Davies AD, Ginter TN, Hosmer PT, Kwan E, Liddick SN, Mantica PF, Mertzimekis TJ, Montes FA, et al. Radioactive ion beams in the region of $^{100}$Sn and $^{78}$Ni at the NSCL. Nucl. Phys. A. 2004;746:–.Abstract
The regions around the doubly magic nuclei 100Sn and 78Ni are of great interest from a nuclear structure standpoint. These nuclei also play a key role in the astrophysical rp- and r-processes, respectively. Recently, nuclei in these regions were studied at the Coupled Cyclotron Facility at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Kumbartzki G, Cooper JR, Benczer-Koller N, Hiles K, Mertzimekis TJ, Taylor MJ, Speidel K-H, Maier-Komor P, Bernstein L, McMahan MA, et al. First g factor measurement using a radioactive $^{76}$Kr beam. Phys. Lett. B. 2004;591:213–219.Abstract
The g factor of the first 2+ state of radioactive 76Kr (T1/2=14.8 h) has been measured, extending the systematics of the previously measured stable 78,80,82,84,86Kr isotopes. The measurement was performed with a radioactive 76Kr ion beam applying projectile Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics combined with the transient magnetic field technique. The 76Kr beam was produced and accelerated in batch mode (re-cyclotron method) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 88-Inch Cyclotron. A total of three production and acceleration cycles yielded six hours of beam on target with peak rates of 108 particles/s. About 5.6×104 particle-? coincidence events were recorded. The g factor g(76Kr;2 +1)=+0.37(11) was obtained by direct comparison to the known g(78Kr;2+1) value re-measured immediately after the 76Kr runs with the same setup and under almost identical kinematic conditions. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Benczer‐Koller N, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ, Sharon YY, Speidel K ‐H, Taylor MJ, Zamick L. Stuart Pittel and the f$_{7/2}$ Shell Revisited: Magnetic Moments in the Ca Isotopes. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 726. ; 2004. pp. 81-86.
Cooper JR, Bernstein L, McMahan MA, Powell J, Wutte D, Ahle L, Benczer-Koller N, Dashdorj D, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ, et al. Production of a $^{76}$Kr radioactive ion beam using a batch mode method. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. A. 2004;533:287–294.Abstract
A batch mode process has been developed to produce a 76Kr (T1/2 = 14.8 h) radioactive ion beam at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 88-in. Cyclotron. First, a 6 particle ?A ? beam is run for 17 h to produce approximately 101476Kr atoms via the reaction 74Se(?, 2n)76Kr. Then, the krypton is separated from the target material and injected into the AECR-U ion source. Beam intensities as high as 3 × 108 particles per second are observed with an integrated beam current of 6(2) × 1011 particles per 24-h batch cycle. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki G, Hiles K, Cooper JR, Bernstein L, Ahle L, Schiller A, Mertzimekis TJ, Taylor MJ, McMahan MA, et al. First Measurement of a Magnetic Moment of a Short-Lived State with an Accelerated Radioactive Beam: $^{76}$Kr. In: Covello A "Key Topics in Nuclear Structure", Proceedings of the 8th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics, Paestum, Italy, May 23-27. World Scientific, Singapore; 2004. pp. 63.
Taylor MJ, Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ, Robinson SJQ, Sharon YY, Zamick L, Stuchbery AE, Hutter C, Beausang CW, et al. Competing core and single particle excitations in the 2$_1^+$ state in $^{44}$Ca. Phys. Lett. B. 2003;559:187–192.Abstract
The g factor of the 21+ state in 44Ca has been measured using the transient field technique and Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics. A positive value of g(21+, 44Ca) = +0.12±0.05 was deduced. The result suggests the (fp)v4 configuration competes with excitations of the 40Ca core. A simple model which considers that the wave function for the 21+ state consists of approximately equal admixtures of spherical four valence neutron configurations and a deformed core configuration accounts for the experimentally observed g factor as well as the previously measured quadrupole moment. © 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Mertzimekis TJ, Stuchbery AE, Benczer-Koller N, Taylor MJ. Systematics of first 2$^+$ state g factors around mass 80. Phys. Rev. C. 2003;68:543041–543049.Abstract
The systematics of the first 2+ state g factors in the mass 80 region are investigated in terms of an IBM-II analysis, a pairing-corrected geometrical model, and a shell-model approach. Subshell closure effects at N = 38 and overall trends were examined using IBM-II. A large-space shell-model calculation was successful in describing the behavior for N=4 and N=50 nuclei, where single-particle features are prominent. A schematic truncated-space calculation was applied to the lighter isotopes. The variations of the effective boson g factors are discussed in connection with the role of F-spin breaking, and comparisons are made between the mass 80 and mass 180 regions.
