
Research programs financed by European Union

  1. 2023-2025: Erasmus+ Program entitled “TRACE - Tracing Climate Change”, in cooperation with 4 partners from Greece, Romania and France.
  2. 2022-2025: Erasmus+ Program entitled “TRIPGIFT - Training pupils on geosciences through Virtual Field Trips”, in cooperation with 6 partners from Greece, Cyprus and Belgium.
  3. 2022-2024: Program Horizon (HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01) entitled “Innovative Education for the BioEconomy (EdBioEc)”. EdBioEc aims to introduce new thinking and approaches to enhance how governance of education in the circular bioeconomy is tackled and delivered by the education systems across Europe at European Commission (EC), national, regional and local levels.
  4. 2021-today: Cooperative project entitled  “ESERO” between the European Space Agency (ESA) and national partners such as the Research Centers for Natural Sciences, the Center for Digital Geographical Education, the Hellenic Education Society for STEM, the ATLAS research team from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki etc.,
  5. 2021-2023: Erasmus+ Program entitled “STEALTH - STEam methodology for heALTHhy nutrition awareness - Food as cultural Heritage”, in cooperation with 5 partners from Greece, Slovakia, Portugal and Austria.
  6. 2021-2023: Erasmus+ Program entitled  “CLIMAX-CLIMAte coalition eXchange of best practices”. The Climax project Partnership brings together partners from across education, research and the wider STEM sector to support the delivery of climate change related school curricula and activities in formal and informal education settings. It aims to enhance educators’ subject knowledge and understanding, so that lessons are based on scientific evidence, and increase students’ understanding of the science and implications of climate change
  7. 2022-2024: Program Erasmus+ entitled PROOF «Protection against flash floods» in cooperation with 5 partners from Greece, Slovakia, Lithuania and Spain.
  8. 2021-2023: Program Erasmus+ entitled GeoVT «Training new generations on geomorphology, geohazards and geoheritage through Virtual Reality Technologies» in cooperation with 8 partners from Greece, Sweden, France, Italy and Poland.
  9. 2021-2024: Research program entitled HIRACLES «HIgh Resolution imAgery for CLiff Erosion Studies» in cooperation with 2 partners from France (Université de Bretagne Occidentale and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1).
  10. 2020-2022: Program Erasmus+ entitled FacingFIRE «Service-learning to improve training and employability in wildfire management in southern Europe», in collaboration with 8 partners from Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy. The aim of the project is the education and participation of citizens in forest fire issues, by transferring scientific-technical knowledge and political values to the youth. KA203 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships for higher education.
  11. 2018-2020: Program Erasmus+ entitled ENVSTORIES «Environmental Storytelling for Sustainable Development», in cooperation with 9 partners from Greece, Spain, Italy, Turkey. KA201 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Strategic Partnerships for school education.
  12. 2017-2020: European Program COST Action CA16209: NATURAL FLOOD RETENTION ON PRIVATE LAND. The objective of this action is flood prevention, taking into account multifunctional land uses that allow the temporary containment of floods and their storage on private area of land without restricting the provision of other ecosystem services. Reconciliation of flood risk management and land management is required. Since most Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM) solutions take place on private land, issues such as finance, property rights, and public subsidy issues have to be addressed. The ultimate goal of this action is to address these different aspects, to create a common knowledge base, as well as communication channels between scientists, regulators, landowners and other stakeholders.
  13. 2015-2017: Programme Erasmus+ entitled McAGENDA «Master courses: Quaternary GeoEnvironment - ArchaeoGeomorphology; Analysis and Management of Anthropogenic Natural Hazards and Disasters», in collaboration with the Universities: University of Aix-Marseille –AMU of France, University of Trieste -UNITS of Italy and University of Haifa of Israel.
  14. 2015-2018: Programme Erasmus+ entitled «Land Degradation and Rehabilitation In Mediterranean Environments», in collaboration with 8 partners from Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy.
  15. 2013-2015: Bilateral Cooperation Programme Greece – France (Faculty of Geology & Geoenvironment, UOA – CEREGE, Aix-Marseille University), on the subject “Sea level changes in Cyclades”. Action: “Bilateral, Multilateral and Regional R & D Cooperations”.
