Publications by Type: Journal Article

Journal Article
MacGinnis, J, and K Kopanias. Forthcoming. Recent Archaeological Investigations in Iraq. Journal of Iranian Archaeology 8. Publisher's Version
Kopanias, K. 2022. Book Review of "Ç. Maner, «Du sollst für die Ewigkeit bauen!». Untersuchungen zu hethitischen und mykenischen Befestigungen, Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie 338 (Bonn 2019)". Gnomon 94, no. 2: 186-188. Publisher's Version
Kopanias, K. 2021. Book Review of "Hulin, L., L. Crewe, and J.M. Webb - Structures of Inequality on Bronze Age Cyprus. Studies in Honour of Alison K. South. (Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature, PB 187). Paul Åströms Förlag, Uppsala, 2018". Bibliotheca Orientalis 78, no. 1/2: 244-246. Publisher's Version
Kopanias, K, E Vemou, and K Sidiropoulou. 2021. Mechanical Examination of Swords in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. Ash-sharq. Bulletin of the Ancient Near East 5, no. 1-2: 97-132. Publisher's Version mechanical_examination_of_swords_in_the.pdf
Kopanias, K, and G Barlagianni. 2019. Unequal in Life but Equal in Death? The Mortuary Evidence for Social Stratification in the Ubaid Polities. Ash Sharq. Bulletin of the Ancient Near East 3, no. 1: 1-20. Publisher's Version paper_2019_unequal_in_life_but_equal.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2018. Cilicia and Pamphylia during the Early Iron Age: Hiyawa, Mopsos and the Foundation of the Greek Cities. AURA 1: 69-95. Publisher's Version paper_2018_cilicia.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2018. An Ubaid Kiln at Tell Nader (Kurdistan Region in Iraq). Études Mésopotamiennes 1: 70-76. Publisher's Version paper_2018_ubaid_kiln_at_tell_nader.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2017. Mercenaries or Refugees? The Evidence from the Inscriptions of Merenptah on the 'Sea Peoples'. Journal of Greek Archaeology 2: 119-134. Publisher's Version paper_2017_merenptah.pdf
MacGinnis, J, and K Kopanias. 2014. Kurdistan: A new dawn breaks for Near Eastern Archaeology. Current World Archaeology 67: 32-35. paper_2014_kurdistan_a_new_dawn_breaks.pdf
Kopanias, K, C Beuger, T Carter, S Fox, A Hadjikoumis, G Kourtessi-Philippakis, A Livarda, and J MacGinnis. 2013. The Tell Nader and Tell Baqrta Project in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Preliminary Report of the 2011 Season. SUBARTU 6-7: 23–57. Publisher's Version paper_2013_subartu_tell_nader.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2008. Review of S. Nolte, Steinbruch, Werkstatt, Skulptur. Untersuchungen zu Aufbau und Organisation griechischer Bildhauerwerkstätten. Beihefte zum Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft 18, 2006. American Journal of Archaeology 112: 775–776. Publisher's Version review_2008_-_review_of_nolte.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2008. The Late Bronze Age Near Eastern Cylinder Seals from Thebes (Greece) and their Historical Implications. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung 123: 39–96. Publisher's Version paper_2008_cylinder_seals_from_thebes.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2007. Review of A. Villing (ed.), The Greeks in the East, British Museum, London 2005. American Journal of Archaeology 111: 588–589. Publisher's Version review_2007_-_review_of_villing.pdf
Kopanias, K. 2006. Review of A.-V. Schweyer, Les Lyciens et la mort: une étude d' histoire sociale (2002). American Journal of Archaeology 110: 323–324. Website
Kopanias, K. 2006. Review of D. Damaskos (ed.), Ancient Greek Sculpture: Offering in Memory of the Sculptor Stelios Triantes (Athens 2002). American Journal of Archaeology 110: 514–516. Publisher's Version review_2006_damaskos.pdf
Κοκκορού-Αλευρά, Γ, Ε Πουπάκη, Α Ευσταθόπουλος, Κ Κοπανιάς, and Α Χατζηκωνσταντίνου. 2005. Τα αρχαία λατομεία της Προκοννήσου στην Προποντίδα. Αρχαιογνωσία 13: 155–196. Publisher's Version paper_2005_quarries_proconnesos.pdf