Kumbartzki G, Benczer-Koller N, Holden J, Jakob G, Mertzimekis TJ, Taylor MJ, Speidel K-H, Ernst R, Stuchbery AE, Beausang CW, et al. Competition between proton and neutron excitations in $^{96}$Zr. Phys. Lett. B. 2003;562:193–200.Abstract
The g factors of the 2+1 and 3-1 states in 96Zr have been measured for the first time by Coulomb excitation of 96Zr beams in inverse kinematics using transient magnetic fields. The resulting g factors are g(2+1) = +0.03(7) and g(3-1) = +0.98(15). The lifetime of the 2+1 state, ? = 0.82(10) ps, was redetermined via the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method. The 2+1 ? 0+1 transition rate and the g-factor data are in fair agreement with shell-model calculations involving both proton and neutron excitations. The pronounced octupole strength of the 3-1 ? 0+1 transition is not seen in the g factor which exceeds significantly an expected Z/A value. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Groh DE, Mantica PF, Stuchbery AE, Stolz A, Mertzimekis TJ, Rogers WF, Davies AD, Liddick SN, Tomlin BE. Spin Polarization of $^{37}$K Produced in a Single-Proton Pickup Reaction at Intermediate Energies. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2003;90:202502–.
Ioannides KG, Papachristodoulou CA, Mertzimekis TJ, Tzialla CE. Effect of soil amendments on radiocesium transfer to alfalfa. Health Phys. 2003;84:637–641.Abstract
Greenhouse experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of different soil-based countermeasures on radiocesium transfer to Medicago sativa (alfalfa) grown on artificially contaminated loamy-clayey soil. Various rates of potassium, ammonium, and Prussian Blue supplements were applied, and the uptake of radiocesium by control and treated alfalfa plants was monitored during four growth periods. Transfer factors ranging between 0.06 and 0.02 were determined for control plants. Application of potassium at rates higher than 0.1 meq per 100 g soil was found to suppress radiocesium uptake, the effect being more pronounced at increasing fertilization rates. On the contrary, soil treatment with ammonium enhanced the bio-accumulation of radiocesium, indicating that Cs+ ions, previously unavailable to plant roots, were released from soil particles. Prussian Blue supplements had practically no effect on soil-to-alfalfa transfer of the radionuclide.
Bertulani CA, Stuchbery AE, Mertzimekis TJ, Davies AD. Intermediate energy Coulomb excitation as a probe of nuclear structure at radioactive beam facilities. Phys. Rev. C. 2003;68:446091–4460910.Abstract
The effects of retardation in the Coulomb excitation of radioactive nuclei in intermediate energy collisions (Elab ? 100 MeV/nucleon) are investigated. We show that the excitation cross sections of low-lying states in 11Be, 38,40,42S, and 44,46Ar projectiles incident on gold and lead targets are modified by as much as 20% due to these effects. The angular distributions of decaying ? rays are also appreciably modified.
Benczer-Koller N, Taylor MJ, Kumbartzki G, Sharon YY, Zamick L, Mertzimekis TJ, Stuchbery AE. Magnetic moments from the Mediterranean to Mt. Fuji. In: Vitturi A, Casten RF "Symmetries in Nuclear Structure: An Occasion to Celebrate the 60th Birthday of Francesco Iachello". Erice, Italy, 23-30 March 2003: World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore; 2003. pp. 325–330.
Taylor MJ, Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ, Stuchbery AE, Speidel K-H, Hutter C. g-factor measurement of the excited 2$^+$ state in the fp-shell nucleus $^{44}$Ca. In: MAPPING THE TRIANGLE: International Conference on Nuclear Structure''. Vol. 638. Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, 22-25 May 2002; 2002. pp. 269–270.
Jakob G, Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki G, Holden J, Mertzimekis TJ, Speidel K-H, Ernst R, Stuchbery AE, Pakou A, Maier-Komor P, et al. Evidence for proton excitations in $^{130,132,134,136}$Xe isotopes from measurements of g factors of 2$_1^+$ and 4$_1^+$ states. Phys. Rev. C. 2002;65:243161–243169.Abstract
The g factors of 21+, 41+, and 22+ states in the stable 130,132,134,136Xe isotopes have been measured via projectile Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics in combination with the transient field technique. The results show a steady decrease in g(21+) as the number of neutron holes increases in the lighter nuclei below the closed N = 82 neutron shell. The g factors of the 41+ states in 132,134Xe are consistently larger than the g factors of the 21+ states, a characteristic of proton excitation. The g factors of the 21+, 41+, and 22+ states in 130Xe are approximately equal as would be expected for vibrational excitations.