  16. 2013-2014: Run off erosion, Education and Culture DG, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Intensive Programmes. Transnational postgraduate course on runoff erosion processes and computing applications, in cooperation with University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Braganza, Szent Istvan University, University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) and University of Sassari.
  17. 2013-2014: Sea level changes, Education and Culture DG, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Intensive Programmes. Transnational postgraduate course on sea level changes and the related methods and techniques, in cooperation with Eotvos Lorand University, Technical University of Madrid, University of Trieste and University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC).
  18. 2012-2016: European Program COST Action ES1104: Arid Lands Restoration and Combat of Desertification: Setting Up a Drylands and Desert Restoration Hub. Main aim of this action is the formation of a ‘centre’ for the dry land restoration, which will host a multi-disciplinary network of European scientists as well as worldwide experts. They will concentrate on the dry land restoration and the opposition of the desertification via the vegetation development and management
  19. 2012-2013: Run off erosion, Education and Culture DG, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Intensive Programmes. Transnational postgraduate course on runoff erosion processes and computing applications, in cooperation with University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Braganza, Szent Istvan University and University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC).
  20. 2011-2012: Run off erosion, Education and Culture DG, Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Intensive Programs. Transnational postgraduate course on runoff erosion processes and computing applications, in cooperation with University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Braganza, Szent Istvan University and University Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC).
  21. 2010-2014: European Program COST Action ES0907: INTIMATE - INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records (60,000 to 8,000 years ago).This Action aims to develop common protocols and methods to reconstruct abrupt and extreme climate change across the full range of European environments (ice, marine and terrestrial) over the period 60 000 to 8 000 years ago, to better understand the mechanisms and impact of change, and thereby reduce the uncertainty of future prediction.
  22. 2010-2013: European Project INTERREG MED, 2bparks - Creative sustainable management, territorial compatible marketing and environmental education to be parks. Communal initiative for the enhancement of management and environmental protection practices in protected areas. The project aim is the establishment of legislated actions for educational tourism and the exchange of best sustainable practices throughout the development of common actions (e-learning courses development, multi-tools development for area management, education and communication of the involved bodies) among Spain-Greece-Italy-Portugal-Slovenia-France-Cyprus.
  23. 2010-2012: SMARTeST FP7: Seventh Framework Programme for research and technological development, Area: Built Environment, ENV.2009. Technologies for improved safety of the built environment in relation to flood events, “Smart Resilience Technology, Systems and Tools”. This research project has the overall aim to improve the Road to Market of innovative Flood Resilient (FRe) technology by reducing deficiencies and obstacles in the implementation of Flood Resilience Measures, facilitating the design of more holistic flood defence systems and supporting the implementation of the new EU flood risk management policy of “Living with Floods”. Through a collaborative research programme involving leading European institutions in this subject from the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain Greece the Netherlands and Cyprus, new technology, systems and tools will be developed, guidelines for validating their performance developed and applied in experimental studies to determine the reliability of today’s Flood Resilience products.
  24. 2009-2011: European Project INTERREG MED, STRENGTHENING INNOVATION CAPACITIES, DISSEMINATION OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND KNOW-HOW ‘Techno-environmental platform for the agro-food sector in the Mediterranean’. Community initiative on the promotion of ‘eco-innovation’ mainly in small companies of the Agro-food sector, by the development of a viable platform. The aim of this platform is the diffusion of environmental technologies and practices in the framework of ‘eco-innovation’, by exchanging information and developing common action between Spain – Greece – Italy – Portugal – Slovenia – France – Croatia.
  25. 2008-2012: National representative at European Program COST Action ES0701 - Improved Constraints on Models of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment.
  26. 2007-2010: Erasmus Intensive Programme, ‘Soil Protection in Sloping Mediterranean Agri-Environments’, SPinSMEDE. Scientific director of National & Kapodistrian University of Athens team. Transnational postgraduate course on computing applications and soil degradation processes in cooperation with University of Braganza, University of Wageningen, University of Lleida and University of Lugo.
