Archive: February 2015

Two scholarships Available: MA Program in Maritime Civilizations, University of Haifa

The International Maritime Civilizations MA Program provides students with an understanding of the sea and maritime civilizations and prepares them for research in their chosen areas of specialization. Haifa’s coastal location and the Mediterranean region’s rich maritime history provide the ideal backdrop for this field of study.


International MA Program

20 Incoming Postdoc Fellowships at Freie Universität Berlin

20 Incoming Postdoc Fellowships at Freie Universität Berlin 
Call for Applications for 2016 

The "Postdoc International" POINT research fellowship program - co-financed by the German Excellence Initiative and the Marie Curie Program of the European Commission - provides funding for outstanding postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines to conduct their own research project at Freie Universität Berlin.  

Book Grant

Gorgias Press is excited to announce its 2015 Book Grant!  Each year, we award $500 worth of books to two graduate students who could use them in their research.  Please pass the word around to anyone who you know who might be interested.

Here are the details: 
2014-2015 Grant Field: Any field within the scope of Gorgias Publications

Application Deadline: March 11, 2015 
Grant Date: April 1, 2015 

Candidate must be enrolled in a graduate program (Master's or Ph.D.) in an accredited university or an institution of learning in the field of the grant.

Archaeological Field School at Parthicopolis (Bulgaria)

We are still accepting applications for ARCS Summer Archaeology Program (see description below). Note that the submission deadline has been extended to March 1, 2015. Please bring this notice to the attention of your students.