Archive: December 2014

MA and PhD Fellowships Available (University of Manitoba)

MA and PhD Fellowships Available (University of Manitoba)


Two to three MA and/or PhD Fellowships are available in the Department of Anthropology (and Near Eastern and Biblical Archaeology Laboratory) of the University of Manitoba under the supervision of Prof. Haskel Greenfield, as part of his "Nature of early urban neighbourhoods in the southern Levant: Early Bronze Age at Tell es-Safi (EBAS)", SSHRC Partnership Research Program with Bar-Ilan University, Israel.


FELLOWSHIPS: Distant Worlds --Munich Graduate School for Ancient Studies" (LMU Munich)

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich is one of the leading European universities with a tradition reaching back more than 500 years. The university established in 2012 the Graduate School "Distant Worlds: Munich Graduate School for Ancient Studies" which is funded by the German Excellence Initiative. The Graduate School is an interdisciplinary research network that brings together LMU Munich and research institutions in Munich to provide an optimal environment for disciplinary research and the promotion of junior academics in the field of ancient studies.