  27. 2006-2008: Bilateral Project Greece – Cyprus (GeoCultural Park of Eastern Aegean – Union of Cyprus Municipalities) entitled ‘e-HERITAGE: Digital Application of Valorisation of cross border geocultural resources’. Funding: Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Research & Technology.
  28. 2006-2008: Bilateral Project Greece – Turkey (GeoCultural Park of Eastern Aegean – TAGEM Menemen Regional Research Institute of Soil and Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Village Affairs) entitled ‘Environmental technologies and the phenomenon of desertification’.  Funding: Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Research & Technology.
  29. 2006-2008: Leonardo Da Vinci, Pilot Project, EL/06/B/F/PP-148207, ‘Educational Strategies for the Promotion of Natural heritage, EDUNatHer’. EU project for the development and the provision of comprehensive solutions regarding innovative distanced training programs based on the use of web – GIS (Geographical Information System) technologies.
  30. 2006-2008: Bilateral Project Greece – Tunisia (GeoCultural Park of Eastern Aegean – Arid Regions Institute/ Institute des Regions Arides - IRA), entitled ‘WebGIS for Land Management Purposes’’. Funding: Ministry of Development, General Secretariat of Research & Technology.
  31. 2006-2008: European Project: INTERREG III Β MEDOCC ‘Sciences en Méditerranée - ARISHOT’. Community initiative on interregional co-operation across Greece – Italy – Spain – France – Algeria – Maroc – Egypt – Syria – Turkey on Structuring the Mediterranean Basin by developing the scientific heritage common to both sides of the Mediterranean, using Information Society tools.
  32. 2006-2008: European Project: INTERREG III Β MEDOCC ‘Gestion du Risque Nitrates pour une agriculture durable en Méditerranée - GRINMED’. Community initiative on interregional co-operation across Greece – Italy – Spain – France on Nitrate risk management for a sustainable agriculture.
  33. 2006-2007: European Project: INTERREG III Β ARCHIMED ‘Byzantine Heritage Network: Rehabilitation, highlighting and management in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin - BYHERINET’. Community initiative on interregional co-operation across Greece – Italy – Malta – Cyprus on establishing a network addressed to integrated management of Byzantine Cultural Heritage and GeoInformation Systems on GeoCultural Monuments.
  34. 2006-2008: European Project: INTERREG III Β ARCHIMED ‘Management of Water Resources and Wetland Protection in Tourism Developing Areas - MANWATER’. Community initiative on interregional co-operation across Greece – Italy – Malta – Cyprus on the sufficiency, preservation, protection of water resources and on the balance between demand and supply.
  35. 2006: Leonardo Da Vinci mobility program in cooperation with Carsamba Technical and Industrial High School - Turkey. Code: TR/05/A/F/PL1-275. ‘Performing a data-based Web site about schools and students’. Scientific director and coordinator of tutors.
  36. 2005-2009: National Delegate in European COST Action C22 - Urban Flood Management.
  37. 2005-2007: European Project: INTERREG III C – West Zone ‘Economic and Environmental Valorisation of Underground Cavities and Troglodytes - CAVESNETWORK’. Community initiative on interregional co-operation across the entire EU territory and neighbouring countries on the global research and preservation mechanisms of caves and geosites.
  38. 2005-2007: Bilateral Project Greece – Slovenia (Geocultural Park of Eastern Aegean – University of Maribor): ‘Development of Geographic Information System for the information of Local Government on environmental issues’. Financed by the General Secretariat for Research & Technology (3rd KTP Program ‘Competitiveness’,
  39. 2005: Research program entitled ‘Production of Action material distribution services using Digital Applications’ in the framework of the program ‘ROME- Roman, ancient Greek and amber routes, innovative Methodologies and measures connecting Europe’ within the European Initiative INTERREG IIB-CADSES.
  40. 2005: Leonardo Da Vinci mobility program in cooperation with the Corvinus University - Hungary, Faculty of Public Administration - Hungary, Department of Foreign Languages. Code: HU/05/PL/313. ‘Service oriented public administration – effective solutions in the practices of EU member states’. Scientific Coordinator.
