Aspergillus Genetics Lab

Welcome to the Aspergillus Genetics Lab established in the Department of Biology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens The major interests of our group concern studies related to the regulation of cellular expression, structure, function and evolution of transporters. We use Aspergillus nidulans, but also Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as model systems for: a) genetically, biochemically and functionally dissecting structure-function relationships underlying purine-pyrimidine transporter kinetics, specificity and molecular evolution, b) identifying the pathways and molecular mechanisms involved in the membrane trafficking, endocytosis and turnover of specific transporters in response to various physiological, developmental and genetic signals, c) studying the role of transporters in fungal pathogenicity and use in silico modeling of specific purine transporters for rational antifungal drug design.