Publications by Year: 1988

Tziallas GD, Loupis M. 555 timer circuit indicates inductance directly. 1988;(April 1988):27.
Tziallas GD, Loupis M. 555 timer circuit indicates inductance directly. Electronic Engineering. 1988:27.
Kamberidou I. Ancient Greek designs still steal the limelight. GREECE TODAY, Daily Newspaper, edited in Athens, issue 7, April 5, 1988, section- LIFE STYLE p. 9. 1988;(issue 7):9.Abstract
Irene Kamberidou (1988). Ancient Greek designs still steal the limelight. GREECE TODAY, Daily Newspaper, edited in Athens, issue 7, April 5, 1988, section- LIFE STYLE p. 9.
Kouroupetroglou G, Caroubalos C, Asimakopoulos D, Vakasis N. An Autonomous Multichannel Data-Acquisition System". Review of Scientific Instruments [Internet]. 1988;59 (1):179–181. Publisher's Version
Bhatia RK, Hatzidimitriou D. Binary star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. [Internet]. 1988;230:215 - 221. WebsiteAbstract
We have surveyed the LMC cluster system and have identified 69 double clusters with a centre-to-centre separation of less than ~1.3 arcmin (~18 pc). We infer that a considerable fraction of these double clusters must be binaries since the calculated projection effects can account for only 31 of them. This inference is strongly supported by the fact that the ages available for some of the clusters of our sample (as determined from UBV photometry) are less than the computed times of merger or disruption of the binary cluster system. Furthermore, the space distribution of these pairs indicates that these clusters belong to a very young or young population.
Mylonas VM & E. Biogeographical analysis of the herpetofauna of the Greek islands. XXXI Congres-Assemblee Pleniere de la C.I.E.S.M. 1988;31:131.
Van der Schyf CJ, Mavromoustakos T, Makriyannis A. The conformation of (-) 8 α and (-) 8 β-hydroxy-δ9-tetrahydrocannabinols and their interactions with model membranes. Life Sciences [Internet]. 1988;42(22):2231 - 2239. Website
Koukli II, Sarantonis EG, Calokerinos AC. Continuous-flow chemiluminescence determination of sulphite and sulphur dioxide. The Analyst [Internet]. 1988;113:603-608. Website
Grekas N, Calokerinos AC. Continuous-flow molecular emission cavity analysis for organic sulphur compounds by alkaline hydrolysis. Analytica Chimica Acta [Internet]. 1988;204:285-293. Website
CAPSALIS CN, UZUNOGLU NK, Tigelis IG. Coupling between two abruptly terminated single-mode optical fibers. Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics [Internet]. 1988;5:1624-1630. Website
Pramanik B, Tsarbopoulos A, Labdon JE, Czarniecki M, Nagabhushan TL, Trotta PP. Demonstration of a 1–3 disulfide bond in a synthetic nonapeptide derived from the signal sequence and N-terminus of human γ-interferon. Biochemical and biophysical research communications. 1988;157(2):836-843.
Cokkinos DV, Christoulas S, Drakotos A, Deliyannis G. Diastolic coronary artery narrowing due to left ventricular dilatation. Acta cardiologica. 1988;43:625–630.
Hatzidimitriou D, Bhatia RK. Do Binary Clusters Exist in the Large Magellanic Cloud?. In: Vol. 126. ; 1988. pp. 567. Website
Vagenas G, Hoshizaki B. Evaluation of rearfoot asymmetries in running with worn and new running shoes. Journal of Applied Biomechanics [Internet]. 1988;4(3):220-230. Publisher's Version
Cokkinou V, Katsiyanni A, Orkopoulou M, Michalis A, Tolis G, Cokkinos DV. Evidence of increased hemolysis after open heart surgery in patients heterozygous for Beta-thalassemia. Texas Heart Institute journal. 1988;15:35.
Tsimpouki T. Faulkner's narrative endings: a study of closure. 1988.
Moser A. The History of the Perfect Periphrases in Greek. Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge. 1988.
Muñoz M, Díaz J, Escobar Jiménez F, Morales I, Vara C, Mantas JA, Martos J. [Localization of the parathyroid glands]. Rev Clin Esp. 1988;182(4):203-5.