  41. 2005: Leonardo Da Vinci mobility program in cooperation with Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Hungary. Code: HU/05/PL/205. ‘Practical Placements of Young Engineering Graduates’. Scientific Coordinator.
  42. 2004-2006: European project: INTERREG ROME – ‘ROman, ancient Greek and amber routes, innovative Methodologies and measures connecting Europe’. Within Community Initiative INTERREG III B, Priority 3: Promotion and management of landscape, natural and cultural heritage, Measure 3.1: Protecting and developing cultural heritage. 15 Participants from 5 countries aim at giving continual knowledge and perception of a vast and rich heritage by using innovative technologies.
  43. 2003-2009: National representative in the European Project COST Action 634 - ‘On- and Off- site Environmental Impacts of Runoff and Erosion’.
  44. 2003-2006: ‘Earth Observation’ Project entitled: ‘Development of an interpretation model of satellite imagery data, for the environmental monitoring of the East Aegean coastal zone’ (Funded by European Space Agency).
  45. 2003-2009: European Project Action COST A27 -’LANDMARKS’.
  46. 2002-2004: Bilateral Project Greece – France (IMAGE et VILLE Faculté de GéographieUniversité Louis Pasteur) entitled: ‘Natural hazards and environmental characteristics of the island of Syros’. (Financed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development).
  47. 2002-2004: Bilateral Project Greece - UK (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens – University of Aberdeen) entitled: ‘Study of environmental changes in Acheloos delta (West Greece) using remote sensing and GIS techniques’. (Financed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development).2002 - 2004: Bilateral Project Greece – Hungary (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens – University of Miskolc) entitled: ‘Development, modelling, protection and promotion of geocultural park in Achaia area’. Financed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development.
  48. 2002-2004: Bilateral Project Greece-Hungary (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - University of Miskolc) entitled: "Development, modelling, protection and promotion of geocultural park in Achaia area". Financed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development.
  49. 2001-2003: GDR CASSINI: "Analyse spatiale: gestion des flux et des réseaux, localisation, couplage de modèles". Financed by CNRS.
  50. 2001-2003: Bilateral project Greece – Poland (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens – University of Wroclaw) entitled: "Fire distribution analysis at Kefallinia Island (west Greece) and its influence on erosional processes". Financed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development.
  51. 1999: "Etude Intégrée du patrimoine paysager antique: Morphologie et modélisation", Bilateral project TELECOM - Paris and University of Besançon (Franche Comte).
  52. 1999-2001: European project COST G2 ‘Ancient landscapes and rural structures’ in the following Working Groups:
    1. ‘Atlas des formes d’occupation du sol et analyse spatiale’.
    2. ‘Methodology and Informatics’.
  53. 1999-2001: Bilateral project Greece - Slovenia (National Scientific Research Foundation – University of Ljubljana) entitled: ‘The use of new technologies in the heritage management and in the study of ancient landscapes and land use’. Financed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Ministry of Development.
Research programs financed by Hellenic Institutes

  1. 2023: "Geomorphological Study of the Navarino Bay Area". Funding: Messinia Tourism Enterprises S.A. (TEMESA)
  2. 2021-2023: "Contribution to the preparation of the geomorphological map of Greece at a scale of 1:1,000,000 and to the pilot large-scale geomorphological mapping of the Naxos sheet". Funding: Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration.
  3. 2020-2021: “Study of the creation of natural beachrocks and creation of artificial beachrocks. Their impact in the coastal environment and palaeoenvironment”. Financed by PA (Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework) 2014-2020.
  4. 2018-2020: “Modeling of the action of palaeo-tsunami in SE Cyprus and linkage with historical events across the Mediterranean.” Financed by the Mariolopoulos-Kanaginis Foundation.
  5. 2012-2015: ECOFLOW, "Cooperation 2011" – Collaborations of productive and research bodies, in focused Research and Technological Sectors. Main aim of the project is to cover the scientific gap between river hydrology and ecosystem sustainability, with the development of a multi-disciplinary modeling tool, which will combine hydraulic, hydrologic and ecosystem input data for the calculation of optimum environmental in river systems.