Stamoulis KC, Ioannides KG, Papachristodoulou CA, Mertzimekis TJ. Heavy Metal Concentrations in North-Western Greece river sediments. In: Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation. Ioannina, 12-15 Sep 2001; 2001.
Mertzimekis TJ, Benczer-Koller N, Holden J, Jakob G, Kumbartzki G, Speidel K-H, Ernst R, Macchiavelli A, McMahan M, Phair L, et al. First measurements of g factors in the even Kr isotopes. Phys. Rev. C. 2001;64:243141–243147.Abstract
The g factors of the 2+1 and 4+1 states in 78,80,82,84,86Kr have been measured for tne first time, using Coulomb excitation of isotopic Kr beams and the transient field technique. The measured g factors of 2+1 states in 78.80.82Kr are well described, in both magnitude and progression with neutron number, by the IBA-II model. Whereas the lighter isotopes show a dominant collective structure with g factor values close to Z/A, the large g(2-1) = 1.12(14) value of 86Kr, with its closed N = 50 shell, is unequivocally dominated by specific proton configurations. The g factor of the 2+1 state in 84Kr, with two holes in the Ig9/2 neutron orbit, reflects both proton and neutron components in the wave function. In addition, the lifetimes of several 2+1 and 4+1 states were remeasured by the Doppler shift attenuation method, yielding values which, in some cases, differ from those in the literature.
Holden J, Benczer-Koller N, Jakob G, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ, Speidel K-H, Beausang CW, Kru?cken R, Macchiavelli A, McMahan M, et al. Single particle degrees of freedom in the transition from deformed to spherical Nd nuclei. Phys. Rev. C. 2001;63:243151–243158.Abstract
The g factors of the 4+1 and 6+1 states in 144,148Nd, the 4+1 state in 146Nd and the 6+1 , 8+1 , and 10+1 states in 150Nd have been measured for the first time by projectile Coulomb excitation coupled to the transient field technique. The g factors of the 2+1 states of 144,146,148,150Nd have been remeasured with high precision. The data clearly indicate that, while 148,150Nd are well described by collective excitations, the structure of the low lying levels in the lighter isotopes is dominated by the 2f7/2 neutron configuration.
Jakob G, Benczer-Koller N, Holden J, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ, Speidel K-H, Ernst R, Maier-Komor P, Beausang CW, Kru?cken R. First measurements of the g factors of the 2$_1^+$ and 3$_1^-$states of semi-magic $_{40}^{90}$Zr. Phys. Lett. B. 2000;494:187–192.Abstract
The g factors of the 21/+ and 31/- states in semi-magic 90Zr have been measured for the first time with the technique of Coulomb excitation of 90Zr beams in inverse kinematics in combination with transient magnetic fields. The resulting g factors, g(21/+) = +1.25(21) and g(31/3) = +0.986(56), are both consistent with a dominant g(9/2) proton configuration and a closed N = 50 neutron shell. The lifetime of the 21/+ state was measured by the Doppler shift attenuation method, ? = 0.126(3) ps. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
Holden J, Benczer-Koller N, Jakob G, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ, Speidel K-H, Macchiavelli A, McMahan M, Phair L, Maier-Komor P, et al. Evidence for 2f$_{1/2}$ neutron strength in the low-energy structure of $^{144,146,148,150}Nd isotopes. Phys. Lett. B. 2000;493:7–11.Abstract
The Bardeen model - the first regular black hole model in General Relativity - is reinterpreted as the gravitational field of a nonlinear magnetic monopole, i.e., as a magnetic solution to Einstein equations coupled to a nonlinear electrodynamics. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
Jakob G, Benczer-Koller N, Holden J, Kumbartzki G, Mertzimekis TJ, Speidel K-H, Beausang CW, Kru?cken R. Spin dependence of d$_{5/2}$ neutron configurations in the wave functions of $^{92,94}$Zr from g-factor measurements. Phys. Lett. B. 1999;468:13–19.Abstract
g factors of the 21+ and 41+ states in 92,94Zr have been measured via Coulomb excitation of isotopically pure 92,94Zr beams in inverse kinematics in combination with the transient field technique. The high precision results, g(92Zr; 21+ = -0.180(10) and g(94Zr; 21+ = -0.329(15) as well as the new data on the 41 state, g(92Zr; 41+) = -0.50(11), provide, for the first time, clear evidence of the dominant role of d5/2 neutrons in the wave functions of these nuclei just above the N = 50 shell closure. Moreover, the data imply increased purity of the d5/2 neutron component in the wave function with increasing spin. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki G, Jakob G, Holden J, Mertzimekis TJ, Speidel K-H, Beausang C, Kruecken R, McMahan M, Macchiavelli A, et al. Single particle contributions to the structure of low-lying states of Cr, Ti, Se, Zr and Nd nuclei via precision g-factor measurements. Rev. Mex. Fis. [Internet]. 1999;45:50–54. WebsiteAbstract
Magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments have traditionally been critical in the determination of the microscopic wave functions of particular nuclear states. Measurements on nuclei at high spin and energy, as well as on nuclei in superdeformed states have yielded a wealth of information on their structure. The techniques developed for these measurements are now being extended to the study of nuclei far-from-stability such as those which will be accessible via reactions with radioactive beams. Very precise determinations of the magnetic moments of the 21+ states of Cr, Ti, Zr, Se and Nd isotopes, recently carried out via "projectile excitation", place very tight constraints on existing nuclear models, from single particle calculations in the 1fp shell to extended IBM models, and further highlight the importance of the interplay between single particle and collective excitations across the table of isotopes. The experimental results will be presented and compared with theoretical calculations.