Kamberidou I. The mini is nothing new. GREECE TODAY , Daily Newspaper, edited in Athens, issue 7, April 5, 1988, section- LIFE STYLE p. 15. 1988;(issue 7):15.Abstract
Irene Kamberidou (1988). The mini is nothing new. GREECE TODAY , Daily Newspaper, edited in Athens, issue 7, April 5, 1988, section- LIFE STYLE p. 15
Dimopoulou I, Dimopoulos AM, Tassopoulos N, Kalafatas P. A new case of Hodgkin's disease in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus seropositivity. Presse medicale (Paris, France : 1983) [Internet]. 1988;17(38):2037 - 2038. Website
Cokkinos DV, Christoulas S, Trapalis C, Ioannou N, Diakoumakos N, Drakotos A, Edelman SK. New criteria to increase the reliability of systolic time intervals in left bundle branch block and right ventricular pacing. Acta cardiologica. 1988;43:583–594.
Kontizas M, Hatzidimitriou D, Metaxa M. Observed Variations in the Density Profiles of Star Clusters in the LMC. In: Vol. 126. ; 1988. pp. 571. WebsiteAbstract
Thirty eight remote LMC clusters randomly distributed around the LMC rotation centre were measured by means of star counts in plates taken with the 1.2 m U.K. Schmidt telescope to derive their tidal radii and total masses. Seven of these clusters were found to violate the usual picture of a conventional density profile.
Tsarbopoulos A, Becker GW, Occolowitz JL, Jardine I. Peptide and protein mapping by 252Cf-plasma desorption mass spectrometry. Analytical biochemistry. 1988;171(1):113-123.
Jardine I, Scanlan GF, Tsarbopoulos A, Liberato DJ. Plasma desorption mass spectrometry of peptides adsorbed on nitrocellulose from a glutathione matrix. Analytical chemistry. 1988;60(10):1086-1088.
Sifianou M. The Politeness of Imperative Requests in Greek and English. PAROUSIA, TOMOS ST. 1988;6:223–244.
CAPSALIS CN, Frantzeskakis DJ, UZUNOGLU NK. Propagation of soliton waves in nonlinear dielectric slab waveguides of parabolic index of refraction. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves [Internet]. 1988;9:983-1002. Website
Fertakis A, Theodorakopoylos J, Germenis A, Chatzis G, Dimopoulos MA. Qualitative study of proteinuria in renal cell carcinoma. Acta Urologica Belgica [Internet]. 1988;56(3):464 - 470. Website
Kontizas E, Kontizas M, Dapergolas A, Hatzidimitriou D. Ratio of Early to Late Type Stars in SMC Clusters. In: Vol. 126. ; 1988. pp. 573. WebsiteAbstract
Spectral classification of stars in SMC clusters provide useful information on the evolutionary history of this galaxy and permit to test the theory of stellar evolution.
Tombras GS, Karybakas CA. Running average error reduces overload noise in delayed delta-modulation systems. International Journal of Electronics [Internet]. 1988;65:1105-1115. Website
Blommers MJ, Haasnoot CA, Walters JA, Hilbers CW. Solution structure of the 3'-5'cyclic dinucleotide d (pApA). A combined NMR, UV melting, and molecular mechanics study. Biochemistry. 1988;27(22):8361-8369.
Mastichiadis A, Oegelman H, Kirk JG. Spectral characteristics of the emerging X-rays from a possible pulsar in supernova 1987A. [Internet]. 1988;201:L19 - L22. WebsiteAbstract
We report on Monte-Carlo calculations of the emergence of X- and γ-rays from the envelope of the supernova 1987A. Assuming that there exists an X-ray emitting pulsar at the centre, we discuss the possibilities of observing its radiation and find that if the pulsar is about as luminous as the present-day Crab, it may be possible to detect the breakout at ~ 20 months. The pulsar should emerge first in the 6-16 keV band covered by GINGA. About six months later it would appear in the 20-45 keV band of MIR-HEXE. Because the optical depth of the envelope at breakout is still substantial (~4), we do not expect pulses to be detected straightaway. Our conclusions are based on a simple homogeneous model for the envelope and do not depend on whether or not ^56^Co is mixed into the outer layers. The time at which a pulsar of higher luminosity would emerge can be obtained from a simple scaling of our results.
Vasiliou V, Athanasiou K, Marselos M. The Use of ALDH Induction as a Carcinogenic Risk Marker in Comparison with Typical in Vitro Mutagenicity System. In: Biologically Based Methods for Cancer Risk Assessment. Springer US Boston, MA; 1988. pp. 231–240.