  6. 2011: Participation to the committee of climatic changes consequences and specifically in the team ‘Greek Inner and underground water’. Financed by Bank of Greece.
  7. 2009-2010: Project "Complete GIS of Galatsi Municipality", Financed by Municipality of Galatsi.
  8. 2009-2011: Project "HydroEvia Complete Study of Water Potential of South Evia", aiming for the development of a decision making system, by providing a thorough figure of the water potential of the area and co-ordinating the prefecture of Evia with the European Directive for Water. Contracting Authority: P.A. Evia. Project Supervisor: National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
  9. 2008: "Geomorphological study of Loyrda beach via comparison of different chronologies of aerial photographs and field work", Financed by Municipality of Livathos (70/3/9563).
  10. 2009-2010: "Geomorphological study for the creation and development of tafoni in the Cycladic area", Funded by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (code 70/4/7615)
  11. 2006-2007: "Paleogeomorphological study of Thassos Island", Funded by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, (code 70/4/7615).
  12. 2005-2006: Monitoring of erosional phenomenon: Innovative methods of research – prediction – valorization of geosites. ‘PYTHAGORAS II: Support of Research Groups of Universities’, Projects on ‘Environmental Protection and Education’, Sector: Human Resources, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Financed by the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (O.P. ‘Education’).
  13. 2005-2006: "Geomorphological study of Thassos Island using new technologies", Funded by the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (code 70/4/7615).
  14. 2003-2004: "Geomorphological and Environmental study of south Evia using remote sensing and GIS techniques", (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code 70/4/5745).
  15. 2003-2004: "Mapping and analysis of landforms of Samaria gorge (Crete Island) using GIS and remote sensing techniques" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code 70/4/5796).
  16. 2001: "Panhellenic network for Education - EduNet" (Financed by Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs) (code 70/3/5308).
  17. 2001: "Mapping the vegetation in Panepistimiopolis Area" (Financed by the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code: 4121-01-99).
  18. 2001-2002: "Development of a digital cartographical database for the mapping and management of educational units in Greece" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code 70/3/5308).
  19. 2001-2002: "Study of erosion risk at Aitoloakarnania area using GIS" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens).
  20. 2001-2002: "Study of slopes and other geomorphological characteristics in Cycladic area using GIS techniques", (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code 70/4/5747).
  21. 2001-2002: "Geomorphological and environmental study of south Evia using remote sensing and GIS techniques", (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code 70/4/5745).
  22. 2001-2002: "Mapping and analysis of landforms of Samaria gorge (Crete Island) using GIS and remote sensing techniques" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code 70/4/5796).
  23. 2000-2002: "Web GIS development for distance-learning education in Geographic Information Systems" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code 70/3/5308).
  24. 2000: "Digitization in GIS, Topographical and Geological data of Limnos Island", Institute of Geological and Mineral Exploration.
  25. 2000-2001: "Soil erosion study at Aitoloakarnania area, in relation to natural hazards using GIS" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code 70/4/71).
  26. 2000-2001: "Design and development of a Geographic Information System for the management of social-health data", (Financed by Τ.Ε.Ι. Kalamatas –Department of Health Units).
  27. 2000: "Development of a GIS for Ionian and Aegean islands" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (code: 70/3/5308).
  28. 2000: "Development of a Geographic Information System for the Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Achaia" (Financed by Greek Ministry of Culture).
  29. 1999-2000: "Soil erosion study at Aitoloakarnania area, in relation to natural hazards using GIS" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) (Code 70/4/4223).
  30. 1999-2000: "Spatial and temporal study of natural hazard distribution at the Ionian Sea-A GIS system for recording and imaging" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens).
  31. 1999-2000: "Environmental study using GIS in Patra area" (code: 70/4/4512) (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens).
  32. 1997: "Development of digital database for the recording of the staff of the Faculty of Physic and Mathematics" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens).
  33. 1996-1997: "Complete geological study of Zakynthos Island using GIS for the development of the area" (Financed by National & Kapodistrian University of Athens).