Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings

Conference Proceedings
Kopanias, K, E Vemou, and K Sidiropoulou. 2023. 3D Model Analysis of the LBA and EIA swords from the Near East. N Marchetti. 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Bologna, 6-9 April 2021. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. paper_2023_icaane_swords.pdf
Kopanias, K, I Voskos, D Papageorgiou, and Ch. Theotokatou. 2022. External contacts and a reassessment of socio-political evolution in the Kouris region during the LBA and EIA. G Bourogiannis. Beyond Cyprus: Investigating Cypriot connectivity in the Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the end of the Classical period. International Digital Conference organized by the Institute of Historical Research/National Hellenic Research Foundation, 8. Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation. Publisher's Version paper_2022_kourion.pdf
Kopanias, K, E Vemou, and K Sidiropoulou. 2022. 3D Model Analysis of some LBA and EIA Swords from Cyprus. G Bourogiannis. Beyond Cyprus: Investigating Cypriot connectivity in the Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the end of the Classical period. International Digital Conference organized by the Institute of Historical Research/National Hellenic Research Foundation, 8. Athens: National Hellenic Research. Publisher's Version paper_2022_swords_cyprological_conference.pdf
Kopanias, Konstantinos. 2019. Πειρατές, Hapiru και Μισθοφόροι στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο κατά την Ύστερη Εποχή του Χαλκού" [Pirates, Hapiru and Mercenaries in the Eastern Mediterranean During the Late Bronze Age]. P Polychronakou-Sgouritsa and Palaggia, O. Proceedings of a Symposion in Memory of Professor Spyridon Iakovides. Athens: Kardamitsa. Publisher's Version paper_2019_hapiru.pdf
Mantzourani, E, K Kopanias, and I Voskos. 2019. A Great King on Alashia? The Archaeological and Textual Evidence. JM Kelder and Waal, WJI. From LUGAL.GAL to Wanax? Kingship and State Formation in the Late Bronze Age Aegean. Leiden: Sidestone Press. Publisher's Version paper_2019_alashia.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2018. Μηχανισμοί εθνογένεσης κατά την Πρώιμη Εποχή του Σιδήρου: η περίπτωση των Υπαχαιών στην Κιλικία [The Process of Ethnogenesis during the Early Iron Age: the Case of Hypachaeans in Cilicia]. O Katsiardi-Hering, Papadia-Lala, A, Nikolaou, K, and Karamanolakis, B. Έλλην, Ρωμηός, Γραικός. Collective Identifications and Identities. Athens: Eurasia. Publisher's Version paper_2018_hypachaeans.pdf
Beuger, C, and K Kopanias. 2018. Neolithic Pottery from Tell Nader (Erbil). A Gómez-Bach, Becker, J, and Molist, M. II Workshop on Late Neolithic Ceramics in Ancient Mesopotamia: Pottery in Contect. Barcelona: Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya-Barcelona. Publisher's Version paper_2018_neolithic_pottery_from_tell_nader.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2018. Deconstructing Achilles. The Stories about Piyamaradu and the Making of a Homeric Hero. P Pavúk, Klontza-Jaklová, V, and Harding, A. ΕΥΔΑΙΜΩΝ. Studies in Honor of Jan Bouzek. Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. Publisher's Version paper_2018_piyamaradu.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2017. Ubaid ‘islands’ in a non-Ubaid ‘sea’: An Attempt to Define the Ubaid and its Cultural Boundaries in Northeastern Mesopotamia. E Baysal and Karakatsanis, L. Bordered Places - Bounded Times. Cross-disciplinary perspectives on Turkey. London: The British Institute at Ankara. Publisher's Version paper_2017_ubaid_islands.pdf
Kopanias, K, C Beuger, J MacGinnis, and J Ur. 2016. The Tell Baqrta Project in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. J MacGinnis. Proceedings of the Conference Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire, December 13-Saturday December 15 2012, organized by the MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs Series. Publisher's Version paper_2016_tell_baqrta_project.pdf
Kopanias, K, and S Fox. 2016. Headshaping at Tell Nader. M Mina, Papadatos, Y, and Triantaphyllou, S. Embodied Identities In The Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean: Convergence Of Theory And Practices. Conference hosted by the University of Cyprus, 10-12 April 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus. Oxford: Oxbow Books. Publisher's Version paper_2016_headshaping_at_tell_nader.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2015. The King's Household, Royal Gifts and the International Trade in the Amarna Age. E Lévy. Kingship in Ancient Greece: from Agamemnon to Cleopatra. International Conference in honor of Pierre Carlier. Athens, 6 – 8 February 2014. KTEMA, Civilisations de l’Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques 40. Strasbourg: Université Marc Bloch de Strasbourg. paper_2015_the_kings_household.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2015. The Mushki/Phrygian problem from the Near Eastern point of view. N Stampolides, Maner, C, and Kopanias, K. NOSTOI. Indigenous Culture, Migration and Integration in the Aegean Islands and Western Anatolia during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Istanbul 31/3/11-3/4/11. Istanbul: Koç University Press. Publisher's Version paper_2015_mushki.pdf