Μητραλέξη Κατερίνα. Άρθουρ Σνίτσλερ "Ο πράσινος παπαγάλος". Παρουσία [Internet]. 1988;6:373-384. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Στο μονόπρακτο του Άρθουρ Σνίτσλερ Ο πράσινος παπαγάλος [Der grüne Kakadu] κυριαρχεί ο προβληματισμός γύρω από την ουσία της πραγματικότητας. Γάλλοι αριστοκράτες επισκέπτονται την παραμονή της Γαλλικής Επανάστασης ένα ιδιόρρυθμο θέατρο-καπηλειό του Παρισιού, όπου οι θαμώνες είναι ηθοποιοί που παριστάνουν κακοποιούς και απατεώνες. Η ευχάριστη διέγερση των νεύρων που προσφέρουν στους αριστοκράτες οι επινοημένες αφηγήσεις των ηθοποιών έρχεται σε αντίθεση με αυτό που πραγματικά συμβαίνει και που οι αριστοκράτες αποφεύγουν να συνειδητοποιήσουν: τη στιγμή που εκείνοι απολαμβάνουν την ψευδαίσθηση της απειλής και του κινδύνου, ξεσπάει έξω, στους δρόμους του Παρισιού, η Επανάσταση. Το βασικό θέμα του έργου είναι αντιπροσωπευτικό της εποχής που γράφτηκε, δηλαδή του Fin-de-siècle, της Βιεννέζικης Νεωτερικότητας αφού ο Σνίτσλερ εστιάζει στα παρακμιακά στοιχεία και στο θέμα της αποσύνθεσης της πραγματικότητας. Ακόμα και ο χαρακτηρισμός «γκροτέσκο» που χρησιμοποιεί ο συγγραφέας για το έργο δεν δικαιολογείται με αυστηρά λογοτεχνικά κριτήρια, αλλά σκοπό έχει να τονίσει την ιδιομορφία των συμβάντων στον Παπαγάλο και να σχολιάσει τη στάση του κοινού που τα υπαγορεύει και τα προκαλεί.Arthur Schnitzlers Einakter "Der grüne Kakadu" (1898), vom Autor als Groteske bezeichnet, variiert das bei Schnitzler beliebte Thema des Verhältnisses zwischen Illusion und Realität. Im historischen Kostüm gekleidet - Französiche Aristokraten geben sich am Vorabend der Revolution in einer kabarettartigen Spelunke dem Spiel mit der Illusion hin, ohne die nahende Katastrophe wahrzunehmen - lassen sich die Figuren des Stücks nach dem Grad ihres Wirklichkeitsverhältnisses charakterisieren. Schon die Wahl des historischen Moments impliziert eine kritische Haltung gegenüber einer realitätsabblendenden Attitüde, die letztendlich auf Schitzlers Zeit und Gesellschaft hinweist.
Παπανικολάου Δ. Η ενδιάμεση τεκτονομεταμορφική ζώνη των Ελληνίδων. Δελτίο Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρείας. 1988;20:101-120.Abstract
The structure and geotectonic evolution of the medial tectonometamorphic belt is described. The main tectonic units are classified to parts of continental plates and of oceanic plates. A younger age of tectonism (Late Eocene) is detected at the base than at the top (Early Cretaceous) of the belt. The tectonic evolution of the belt includes two convergent zones of plate movement, one during Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous between the Serbomacedonian and the Pelagonian microcontinents with obduction of the Axios oceanic lithosphere onto the Pelagonian giving rise to the Internal Hellenides and another during Late Cretaceous-Eocene that included a subduction zone with blueschists generation and a subsequent collision of the microcontinents of the Pelagonian and the Lydo-Karian (Menderes), giving rise to the External Hellenides. Since Miocene times the previous paleogeographic-geotectonic units were consolidated to an unique structure.
Χρυσανθοπούλου-Farrington Βασιλική. Η Πασχαλινή Κούνια του Καστελλορίζου: Κοινωνικές Θεωρήσεις και Προεκτάσεις. In: Σύνδειπνον: Τιμητικό Αφιέρωμα στον Καθ. Δημ. Σ. Λουκάτο από Παλαιούς Μαθητές του στην Φιλοσοφική Σχολή Ιωαννίνων. Ιωάννινα; 1988. pp. 307-331.