Ioannides KG, Mertzimekis TJ, Papachristodoulou CA, Tzialla CE. Measurements of natural radioactivity in phosphate fertilizers. Sci. Tot. Envir. 1997;196:63–67.Abstract
The natural radioactivity, mainly due to radium (226Ra), in phosphate fertilizers used in north-western Greece has been measured by [gamma]-spectroscopy. Also radioactivity measurements were performed in soil samples and were compared to samples from undisturbed soils. 226Ra belongs to the 238U chain and is the precursor of radon gas (222Rn). The radon concentrations in warehouses, where large quantities of fertilizers are kept, were measured with CR-39 SSNTDs. The radium concentrations in the fertilizers ranged from 0 to 4584 Bq kg-1 and the radon concentrations in warchouses were measured 540-3320 Bq m-3. The results are discussed from the radiation protection point of view.
Ioannides KG, Karamanis DT, Stamoulis KC, Mertzimekis TJ, Mantzios AS, Nicolaou E, Pappas CP. Reduction of cesium concentration in ovine tissues following treatment with Prussian Blue labeled with $^{59}$Fe. Health Phys. 1996;71:713.
Ioannides KG, Papachristodoulou C, Karamanis DT, Stamoulis KC, Mertzimekis TJ. Measurements of $^{222}$Rn migration in soil. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 1996;208:541–547.Abstract
The concentration of radon (222Rn) was measured in the soil near the ground surface, using CR/39 solid state nuclear track detectors. The measurements were carried out in PVC tubes at 0.25 m intervals up to 1.25 m. The detectors were etched in 7N NaOH solutions at 80°C. The ?-tracks from radon's decay were counted using a microscope. A microscopc-camera-computer system developed for automatic counting was also used. The results provide evidence for the non-diffusive transport of radon in soils. A transport length of (46.9 ± 3.2) cm was estimated for radon transport near ground surface. Also the variation of soil's radon concentration was correlate to humidity and atmospheric pressure. Copyright © 1996 Akade?miai Kiado?. All rights reserved.
Ioannides KG, Mertzimekis TJ, Karamanis DT, Stamoulis KC, Kirikopoulos I. Radiocesium sorption-desorption processes in lake sediments. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 1996;208:549–557.Abstract
The kinetics of radiocesium sorption and desorption by cation solutions and the corresponding radiocesium distribution profiles in sediment cores were investigated. The results have shown that a significant percentage of radiocesium is adsorbed in the sediments during the first 3 d. Radiocesium reaches rapidly (< than 5 d) at a depth which does not exceed 3.5 cm. The desorption of radiocesium was found to depend on cation concentrations. Empirical laws are derived both for cesium adsorption and desorption.
Papachristodoulou CA, Ioannides KG, Mertzimekis TJ, Stamoulis KC, Karamanis DT. Assessment of Arrangements for the Detection of Radon Emanating from Soil. In: Panos K Advances in Nuclear Physics, Proceeding of the 6th Panhellenic Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Society, TEI Piraeus. TEI Piraeus: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 1995. pp. 288–301. Website
Mertzimekis TJ, Ioannides KG, Papachristodoulou CA, Karamanis DT, Stamoulis KC. $^{137}$Cs Adsorption-Desorption Processes in Sediments, Using Gamma Ray Spectroscopy. In: Panos K Advances in Nuclear Physics, Proceeding of the 6th Panhellenic Symposium of the Hellenic Nuclear Society. TEI Piraeus: Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society; 1995. pp. 302–312. Website