Kopanias, K, C Beuger, and S Fox. 2014. Preliminary Results from the Excavation at Tell Nader in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. P Bieliński, Gawlikowski, M, Koliński, R, Ławecka, D, Sołtysiak, A, and Wygnańska, Z. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 30 April - 4 May 2012, University of Warsaw, Τόμος 2, Excavation and Progress Reports, Posters. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Publisher's Version paper_2014_icaane.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2014. Η διδασκαλία της αρχαιολογίας της Εγγύς Ανατολής από τον Σπυρίδωνα Μαρινάτο. E Mantzourani and Marinatos, N. Σπυρίδων Μαρινάτος 1901-1974. Athens: Kardamitsa. Publisher's Version paper_2014_marinatos.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2012. Exotic Jewellery or Magic Objects? The Use of Imported Near Eastern Seals in the Aegean. ML Nosch and Laffineur, R. KOSMOS. Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the 13th International Aegean Conference, University of Copenhagen, Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for Textile Research, 21-26 April 2010. Liège: Peeters. Publisher's Version paper_2012_-_exotic_jewellery_or_magic_objects.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2012. Paradise Lost. The Image of the Netherworld in the Near East and in the Aegean. N Stampolides, Kanta, A, and Giannikouri, A. ATHANASIA. The Earthly, the Celestial and the Underworld in the Mediterranean from the Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age. Proceedings of the International Archaeological Conference, Rhodes 28-31 May, 2009. Herakleion: University of Crete. Publisher's Version paper_2012_paradise_lost.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2011. Η μνήμη των νεκρών στην αρχαία Εγγύς Ανατολή. Το παράδειγμα του «βασιλικού νεκροταφείου» της Ur στην νότια Μεσοποταμία. K Bourazelis, Katakis, St., and Karamanolakis, V. Η μνήμη της κοινότητας και η διαχείρισή της. Μελέτες από μία ημερίδα αφιερωμένη στη μνήμη του Τίτου Παπαμαστοράκη. Athens: Kardamitsa. Publisher's Version paper_2011_royal_ur.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2009. Το μεταδαιδαλικό άγαλμα από το νεκροταφείο της Τανάγρας στο Μουσείο των Θηβών (Αρ.Ευρ. ΒΕ 36). V Aravantinos. Πρακτικά του Δ' Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου Βοιωτικών Μελετών, Λιβαδειά 9-12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2000. Επετηρίς της Εταιρείας Βοιωτικών Μελετών. Αθήνα: Εταιρεία Βοιωτικών Μελετών. Publisher's Version paper_2008_postdaedalic_statue.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2009. Preliminary Report of the ‘Halasarna Project’: An Intensive Archaeological Survey of the Ancient Demos Ηalasarna on Kos. G Deligiannakis and Galanakis, I. The Aegean and its Cultures. Proceedings of the first Oxford-Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, 22-23 April 2005. Oxford: Archaeopress. Publisher's Version paper_2009_halasarna_survey.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2009. Some ivories from the Geometric stratum at the sanctuary of Artemis Orthia, Sparta: interconnections between Sparta, Crete and the Orient during the late eighth century BC. W Cavanagh, Gallou, C, and Georgiadis, M. Sparta and Laconia from Prehistory to Pre-Modern. Proceedings of the Conference held in Sparta, organised by the British School at Athens, the University of Nottingham, the 5th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and the 5th Ephorate of Byza. London: The British School at Athens. Publisher's Version paper_2009_ivories_artemis_orthia.pdf
Kokkorou-Alevras, G, A Chatziconstantinou, A Efstathopoulos, E Zavvou, N Themos, K Kopanias, and E Poupaki. 2009. Ancient quarries in Laconia. W Cavanagh, Gallou, C, and Georgiadis, M. Sparta and Laconia from Prehistory to Pre-Modern. Proceedings of the Conference held in Sparta, organised by the British School at Athens, the University of Nottingham, the 5th Ephoreia of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities and the 5th Ephoreia of Byza. London: The British School at Athens. Publisher's Version paper_2009_ancient_quarries_in_laconia.pdf
Κοκκορού-Αλευρά, Γ, Α Ευσταθόπουλος, Κ Κοπανιάς, Ε Πουπάκη, and Α Χατζηκωνσταντίνου. 2006. Αρχαία Λατομεία στη «Γυναίκα» και στο «Πλατυβούνι» Ταϋγέτου”. Πρακτικά Β΄ Τοπικού Συνεδρίου Λακωνικών Σπουδών, τόμ. Α΄, Ξηροκάμπι Λακωνίας, 28 Οκτωβρίου - 1 Νοεμβρίου 2004. Αθήνα: Εταιρεία Λακωνικών Σπουδών. Publisher's Version paper_2006_quarries_gynaika.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2002. Akkulturation am Beispiel einer arkadischen Statue des 7.Jhs.v.Chr.. H Blum, Faist, B, Pfälzner, P, and Wittke, A-M. Brückenland Anatolien? Ursachen, Extensität und Modi des Kulturaustausches zwischen Anatolien und seinen Nachbarn. Tübingen: Attempto. Publisher's Version paper_2002_-_akkulturation_am_beispiel_einer_arkadischen.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2001. Der ägyptisierende ‚Branchide‘ aus Didyma. H Klinkott. Anatolien im Lichte kultureller Wechselwirkungen. Akkulturationsphönomene in Kleinasien und seinen Nachbarregionen während des 2. und 1. Jahrtausends v. Chr.. Tübingen: Attempto. Publisher's Version paper_2001_der_aegyptisierende_branchide.pdf