Department of Classics
    The University of Cincinnati Classics Department is pleased to announce the Margo Tytus Visiting Scholars Program.  Tytus Fellows, in the fields of philology, history and archaeology  will ordinarily  be at least 5 years beyond receipt of the Ph. D. Apart from residence in Cincinnati during term, the only obligation of Tytus Fellows is to pursue their own research.   Fellowships are tenable  during the regular academic year (September to April).

    There are two categories of Tytus Fellowships,  long-term and short-term.
        Long Term Fellows will come to Cincinnati for a minimum of one semester and a maximum of two during the regular academic year.  They will receive  a monthly stipend of $1500 plus housing and a transportation allowance of $1500.
        Short  Term Fellows will come to Cincinnati for a  minimum of one month and a maximum of two  months during the regular academic year.  They will also receive a monthly stipend of $1500 plus  housing  and a transportation allowance of $1500.
    Both Long Term and Short  Term Fellows  will also receive office space and enjoy the use of the University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union College Libraries.  While at Cincinnati Tytus Fellows will be free to pursue their own research.

    The University of Cincinnati Burnam Classics Library is one of the world's premier collections in the field of Classical Studies (  Comprising  270,000 volumes, the library covers all aspects of the Classics: the languages and literatures, history, civilization, art, and archaeology.  Of special value for scholars is both the richness of the collection and its accessibility -- almost any avenue of research in the classics can be pursued deeply and broadly under a single roof.  The unusually comprehensive core collection, which is maintained by three professional classicist librarians, is augmented by several special collections such as 15,000 nineteenth century German Programmschriften, extensive holdings in Palaeography,   Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies.   At neighboring Hebrew Union College, the Klau  Library, with holdings  in excess of 470,000 volumes, is rich in Judaica  and Near Eastern Studies.

    Application Deadline:  January  15.

A description of the Tytus Program and an application form is available online at Questions can be directed to Prof. Getzel M. Cohen (
See also: Scholarship